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Posts posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. 2 minutes ago, A person said:


    The creature tried to stand up, but found itself being cut by the straight line attack, causing it to fall back down, and then finding itself getting hit by a rock. It started to shake, frost coming off of its body. 



    Hera: A powerful buildup of mana...get away from it!

    Edward got away from the creature in order to avoid whatever attack it was going to perform.



    Damn... this... thing... is tough...

  2. 12 minutes ago, A person said:

    The blast hit the red knight directly, throwing off her thrust entirely and causing her to miss. However, she only went up a few inches from the blast before coming back down, which also slid the body up and off of her spear in a rather messy way. Upon landing, she would begin to slowly approach Yui again, raising her shield once more. It was as if the ability did nothing.

    Tommy's body rolled on the ground after getting sent off the spear. Blood started to cover the ground as he laid on the ground. He was dead; no doubt about it, as his lower body had been completely split in two. In fact, the only part of his body that hadn't been sliced in half was a bit of his upper body, his neck and his head.

  3. 3 minutes ago, A person said:

    Idealis couldn't help but notice her sudden abandonment. 



    Idealis: Hey, where are you going?! You'll get lost!


    The creature would be swept off of its feet by the attack, though it would quickly retaliate by swiping its right saber arm at his left leg from its prone position. Hera pointed her runeblade at the creature and sent a fiery blast at it, throwing off its swing and causing it to hit the ground instead as she covered for him. She then raised the runeblade up, flames beginning to twist around it.



    Hera: Quickly, now is our chance to strike!

    Edward took a step backwards. He then proceeded to rip another boulder out of the ground, before breaking it into two smaller rocks. He proceeded to throw one of the rocks at the creature, keeping the other one close to him in case he needed to use his Earth powers again. However, another thing caused him to be fairly concerned, not like that distracted him from the fight.



    (...why hasn't Tommy called me yet...? D - did something happen to him?)

  4. 3 minutes ago, A person said:



    Hera cleared her throat. The dark presence grew closer.



    Hera: ...I suppose it will make itself known to us, however.


    Eventually, it would reveal itself; a creature with an almost humanoid body that had two saber-like arms upon it that had a bright glow and lights upon its body that scrolled downwards, like a conveyor belt upon its body.



      Reveal hidden contents







    The creature raised its arms and let out a strange gasping sound upon exiting the darkness of the forest. Noticing it, Hera backed away. It was clear that this creature was the source of the presence. It started to approach Hera directly.



    Hera: A mutated one...be on your guard! If we do not slay this creature...then it will most certainly try to attack Candor!


    She pointed her runeblade at it, an electrical charge building around the blade.

    Edward aimed one of his hands at the ground, before pulling out a rock down from the Earth. He then proceeded to use his enhanced strength to throw it at the creature.

  5. 3 minutes ago, A person said:


    Noticing the approach of yet another threat, the knight proceeded to do what was best and disengage from the situation, managing to make a slight hop backwards and away from the two attackers, allowing her to evade Yui's attack, though it would hit the spear instead, and letting the front of her weapon drop to the ground and drag along it, creating a wider hole in the body upon it. Once she gained her distance, she proceeded to once again adopt a defensive stance.



    ???: Secondary threat detected. Leave this field at once, or I shall be forced to neutralize you.

    Tommy screamed in agony as his wound became bigger; it was beyond healing at this point.



    I... can't go... not... like this...


    Tommy started bleeding out; there was no point in saving him anymore. He would die no matter what happened.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Agni Artwaltz and Rokurou Rangetsu



    Agni: (Oh no, they saw us. They saw us! What am I supposed to do now?!)


    Rokurou: ... This kid has been captured and I'm taking him with me as my hunt bait. It's his punishment for trespassing his own limits.


    Agni: (W-What?! D-Don't be so direct, idiot!!)


    Rokurou: So, unless you prefer for him to be eaten alive by some monster...


    Rokurou grabbed Agni quickly and carried him in one arm.



    Agni: W-Whoa!!


    Rokurou: You might as well come after me and take him back by force!!


    He ran away with Agni, expecting the others to follow him after saying his friend was going to be purposedly killed in a hunt.



    Agni: What are you trying to do?! Get yourself killed by them?!


    Rokurou: I doubt that you want only us outside the slums, right?!


    Agni: Ah...! Well, I do, but-


    Rokurou: Just hang on tight and let me do things! We're getting out quickly!


    Grr... get back here, you bastard! You'll pay for kidnapping Agni like that!


    BGM: Goin' Down


    Kyosuke began to chase Agni, aiming at Rokurou's legs the entire time; nothing was going to stop him from saving one of his only friends from getting kidnapped, even though in reality that wasn't what was happening.

