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Status Updates posted by Solarflared

  1. Galacta Knight was spared of corruption, but it seems Mewtwo was not so lucky.
    At least she went out with one hell of a bang.

    1. Gaulbetti


      It corrupts people? Huh.


      Also that Melee character is a girl? She sounds super weird.

    2. Solarflared


      Actually, I'm not talking about the Smash Bros. Mewtwo. They're probably male/genderless, for I know.
      I'm talking about me and Gladiacloud's own Mega Mewtwo Y.

  2. A few things...one, I'm probably not gonna make another stage again.
    Two, been planning on updating a few characters; you might've seen my progress on one on my youtube channel, but I'm debating on whether or not I should publicly release it, or jsut only put it out to trusted friends.

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      I genuinely don't get why you're so bothered about them being uploaded to MA, as it happens to pretty much everyone and such is inevitable on a public release. They'll find their way onto MA one way or another.


      Heck, I have your stuff hosted in the event they go offline, mandated by me running a collection with them in.

  3. Ok, so...
    I guess it wouldn't hurt to try releasing a stage instead of a character...?
    I mean, I haven't made a thread about it on here yet, so...

  4. Today fills me with such despair.

  5. Jigglypuff learned to copy another move via the use of Mimic!
    But who does this belong to, anyway...?

    1. thebestmlTBM


      Jigglypuff used Mimic.


      Jigglypuff learned Thunder Jolt. (Pikachu)

    2. Galvatron


      that cool progress Man!

  6. "Weren't you the host of a reality show? You wanna be president of the United States?"

  7. You're fired.


    1. TMC55



    2. Ryon


      not again!

  8. On a serious note, my name/title looks kinda red, yes...

    * I wonder why...hehe...

  9. "just because Street Fighter Alpha/the MvC series uses simpler sprites and less frames doesn't mean one needs to half-ass the job, as some people can attest to"

    1. Montblanc


      What do you mean by simpler sprites?

    2. Solarflared


      Stuff like this.

      "Thank goodness this is MVC style, that means less frames and less detail, cause animating this beast was a "process" alone!"

      I don't really consider "less detail/frames because of the gameplay style" as a valid excuse for character quality.

      I'm not saying their Agumon is bad, mind you, just...average.

    3. Montblanc


      It's sad how some people in the MUGEN community disregard people's efforts in character quality over the simplest things. I mean, high quality custom sprites vs low quality custom (or probably ripped) sprites are something but i've never seen anyone disregard a character's quality over what the source game is often criticized for.



  10. Pay and ergonomic seating,
    Pay and ergonomic seating,
    Give us favors such as these!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      He's the goalkeeper.

    3. Solarflared



      Are goalkeepers allowed to catch with their hands? I'm not sure since I barely know shit about soccer

    4. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      This however, is more questionable


  12. So Kirby: Planet Robobot comes out on friday.
    I expect spoilers are going to be at an all time high, so please don't ruin it for me, Okay?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PlasmoidThunder


      The only spoilers I like are the ones I can use to pimp my sweet ride.

    3. Sweetfire13


      Why on earth are you worried about spoilers for a kirby game

    4. Solarflared


      Because I want to get the game. I haven't really been playing much Kirby games lately, so that's why.
      If I didn't want to get Kirby: Planet Robobot, I wouldn't mind the spoilers.

  13. Keep your reticle calibrated, Fox.


  14. No! Stop touching me! I am the night!

    1. jenngra505


      Are you making a bat for Mugen?

    2. Solarflared


      Not currently, but I have plans for the long-term.

  15. ♪~Smoke Weed Everyday~♪

  16. Have you any more good news? Perhaps you'll tell me next that my parents were eaten by wild Carnivine?

  17. * Get UMKT Shang Tsung flashbacks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Superkingkong65


      The endurance battles were not impossible, but they were very hard, I'll tell you what. Depending on what you put as endurance in the 5th column tower.

    3. Solarflared


      lol nobody has ever downloaded UMKT Shang Tsung before?

    4. Superkingkong65


      I remember downloading UMKT Shang Tsung by the None. All I remember is a zombie picture. That is it. Though I thought it was a good character.

  18. Now, wake up!

    1. Noside


      Grab a brush and put a little makeup! (System of a Down song)

  19. You see a light wherever you go, you have to face it again and again...

  20. Oh dark, the darkness that dozes in the dusk, throw it all away...

  21. No-one can break you, nobody can tear you, you live an endless life forever...

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      What's with these random quotes anyway?

    2. Solarflared


      I decided to do them as a build up to something.
      Try and guess what it is before the end of the month.

  22. Oh dark, the darkness that dozes in the dusk, throw it all away...

  23. Get there, no matter how long it takes...

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