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Status Replies posted by OldGamer

  1. I think I might remake Tier 1 on a free forum and just have it oriented to gaming or something. I feel like the only forums worth going to these days are MFG and MFFA. All the others are either dead, dying, or.....just don't feel right.

    1. OldGamer


      if only tier 1 came back I miss the community 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. I think I might remake Tier 1 on a free forum and just have it oriented to gaming or something. I feel like the only forums worth going to these days are MFG and MFFA. All the others are either dead, dying, or.....just don't feel right.

    1. OldGamer


      if only tier 1 came back I miss the community 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. I just release a screen pack and no responses this must be a dead forum :th_082_:

    1. OldGamer


      @ LightFlare_Da_Realest  its okay and if I do create any classic screen pack that 100% Reign of Creation hahaha :OhYeah:

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. I just release a screen pack and no responses this must be a dead forum :th_082_:

    1. OldGamer


      @LightFlare_Da_Realest XD OMG im so sorrry  the screen pack was not even an reign of creation. becuase the idea was not made by me I only coded the stage and screen pack for akito xD 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. I guess I'll drop a stage one of these days...

    1. OldGamer


      its always be a pleasure to help a Conrad. you know that :D.. anyways I dont hang out on MFFA VERY MUSH so I came by see how you were doing and if your still doing mugen content or what not... but if need get of hold of me you always find me at Mugen Fighter Guild or Infinity mugen team haha. but 90% at time Im always at MFG haha  


      And reason why I dont hang out here MFFA... is becuase its seem to me that no one give a shit about what we create for the mugen content. I get more feedback and suggestion at Mugen fighter Guild and On my Youtube channel instead this place. its like MFFA Membe dont really care what the R.O.K or we do or trying to create. ahaha dont get me wrong the website is really nice and all that  but not enough attention from the MFFA Members located here haha. so to me I feel its lost cause to even being here if you know what I mean, we the creators need feedback and suggestion. Sure good complement is nice. but Good Complement can get really old and dull... this not gonna help us get any better when we create mugen content hahahaha...if know what I mean haha...:haha_dunk_by_pineapple_soup-d8ryyed:

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. I guess I'll drop a stage one of these days...

    1. OldGamer


      oh snap I forgot to tell you Vega Im working on my Next project check it out haha


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. I guess I'll drop a stage one of these days...

    1. OldGamer


      if you ever need sprite ripper Vegas Im your man..dude there more to do just by taking useless incomplete from sprite resources or sprite data base. if you need someone to give sprite background dude just listen to me and understand this. WE THE R.O.K GOT YOUR BACK DAWG. if you need help with anything This OldMan is 100% on your side. Ripping sprite Backgrounds is my specialties. We Reign of Kreation always look after are family creators.


      I know your running out of ideas hahah.... your not alone so keep that in mind when you need a helping hand :D 

      Just keep that in mind haha :haha_dunk_by_pineapple_soup-d8ryyed:

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. Does anyone know a good Genjuro (Samurai Shodown) i can use? I'm looking for a Genjuro with good coding and challenging A.I


    1. OldGamer



      if you want good accurate Genjuro your best bet is this guy here made bu Ali in 2012 


      go to this link then click > ss4 floder then click >kbgm.rar that your genjuro you want.


      be aware that he not cheap but he will give you good ass whooping :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Idk if anyone has seen the Samsho collection, but the links to ali's characters and stages on his archived site lead to a yahoo japan page stating wrong URL.
    I am looking for Ali's stages (all of them).

    1. OldGamer


      have you try using way back maching ? and go back 2009 ?

  10. hey buddy long time no see. I hope your doing well :)

    1. OldGamer


      Almost forgot did ever seen my latest Mugen Screen Pack :haha_dunk_by_pineapple_soup-d8ryyed:



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. hey buddy long time no see. I hope your doing well :)

    1. OldGamer


      hey bro if you ever need anything from Old man just let me know . I am always here to help out if ever need assistance on mugen and support  :goodmood:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. i didnt know google could send a warning if you post nsfw stages for mugen rather odd

    1. OldGamer


      :omg:Holy google noodle pasta mania Darklight sense when did mugen became a copyright  law

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Hi everyone :D I release another screen pack


  14. There going to be a total of 20 Classic remix stages for the M.E.S Screen Pack and Here is one of them in action, I just need 8 more stage to create and The M.E.S Screen Pack will be release for everyone to enjoy. this is just a good look what the screen pack going have with the MES package :headphones:

    PS: Dont forget everyone  The MES Screen Pack will come with Mugen 1.0 and Mugen 1.1 version 

    just In case if you wanted to know :rightyouareplz:


    1. OldGamer


      thanks guys I just need 8 more stage to make and she be ready to be release


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Okay everyone here the final Preview of My Screen Pack. This Demonstration will show you the huge version of the M.E.S Screen Pack and also Show the rest of the life bars for the Sumil Mode and the Turns Mode :D



    1. OldGamer


      Thank you CoolAnimeHustler.At first  I wanted to make a Mugen Screen Pack Base on Arcade Collection  but I had a lot problem with the ram issue and so what I did was I had try to reduce size and change it up at first but the problem its look so terrible that's when I had to Banned the Project for Mugen Arcade Collection. I ts really broke my hear that the Mugen Arcade Collect had so many issue and and its did not work at all, But that when My good friend DemonKai and Dannie came to me. Said Why did banned Mugen Arcade Collection, and I did explain to them that the screen pack giving a MASSIVE OVERHALL ran of 1,3BG when loading and that why I scrap the Project. but then Demon kai came to me with a stages Idea on making a remix version of Bionic Commando Stage. that when Dannie said WOULD BE awesome if we had Mugen Arcade Collection to be more like the Old Nintendo Console but in mugen theme and right there was the new beginning for the M.E.S project. So we had long long discussion on who we make this happen. and BOOM there you have it XD haha 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Mugen Entertainment System Screen Pack Coming Soon


    1. OldGamer


      thank you guys I been bustting my butt for this. and was an epic and cray project. And  also got a backup for the mugen fans like to collect characters as well here the 323 slot version



    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. New link to my Discord server since the last invite link expired:


    1. OldGamer


      what is this for ? and what does it do ??

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Melty Blood Rolecall Match #10 - Ciel


    1. OldGamer


      your video never get boring man keep up with the awesome game play :D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. By the MFFA is being slow again not as bad but still its need to be more stable :confuse:

  20. Don't you just hate it when summer's going to end soon?

    1. OldGamer


      I love hot weather lol its sure is ending fast

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. hope everyone enjoy my creation for Blue mugen. I always wanted to remake it base off my very first edit the low res blue mugen that was made two years ago. And I pray that my video guide will help everyone to make there own edit roster for the New Open Source of My Blue Mugen Screen Pack. :D

  22. I've lost a few subscribers on YouTube so I no long have 1.2K Subscribers.
    Seriously YouTube. F**K YOU! just___go_away____by_l_rm-d3hisps.gif

    1. OldGamer


      yeah the other day I had 254 but its went back to 234 do you think its a bug ?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  23. This old man been thinking and I always wonder if there anyone here in the MFFA Community is An expert on Emulators. I like the Grand Master of all Masters of understanding all kinds of Emulators software :o and they  look at them as child plays things :O

    1. OldGamer


      yeah like NEC PC FX I could never understood how this emu work because I found this awesome guide about how to rip images with it


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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