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Status Updates posted by OldGamer

  1. I am not saying that I'm quitting Mugen I'm just saying I'm not coming here anymore I am going to spend most of my time at Mugen Fighters Guild and infinity Mugen team I get more feedback and suggestion over there then here at MFFA. I don't get much feedback or suggestions when I release my content here at MFFA so therefore I am moving elsewhere where everyone appreciates my work, So everyone at MFFA Community you have a good one and happy holidays and goodbye from old gamer 👍

    1. Ryou


      its not that nobody appreciates your stuff here, its just that 99% of the folks who comes to mffa only does so to browse around the warehouse section, its hardly a place where members actively give feedback to each others. it happens not only to you but to everyone else who posts their creations here as well, myself included. while it indeed is sad, i'm afraid there's not much that can be done about it. respect your wishes though.

    2. jo19sh92


      Take care OG, sorry you're not getting the attention you desire. Don't get me wrong, I wish MFFA was more active, but since all sorts of stuff have caused MFFA to kind of become more or less a hosting spot, and with a lot of other resources and activities shut off from a lot of people, that tends to happen. You might have better luck on MFG, but nonetheless, thank you for everything you do. Personally, as Ryou has said, I come here to browse. While I would be willing to post extensive reviews of characters, I only do that for people who actively request it (and if I happen to notice they uploaded something that won't take me forever to download, lately a lot of people's characters are getting bigger and bigger and its just becoming obnoxious to download them on my crappy net). Plus, nobodies like me don't really have an opinion that matters my dude, so if you want some serious constructive criticism, why not just visit like TrinityMugen or something, I do believe many of the people there are far more active in the talking department. MFG is kind of the same, but there's also a lot of people on there that tend to be VERY demanding of creations, so you'll have to basically go 200% to get any recognition. I only even go to MFG anymore to upload game resources for people to MUGENize and to download stuff. I guess you could try MA, but that's a cancer upon this community.

    3. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      I feel ya OG. See ya round...

  2. Hi everyone I want to show a full version of my Screen Pack was banned back in 2017 this were suppose to be A Capcom theme.


    How did this project started ?

    A mugen Fan from the Old Dead forum site named Crusader Cast.. ask me if there was a Future plan to make  Capcom theme. I explain to the person that its no point of me making a Capcom theme screen pack because there were to many of them.then he got salty and said there no way oldgamer can make a capcom screenpack. so all I did was made a Intro for its but, then my friend bdc said to me don't bother with people demanding you to make things for them, so I banned the project after crusader cast finally got shut down I took the stuff from what I created and made BitMugen from the idea layout. 

    here the a video of 50% done so far I hope everyone love it....


  3. I just release a screen pack and no responses this must be a dead forum :th_082_:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OldGamer


      @LightFlare_Da_Realest XD OMG im so sorrry  the screen pack was not even an reign of creation. becuase the idea was not made by me I only coded the stage and screen pack for akito xD 

    3. LightFlare_Da_Realest
    4. OldGamer


      @ LightFlare_Da_Realest  its okay and if I do create any classic screen pack that 100% Reign of Creation hahaha :OhYeah:

  4. hey if you love marvel and also want to play netplay  prety please check the new version of Shair Invasion made by bdc. Please its the first full game with the score system and netplay by using the Ikemen Plus v.3. i mean the guy took his time to make this in his free time. you dont see a ikemen with score system

  5. i wish my Melty blood Ikemen remix was chosen on the Grand Master Release and shop

    :4b05aba5dc134:I dont ask for mush but this one thing  


    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- This Looks Awesome! You Outdid Yourself Once Again, OldGamer! ^_^

  6. Hey its fun for while. but its time for me to say goodbye to MFFA.

    God bless and take care everyone


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Darkflare
    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      You, good sir, will be missed by many here, including myself.

      If you ever feel the urge to return, you know where you can find us :)
      Best wishes friend.

