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Mugen Free For All


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Posts posted by thekillnator

  1. Well, to be fair, they DO warn you, I guess. Can't judge a toy wand by it's anime girl and pink colors. Speaking of such, which anime girl is that on it anyway? Anyone know? She looks like Clara from Power Instinct Matrimelee.

    Its cardcaptor sakura

  2. I'd say let the post count speak for itself.  If the number of a members posts is displayed below their name, I don't see a reason to add an additional title based solely on post count as well.  Seems a bit redundant.

    I'm in favor of a sort of "title + rank" system, with requirements to earn them.  Sort of make becoming a
    mugen creator and reputable forum member like a game in and of itself. I know it's a bit lofty, but I think it
    would really provide some good incentives for people to create content.  Not to mention a lot of other benefits.

    So here's an example of what I'm thinking. Create a topic with a list similar to this:

    __/ 1) Character Creator   
    Bronze = create 1 playable character (not a sprite swap, that would be an edit)
    Silver = create 3 playable characters
    Gold = create 5 playable characters
    Platinum = create 10 playable characters

    __/ 2) Stage Creator
    Bronze = create a decent stage
    Silver = create 5 stages
    Gold = create 15 stages
    Platinum = create 50 stages

    __/ 3) Tech Savvy Creator
    Bronze = create a character with an air throw and a high res stage with super jump.
    Silver = create a character with hunter chain combo system and a stage with parallax.
    Gold = create a character with a parry or alpha counter and a stage with zoom.
    Platinum = create a character with

    __/ 4) Content Editor
    Bronze = remove all bugs from 3 existing characters
    Silver = properly align the animations and clsns for 3 existing "misaligned" characters
    Gold = add one hyper and one special to 3 existing characters and add zoom to 3 existing stages
    Platinum =

    __/ 5) Sprite Artist
    Bronze = Create a set of 12 sprite edits
    Silver = Sprite a new attack for an existing character
    Gold = Hand sprite an entire character
    Platinum = Hand sprite 3 characters

    __/ 6) Mugen Sensei
    Bronze = Answer 5 help topics (correctly)
    Silver = Answer 15 help topics
    Gold = Make a contribution to the code library and answer 25 help topics
    Platinum = Make a tutorial and answer 50 help topics

    __/ 7) Palette Master
    Bronze = Create 5 complete palette sets (6 or 12? palettes) for different existing characters
    Silver = Create 25 complete palette sets for existing characters
    Gold = Color separate a character and create 50 complete palette sets
    Platinum = Color separate 3 characters and create 100 complete palette sets

    __/ 8) Portrait Artist
    Bronze = Create 5 large or small portraits
    Silver = Create 25 large portraits
    Gold = Create 50 large and 25 small or custom portraits
    Platinum = Create 100 large portraits, at least 25 of which are custom

    __/ 9) Social Sage
    Bronze = Peacefully defuse 3 conflicts
    Silver = Earn 150 reputation points  
    Gold = Go 500 posts without getting any warning points (starting whenever)
    Platinum = Get nominated and have 5 supporting votes

    Logistics:  Create a thread where people can submit links for review if they think they've earned a particular title or rank,
    or if they think someone else has.  Start the topic off by saying "Review may take some time, please be patient." Leave
    it public and let the forum members verify and discuss whether or not they think the person should earn it.  If they think their claims are valid, or "the characters/stages/portraits they created are sufficient" etc. then they
    can tag an admin in a post and ask to have it the title/rank added.  Sort of a democracy, so people would know that if a person has a title they actually earned it, they didn't just minimally fulfill some requirements.  Not to mention it would disperse the "work" of validating claims to many people so no one would have to do all of it.     
    Display: Have a small icon for each title sort of like a trophy that appears under the members avatar.  The trophy's color would be determined by the rank as described above. Hovering the mouse over the trophy would give the text (Character Creator, etc).

    Steps:  First thing would be to start a thread and let people discuss what they think the qualifications for
    different ranks should be, as well as what titles should exist altogether.  Then let people create, submit and
    vote on trophy icons.  Once the titles and level requirements are set, and the icons are created, open up the
    "promotion democracy" thread, and let people have at it. 


    For an additional rank based on post number my suggestions would be:
    10 - Noob
    25 - Greenhorn  
    50 - Rookie
    100 - Mugenite
    200 - Warrior
    400 - Ninja
    600 - Master
    800 - Grand Master
    1,000 - MFFA Veteran  
    1,500 - MFFA Icon
    2,000 - MFFA Champion
    2,500 - MFFA Royalty
    3,000 - MFFA Ancient
    4,000 - MFFA God
    5,000 - MFFA Boss

    The idea of special titles is pretty cool too "Vault Hunter", "Legend", "Peace Keeper", "Administrator" / "Moderator" of course etc.

    That's perfect! We should do that.

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