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About RicePigeon

  • Birthday February 2

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  1. After a discussion among the staff here at MFFA, we have made the decision to permanently remove the ability to post status updates for all users, effective immediately. It should be noted that there is no single action or event that prompted this decision, and rather, there are multiple contributing factors that have become more apparent over time, all of which can be categorized as an abuse of the status updates function. From our observation, the majority of status updates fell into one of four categories: requesting content outside of the requests area, personal attacks/insults, self-promotion, and detracting forum activity. 1.) Requesting Content Outside of the Requests Area This is an issue that has become more frequent as of recent. For the longest time, MFFA has had a rule in place not to request content outside of the Request section of the forums, and status updates are no exception. Despite our best efforts to curb this behavior, status updates continued to be the go-to for this type of activity. 2.) Personal Attacks/Insults While personal attacks and/or insults are already prohibited under our forum rules, it seemed that the system of choice for getting these attacks across was through the use of status updates. 3.) Self-promotion Rather than using the respective forums for releases and videos, many users opted to drop download links and/or youtube videos of their creations in status updates. 4.) Activity Detraction This last issue encompasses the previous three issues and is perhaps the biggest of the fours issues so far: status updates detract activity from other areas of the forum. Rather than using the forum for its intented purpose, the majority of activity on the forum was a result of people abusing the status updates functionality as if it were a dumping ground for everything akin to a social media platform, rendering the rest of the forums pointless. For these reasons, we have made the decision to remove the ability to post and view status updates for all users, effective immediately
  2. Following multiple repeat violations of our blacklisted URLs policy, we will now be immediately handing out infractions for any posts containing any blacklisted URL, with or without prior warning.
  3. @Mige308 Giving you 24 hours to post a new url that isn't from a blacklisted website or else this thread is getting binned.
  4. Well, it was inevitable, but I've finally decided to make the decision after 16 years to semi-retire from the MUGEN and IKEMEN scene. This was not an easy decision for me to make, and there is more than one factor involved, so I will do my best to outline them. The first of these factors is due to real world obligations. My original passion by getting involved in creating MUGEN content was to one day become a software and/or video game developer. Unfortunately, what started as a passion project later turned into an obsession. It began to detract from both my career and social life, as there were times where I felt that if I wasn't pushing out new content on a regular basis that I wasn't doing anything. Eventually, as I began work on Touhou: Gensokyo Reloaded and Touhou: Incident Zero, it began to detract from everything else, and public releases and updates came to a slog (the last thing I released was Futo back in October 2022). In short, I no longer felt motivated, though I initially dismissed this as a temporary feeling. The second, and perhaps the much bigger, factor involved was my spiritual life. Anyone who has engaged with me over the years is probably aware that, especially since the early days, one of my largest paranoia was the fear of having my content taken down for copyright infringement, a fear that overcame me very greatly back in 2011 where I went so far as to post a fake Cease and Desist letter purporting to be from the legal representative of Team Shanghai Alice (the creator of Touhou Project, which almost all of my content is exclusively based on) as an excuse to step away from the community, only for me to come back in 2013 and admit to the lie. I bring this up because, over the past few months, I've begun to rediscover my Catholic faith, and began to reflect on all this and what I was really doing was breaking the Lord's commandment of "Thou shall not steal", especially considering how the game assets that were being used were not only being used against the original creator's wishes, but also because the source itself was not obtained in a legal or moral method. It became clear to me that this was no longer just a legal concern, but a spiritual one, and I will admit that this wasn't the only sin that I've committed. I've consulted with my priest regarding this matter for guidance and I've come to the following decision; effective immediately, I will no longer be involved with development of Touhou: Gensokyo Reloaded, and development of Touhou: Incident Zero is hereby cancelled. I would like to offer my apologies publicly to ZUN and Tasofro in this