  7. hey buddy long time no see. I hope your doing well :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OldGamer


      hey bro if you ever need anything from Old man just let me know . I am always here to help out if ever need assistance on mugen and support  :goodmood:

    3. OldGamer


      Almost forgot did ever seen my latest Mugen Screen Pack :haha_dunk_by_pineapple_soup-d8ryyed:





      looks like im downloading!

  8. "Im putting Screen Pack on hold Because Im having a lot of heath problem again
    Im going be spending more time at the hospital again sorry guys

    This oldman going spend more time at hospital. Once I get better I will be able to finish my project and so the Mugen Archive RED & Blue Screen pack will be put on hold until I recover again. I think wont be spending any time for Christmas while Im there at Hospital. I'm truly sorry guys but as soon I get back on my feet again I can start finish the project.Please don't worry I will be strong and try my very best to get back on track and
    for now take care everyone and god bless you all with a lot of love from the Old Gamer

    your member and Contributor
    Jame Castro

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Infinite Kyo
    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      Sorry to hear that OG, really hope you get good and well soon.
      Not sure what your taste in comedy is like, but sometimes laughter can be good medicine for the mind :)
      A few comedians def worth checking out, if you got some time with the netflix:  Louis CK, Iliza Shlesinger, Joe Rogan, Patrice O'Neal, Kevin Heart
      In the meantime, we'll miss ya!

    4. Lillie's 音MADs

      Lillie's 音MADs

      I hope you'll get well soon.

  9. I like to make  a announcement and I like to point out to everyone that I'm working on a New Screen Pack project and I get the feeling that some of you might not like the Idea of me doing this but pretty please understand that before I join this forum. I started joining first  Mugen Fighter Guild and I join Crusader Cast second and Third was Mugen Archive way before I joined Mugen Infinity Team . My Main Home is still is Crusader Cast and My second Home is Mugen Archive. My dream was to make two screen packs for Crusader Cast and Mugen Archive.


    Everyone there we so kind to me and I never had any problem with them. After what happen with Mugen Fighter Guild and Mugen Archive Drama. One thing you guys have to understand that. Im a free lancer Creator and I don't take side of any kind. Forum Drama has nothing to do with me from the start. The only thing I want to do is create stuff for Mugen for everyone can enjoy my stuff that I make for Mugen. Please Keep your opinion to your self what ever kind of hate you may have with Mugen Archive.


    Im working fresh new design for the New Screen Pack named RED, BLUE AND PINK Mugen Archive. they going to have 90-150-250-520-750- 1000 and a Menu Roster that will Hold 8600+ slots all into one. the screen pack will have its own Intro, Game Over and Credit ending along with its own original Life Bars as well


    The Screen Pack will be release in the Mediafire Download and also Mega Limited as well in the Mugen Archive Download Data base


    This OldGamer saying God Bless You and as always Take it easy you Guys :)


  10. These are Sound FX never been used for the Crusader Cast Tournament screen Pack


  11. Hi everyone :D I release another screen pack


    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      Oh hell yes!  
      Dude this looks fucking fantastic.

    2. OldGamer


      why thank you RMH :D

  12. Just what if M.I.C.A Screen Pack Had a 720p version ?

    will anyone even care to use it ?



  13. thank you guy for all your support dont forget that Very Danny boy and Demon kai is part of this fun project build. Aslo there a addon slot folder with in the package you cant miss it

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Excellent Job on the Screenpack, Yo!

  14. MES Screen Pack is release enjoy everyone


    1. gui0007
    2. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Awesomeness!!

