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Status Replies posted by thekillnator

  1. How do you even reply to statues updates now????


    But hey everything else looks so simple and cool

  2. How do you even reply to statues updates now????


    But hey everything else looks so simple and cool

  3. Which Sonic game was the easiesst and hardest for you to get the chaos emeralds in between sonic 1 up to 3d blast?

  4. Hope everyone has a safe and happy Easter Sunday.

  5. It's snowing outside. Whoopty Doo...

    1. thekillnator


      You do look like your celebrating in your profile pic. Lol

  6. Six day weekend for me. TURN DOWN FOR H'WAT

  7. Huh.. Idk if that downtime was temporary, but Yu-toharu's onedrive is back up.

  8. Well....went to the graveyard to say good-bye and help my family to bury grandpa, gona miss him but as now the tears are all gone and just a slighty empty feel and sadness remains.

  9. 'We should go out into the real world and fuck the fucking fuckers'

    1. thekillnator


      Yes and i'm buttering it up real good. Lol

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Who would win in a fight: Ryochi or Ryoucchi?

  11. it can be very stressful having a girlfriend at times -_-'

    1. thekillnator


      Just hang in there, everything can get better. Not all the time is bad just keep your head held high and hope for the best in the future.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. What if every series had a Micheal Bay Version?

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