matter for having wronged them in the eyes of God. I've also taken the additional step of removing all downloads to my MUGEN content and deleting both them and the pirated software from my hard drive, as I cannot condone keeping stolen goods in good conscience. While I cannot control what anyone else does, I implore anyone seeking to create and/or continue creating content for the MUGEN and IKEMEN engines to please seek permission from the copyright holder and/or creator before using them unless you yourself created them, not just for legal reasons, but for the sake of your own souls. Regarding my position as an admin of Mugen Free For All, I had initially intended to also make this announcement to announce my stepping down but, after discussing this with the remaining staff, I've made the decision to stay on staff for the time being. While I can no longer condone creating MUGEN or IKEMEN content using illegally obtained assets or assets used against the creator's will, I still recognize MUGEN and IKEMEN's potential for what it was originally intended for: a fighting game engine, which has legitimate purposes for original content (The Black Heart is a perfect example of this). In light of this, the MFFA community still needs guidance and I would not want to place an additional burden on the other admins. While things haven't gone exactly as I had initially planned, I feel that the coding and development knowledge that I had obtained is something that is priceless, and I feel obligated to share it in any way that I can, both in my future career path and with anyone who just wants to dabble with the engine as I did for the past 16 years. I apologize if making this post sounds prideful or boastful but it was something I needed to get off of my chest. I appreciate everyone who has helped me throughout these many years and the many friends that I've made along the way. Thank you for reading this and God bless.
  5. Moving this to the proper section, as the section you posted this in is intended for your own edits and add-ons, not edits & addons made by somebody else. You may want to provide actual screenshots and/or videos of that character you're posting, just so people have an idea of what they are actually downloading beforehand. Also, @tajmahmoud10May I ask why this part was necessary? This has nothing to do with the character and honestly seems like spam/flamebaiting.
  6. Hello MFFA, After recent events, we've had some accounts that were permanently banned from the forums attempting to contact other users of the forum to speak on their behalf. Many of these accounts had also attempted to contact staff on the behalf of the banned accounts. In light of this recent uptick, and after deliberation among the admins, we have decided to amend MFFA's rules with the addition of the following rule: __________________________◢◤ 4.5 ~ Conspiracy to Commit Ban Evasion ⤵ To put it simply, if it is discovered that you are attempting to speak on behalf of a banned account, your account will receive a ban, and the account on which you are speaking on behalf of will have their ban duration extended, as if they had attempted to ban evade by creating a new account themselves. We hope you understand why we had to implement such measures. If you have any questions, feel free to ask a member of staff.
  7. @blackgy Remember to use the edit button for future reference instead of triple posting in less than 10 minutes. And please do something about the formatting of your posts; it makes them very difficult to read.
  8. 10/30/22: (Incident Zero) Mononobe no Futo released The 18th Incident Zero character, the feng shui-manipulating shikaisen, Mononobe no Futo, has been released. Special thanks to Blade/Darkart for the sprites. Apologies if progress has been slow, but the majority of focus has been on the development of the Gensokyo Reloaded fullgame. Moving forward, progress should hopefully begin on a working demo of the Incident Zero fullgame. Link: http://ricepigeon.neocities.org [Futo] First Release.
  9. I don't know why you keep insisting on making multiple accounts, but this time this one counts as ban evasion. Enjoy your permanent ban.
  10. @fartfacegrossbuttocks9009This is not the place for you to make death threats at fictional characters (lol?) nor make demands about which characters should or should not be on the collection based on your own personal preferences. Also learn how to use the Edit button instead of making five posts in a row in less than an hour. Consider this your first and only warning.
  11. Please redownload the patch, as one of the updated files was absent and attempting to connect online with people while using a certain character may cause desyncs.
  12. Touhou: Gensokyo Reloaded version is now live. The patch contains fixes for bugs that were overlooked in version 3.0.3 and some improvements based on suggestions that were posted in the discord server. If you had already downloaded the patch prior to this announcement, please redownload it to ensure you have the most up to date version of it.
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