  15. There going to be a total of 20 Classic remix stages for the M.E.S Screen Pack and Here is one of them in action, I just need 8 more stage to create and The M.E.S Screen Pack will be release for everyone to enjoy. this is just a good look what the screen pack going have with the MES package :headphones:

    PS: Dont forget everyone  The MES Screen Pack will come with Mugen 1.0 and Mugen 1.1 version 

    just In case if you wanted to know :rightyouareplz:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Galvatron


      Awesome! Stuff OG! :-)

    3. OldGamer


      thanks guys I just need 8 more stage to make and she be ready to be release


    4. Superkingkong65
  16. Okay everyone here the final Preview of My Screen Pack. This Demonstration will show you the huge version of the M.E.S Screen Pack and also Show the rest of the life bars for the Sumil Mode and the Turns Mode :D



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OldGamer


      Thank you CoolAnimeHustler.At first  I wanted to make a Mugen Screen Pack Base on Arcade Collection  but I had a lot problem with the ram issue and so what I did was I had try to reduce size and change it up at first but the problem its look so terrible that's when I had to Banned the Project for Mugen Arcade Collection. I ts really broke my hear that the Mugen Arcade Collect had so many issue and and its did not work at all, But that when My good friend DemonKai and Dannie came to me. Said Why did banned Mugen Arcade Collection, and I did explain to them that the screen pack giving a MASSIVE OVERHALL ran of 1,3BG when loading and that why I scrap the Project. but then Demon kai came to me with a stages Idea on making a remix version of Bionic Commando Stage. that when Dannie said WOULD BE awesome if we had Mugen Arcade Collection to be more like the Old Nintendo Console but in mugen theme and right there was the new beginning for the M.E.S project. So we had long long discussion on who we make this happen. and BOOM there you have it XD haha 

    3. sonikun
    4. Anastasia


      That looks amazing and fabulous as always OldGamer. I love the way the screenpack looks plus the animations in it. Very smooth and flows. I'll give you five stars on that one, looks good as always!!!

      Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~


  17. Mugen Entertainment System Screen Pack Coming Soon


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OldGamer


      thank you guys I been bustting my butt for this. and was an epic and cray project. And  also got a backup for the mugen fans like to collect characters as well here the 323 slot version



    3. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Sweet! Your Doing a Great Job, Yo!

    4. Galvatron
  18. By the MFFA is being slow again not as bad but still its need to be more stable :confuse:

    1. OldGamer


      you know slow but not fast but slow :dead:

    2. gui0007


      LOL! XD
      Well, it works well for me. :P

    3. Galvatron


       it work fine for me, but i guess for some of us its a problem (especially those that has slow internet connections)...

  19. My avart is gone my display page is gone and I cant get to anyone of the topic I hope this get fix real soon XD and all the topic and section are all Blank pages

    1. Flowrellik


      well, the reason for this is because they restored MFFA backed to an older date. idk how or why but it got crashed somehow. They should be looking in on this

    2. TotalDramaXtremist


      Ryon noted that this issue won't be resolved until RMH upgrades the Creation Suite.....

    3. PlasmoidThunder


      You can fix your avatar by uploading a new one.

  20. hope everyone enjoy my creation for Blue mugen. I always wanted to remake it base off my very first edit the low res blue mugen that was made two years ago. And I pray that my video guide will help everyone to make there own edit roster for the New Open Source of My Blue Mugen Screen Pack. :D

    1. Ryon


      This is gonna sound stupid but I tried to look for your topic but I can't find it, can you give me a link so I can check out your screenpack?

    2. OldGamer


      sure thing Ryon here you go buddy


  21. This old man been thinking and I always wonder if there anyone here in the MFFA Community is An expert on Emulators. I like the Grand Master of all Masters of understanding all kinds of Emulators software :o and they  look at them as child plays things :O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OldGamer


      do you have any knowledge about this emulator ? http://mednafen.fobby.net/


    3. Flowrellik


      not fully but I understand it can play multiple game formats.

    4. OldGamer


      yeah like NEC PC FX I could never understood how this emu work because I found this awesome guide about how to rip images with it


  22. Happy Birthday! GUI :OhYeah:

    1. gui0007


      Thanks OG! :D

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