  7. 9 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Agni Artwaltz and Rokurou Rangetsu


    BGM: Traverse Town still playing


    Eventually, they went through another path, almost back at the meeting point.



    Agni: I guess we're close to the end.


    Rokurou: Yeah, that seems to be the case.

    Agni: Glad that the fact you're a fighting maniac helped us getting by the guards without problems.


    Rokurou: Well, what can I say? It's a trait I'm proud to have.

    Agni: If you say so.


    However, one problem appeared: they were near Team 1. It seems as if they were asking around, so nothing seemed wrong. But if Agni were to be seen with Rokurou at the state he currently is, a lot of explanation would be necessary and they couldn't waste more time.



    Agni: (Oh crap, it's Light's team!!)


    Rokurou: Look at those guys running around. What the hell are they doing anyway?


    Agni: I-I'll explain later! Forget about them and just go!


    Rokurou: H-Hey, hold on! Don't need to push!


    Even though his hands were locked, Agni pushed Rokurou around with his shoulders. He needed to get away without being seen.

    Unfortunately, Kyosuke saw Agni and Rokurou; this caused him to believe that Agni was being kidnapped.



  8. 11 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


      Hide contents




    The Knight went down dropping his gun and clasping his leg in pain..



    The grenade that rolled near Hugh and Ludger explodes. Hugh passes over it during his attack as is caught in the blast. The knight attempts to retreat to safety behind a car.


    Ludger successfully dodges the grenade and shoots the knight in the shoulder causing him to drop his gun. He takes cover behind a car and cooks a grenade and rolls it under the car between where Ludger and Hugh where.


    The clackers hit the Knight as he tries to escape he drops his gun and spins in place.


    The Knight is still stunned from the clackers and is shot in the foot falling and smashing his face on the ground. He can't run so he reaches for his pistol and fires back at Dante.


    The forth and fifth Knight's show up. The take cover behind a car. The forth shooting at Dante the Fifth shooting at Frank


    Frank pulled out his pistol and shot at the fifth knight, before shooting at the knight that shot at Dante.



    This is why you don't fuck with a photographer!

  9. 1 minute ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




    The 3 Knight's catch up to the group to find out their reinforments have been lowered...one Knight whispers into his communicator...


    Send reinforments...


    2 more guards respond and are on the way. One Knight cooks and tosses a grenade just out of Joseph's and Dante's reach and begins shooting at Frank. Another Knight roles a grenade at Joseph and begins shooting at Ludger. The third Knight roles a grenade between Hugh and Ludger.


    Frank pulled out his pistol and used his enhanced speed to shoot the guard that was shooting at him. He proceeded to turn around and attempt to shoot any guards behind him, before turning back around and shooting any guards that were in front of him.

  10. 11 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    The two nights fell to the ground. Luckily...they were shot i the LEG BECAUSE FRANK DID NOT WANT TO KILL THEM! Since there wasn't any Knight's behind him...he shot a couple trash cans in the alley.

    Frank turned back to his front, apologizing to any civilians that he had scared in the process.




  11. 8 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    The three Knight's make contact with 2 more Knights. The other two creep up on Dante and Joseph from side while the 3 previous Knight's creep up threw the alleys slowly making there way back to Joseph and Dante.


    @NijikakuFan61 @Mister Fael


    Frank noticed the guards, and proceeded to pull out his camera in order to create a flash to blind them. If that worked, he'd pull out his pistol and shoot the guards, before turning around and shooting any guards behind him.



    I'm covered from both corners, you bastards!

  12. 3 minutes ago, A person said:

    Unfortunately, his block would miss, causing the spear to pierce through Tommy's back entirely, though he would find himself being pushed back and away by the weapon. She stepped out from the alleyway and brought the weapon back, with Tommy still on it, then thrust it at Mirfah's torso.



    ???: Target One neutralized. Moving onto next target. 

    Tommy stayed impaled on the spear., blood coming out of his wound.



    F - fuck... I - I think I'm... almost dead...

  13. 25 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



    After running without looking behind, Mirfah eventually reached the streets, finally leaving the cramped alleyway.



    Mirfah: Haaah... damn, I think I'm not that used to my human body anymore...


    He looked behind him but didn't manage to see her following him. It seems she stood behind attacking Tommy.



    Mirfah: Huh?! Did she stood behind attacking Tommy?! Damn it, it didn't work!!


    When he looked with more precision, there was Tommy running towards him and the red knight following him.

    Tommy managed to finally get close enough to Mirfah.



    (out of breath) Y - you gotta help me man... th - that knight... s - she almost caught up to me...

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