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Sir Ghostler

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About Sir Ghostler

  • Birthday 03/02/1998

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  1. The link in the collapsible directory is temporarily broken. Here's a working link to the thread. https://mugenfreeforall.com/topic/47925-castlevania-related-series/
  2. Click on the author name or icon to download. Atsuko 'Akko' Kagari 1st by Ghost Killer & Shimmering Brony || 2nd by Son Bra || 3rd by Son Bra Lotte Jansson 1st by Son Bra || 2nd by Son Bra || 3rd by Son Bra Sucy Manbavaran 1st by Son Bra || 2nd by Son Bra Diana Cavendish 1st by Son Bra || 2nd by Son Bra Hannah England 1st by Son Bra Barbara Parker 1st by Son Bra Amanda O'Neill 1st by Son Bra || 2nd by Son Bra Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger 1st by Son Bra || 2nd by Son Bra Jasminka Antonenko 1st by Son Bra Sarah Bernhardt 1st by Son Bra Avery 1st by Son Bra Ursula Callistis 1st by Son Bra || 2nd by Son Bra Chariot du Nord\Shiny Chariot 1st by Son Bra || 2nd by Son Bra Croix Meridies 1st by Son Bra || 2nd by Son Bra Woodward 1st by Son Bra Ancient Dragon 1st by Son Bra
  3. Yeah, it took me long enough to finish Akko, lol, but I'm glad she's released so people can enjoy her. Akko has been updated... https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgiPXTIYC2lboEzQzqcGFveKbV8e - Corrected some compatibility animations. - Added a few more compatibility animations. - Fixed a few remaining sprite errors. - Corrected a physics issue with the grounded burn state that would cause the opponent to slide unnaturally. - The super portrait now has its own dedicated sprite. - Extended the freeze for Ex specials by a few frames. - Tweaked and updated the readme. - And the first value for pal.defaults has been set to 1 because I forgot to do that, lol. Please redownload her.
  4. A collaboration project between myself and Shimmering Brony. I did the programming and designed most of the moveset, while Shim made the sprites and animations. This project wouldn't have been possible without him! Feedback is welcomed. We hope you enjoy her. Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgiPXTIYC2lboEzQzqcGFveKbV8e
  5. I've approved your account manually. Try logging in now.
  6. Your account was called TheMiner, correct? I went ahead and verified it manually. Hopefully you can access it okay now.
  7. Back in late April, before Sagat was released, I started work on Chun-Li. After losing motivation and taking a break on her twice, I finally was able to finish her. Once again, shout out to Guillotine from MFG as I commissioned him for a couple of animations which were necessary to complete the character. Feedback is absolutely welcomed. Enjoy. Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgiPXTIYC2lboEf1TcThxo-nbOPO?e=LWvWBI
  8. I'm super late, but thanks! Fifth update. This should've been released a while back, but better late than never, I suppose. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgiPXTIYC2lbnntVAN7L-vTKF6ML - Various bug fixes, including pushback and projectile juggle issues. - Guard Cancel Strike added. - Guard Cancel Dash added. - Default grounded recovery state has been overridden. - Probably some other various things I may have forgotten about. Please redownload.
  9. Update, Guillotine just finished editing Sagat's entire spriteset, giving it various improvements and additions, the biggest and most noticeable of which being his improvements to the head. Alongside this... https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgiPXTIYC2lboEY7_4qHKCBnpjMq?e=ORKURH - Fixed an issue with the hit limiter for Ex Tiger Knee not being properly reset. - Guard Cancel Strike added. - Guard Cancel Dash added. - Default grounded recovery state has been overridden. - Various animation changes here and there. Please redownload.
  10. I forgot to mention this, but expect an update for Demitri eventually as well. I just need to get a couple things sorted out for him before I can post it.
  11. I finally finished a Sagat after all this time, lol. Massive shout out to Guillotine from MFG as I commissioned him for a few animations for this project, I wouldn't have been able to finish it without him. Feedback is more than welcomed. Enjoy. Update, Guillotine just finished editing Sagat's entire spriteset, giving it various improvements and additions, the biggest and most noticeable of which being his improvements to the head. Another big thanks to him. Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgiPXTIYC2lboEY7_4qHKCBnpjMq?e=ORKURH
  12. It's not really the people's fault either, tbh. All the trouble that the forum's had in terms of hosting, stability, crashing and whatnot would've had a big impact on traffic. It's still gonna be a majority of the same users replying as well anyway. But yeah, it's your choice.
  13. Forth update, should be the last one for a while as I don't believe there's any remaining issues. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgiPXTIYC2lbnntVAN7L-vTKF6ML - Fixed and changed damage dampening with all projectiles. - Adjusted hitboxes of ES Chaos Flare and Demon Flare projectiles. - Adjusted effect placement of his burn sparks. - Other small things unrelated to gameplay. Please redownload.
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