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  1. how to redeem your archive acount
    2 points
  2. Please keep in mind. While I have no problem with you editing any of my AI patches, please at least credit me. Similarly, feel free to reupload them anywhere, as long as I have credit for the patch. While I'm not against AI requests, don't expect me to do them right away. I may take very long because of how often I get distracted. Hello all. I've been into MUGEN for quite a while. Starting this year, I was finally able to make my own content. For the most part, I've only done AI patches so far, though I am working on my own projects as of right now. These AI patches are all intended for watch mode and might seem quite unfair to fight against as a human. They have also all been developed under Fast 6 and are intended for speeds around that area. Below are summaries for the AIs that I wrote. Bare in mind that the ranking for these is based on a little system that Guy Kazama made. Check it out here: https://guykazama.neocities.org/rating.html Latest release: Gun Hishi: Original creator: Valgallah Rank: Above Average A speedy fighter. Hishi sports fast moves, many of them moving her around the stage aswell. Her comboability is pretty good and she doesn't lack damage like other characters from Second Cross. However quick they may be, however, her moves are also a bit predictable, espacilly her OTG Wave. She may miss it in AI battles and leave herself open, simply due to how some characters recover from the ground. Hishi also really can't fight from far away at all, as her sole projectile is a super, though her meter gain being as fast as her sort of makes up. Hishi doesn't sport any particular archetype weaknesses, though she isn't the strongest character either. Still, could make for some enjoyable matches in the lower tiers. Pasta SFIV Original creator: Exclamation_Question Rank: : Jobber Pasta is definetly the better of the two bootleg shotoclones - his projectile can be hard to jump over and he's got decently fast normals, espacilly his low medium punch. Pasta's got some weird atributes to him that can hinder him alot, such as his Tatsu not even being a combo despite carrying him across the entire stage. His inability to combo does not particularly help him either, though he's got good damage on all of his moves, at least. If his opponents have any sort of counter, be it a parry or similar, they will most likely have the advantage over him. Pasta can sit comfortably around lower tiers, but there's no denying he'd never be above them. He also has the tendency to just job matches every now and then as per usual with these kinds of chars. His throw is likely his best way of dealing damage, it's very fast and consistent. He can win matches every now and then, but it's not the usual for him. Phoenix Original creator: Exclamation_Question Rank: Above Average A character quite accurate to his source game - read, the game was terrible. On the surface, Phoenix may seem quite weak - he can only do attacks in the air when jumping forward, for example. But a closer look show that Phoenix is quite the janky character. He can only block low, and just ignores most attempts by opponents to combo him. In particular, launching him into the air is a bad idea, as he'll just fall back down, recover and hit back with surprisingly fast and spamable normals. Aside from a throw, a dash attack and a projectile, that is all Phoenix has though - he's not going to pull many tricks. Still, for lacking any combos, the speed of his attacks can more often than not make up for it. From his weird aspects, several opponents he shouldn't even be able to beat might just fall against him. In particular, he deals well with superarmor. Rober Rank: Jobber Rober is the worse of the two bootleg shotoclones - his projectile is faster, if more predictable, though he does have Pasta's decently fast normals. Rober's got a way worse tatsu, as it goes back and fourth rather than aiming for the opponent and it still doesn't combo. His inability to combo does not particularly help him either, though he's got good damage on all of his moves, at least. His best move is likely his Shoryuken, which can be used as a crutch in the corner, dealing great damage - only held back by a very short range. If his opponents have any sort of counter, be it a parry or similar, they will most likely have the advantage over him. Rober also has a tendency to job hard. Just like Pasta, his throw is likely his best way of dealing damage, it's very fast and consistent. On his own, however, Rober stands in a much worse light overall, he is not going to win as many matches. SCP-4666 Original creator: Taffy, Mighty Starmie Rank: Above Average A weirdly styled character. 4666's got good damage and range, but lacks in many options. It's normals are very slow and predictable, leaving it wide open should they miss. On the other hand, 4666's command grab comes out near instantly and interupts what opponents throw at it. Once it does get a hit in, 4666 can rack up some nice damage. When the opponent is knocked down, it'll use it's item throw special, tossing out a random helper. Sort of Faust style. It's a pretty good move that can help for 4666 to cause some damage from far, better so than fighting up close. Zoners are a big problem for 4666, as it just doesn't have the best tools to deal with them, being simply too slow. Older descriptions: Link to all of my patches: https://mega.nz/#F!n5EBXIba!b78tW65rMLrBLx8Me7To3w Future patches will be released in this thread aswell, so keep an eye out for those incase you're interested. Feedback is very appreciated. If there's something wrong with any of my patches, or you have a suggestion for one of them, feel free to tell.
    1 point
  3. Character Download: Hiroshi (mediafire.com) Stage Download: GTFoxMugen Training stage (mediafire.com)
    1 point
  4. Boys and girls! Gentlemen and Lasses! Its still amazing to see Mugen Free For All still up and running after having made this website way back in the year 2007. Its amazing how its been alive for more than 10 years!! Never would I ever imagine creating something so successful! and I got to say.... This place is a mess! RoboMonkeyMan, hit me up! (I know I left it messy) whats going on these days? whats new? whats old? what wars are waged? has anyone heard of Ikemen Go? (If you havent... ohhh my GOD. its amazing!)
    1 point
  5. I've created an AI patch for Sattin. https://mega.nz/#F!n5EBXIba!b78tW65rMLrBLx8Me7To3w
    1 point
  6. New AI patch is out, Sattin from the Nijijaku project. This is, at the time of writing this, my favorite AI patch so far, definetly recommanded. Grab it at the usual link.
    1 point
  7. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/orma3wapz2wgek3/The+Pharaoh+of+Frustration.rar/file
    1 point
  8. Wow I didn't know you have a MFFA account! You should follow me!
    1 point
  9. Merry Christmas!! Character download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0em2mqkrs8vu8ln/Mastered_Omi-form_Sonic.rar/file
    1 point
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