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Status Updates posted by NapoleonJonamite

  1. Considering a slow return to Mugen after having been gone for a while. Still need to get a fix/update to the color separation done to Sailor Uranus, and try to get some work done on Ryu Hayabusa and possibly Queen Beryl. Blame returning to work on my old review series and taking a lot of time away from things after a death in the family earlier this year.

    1. Ryon


      ahh indeed i can relate a bit. Welcome back, but it's never truly a good bye.

    2. TMC55


      Awesome man, good to hear you coming back slowly but surely.

  2. Going through my releases and fixing sprite alignment and htiboxes. This could take a while.

  3. Going through my releases and fixing sprite alignment and htiboxes. This could take a while.

    1. Trinitronity


      You posted this twice, man.

  4. A return may be on the horizon. What will I release next? Who knows?

  5. Is a comeback even worth it after the shit storm I caused that lead to my leaving? I'm having a hard time seeing if it's worth it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dumanios
    3. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      If you truly left.. you would not be back...

    4. Trinitronity


      It's always worth to come back. Even if you would have been a traitor before.

  6. Want to edit my works? Go ahead, but you'll need permission from PoshPsylocke (Retired) and Ax (Can't figure him out) first, since everything I released was actually theirs to begin with.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NapoleonJonamite


      Ax's an interesting beast when it comes to others making their own versions of his work. He wasn't happy with the end result of my Link because it just wasn't interesting, it had nothing to separate it from other Links. Watch him somehow disapprove of what DJ does even though he has a very unique twist on just about everything.

    3. Dumanios


      That I can agree to.

    4. NapoleonJonamite


      Considering I was shooting for the traditional Link, there really shouldn't be a need for any separation from other Links in that regard. The ones that did, are doing things that are inaccurate to any Zelda games (Look at Ax's most recent Link for an example).

  7. The end of the era is complete. My download page isn't even available on the MugenCoder downloads list. Did I want this? No, but I do feel liberated.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NapoleonJonamite


      The only time I had a "good reputation" was when I ripped Ax apart all that time ago. Other than that, nothing was different from the time before it. Did I do anything that was actually substantial? No, I released a few lousy edits with no original code or anything else involved. A "from scratch" work would not be the solution, nor would it be accepted as couldn't code a punch from scratch without breaking it or ruining the physics. Now, you can either accept that there wa...

    3. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Come on man. Don't do this...

    4. Shinzaki


      I don't think he'll listen.

  8. Some people didn't like that my Joker release wasn't real. I laughed. Some want me to do an actual Queen Beryl release after that bad joke. They can want it all they want, but it'll never happen.

  9. Feels so good not having to worry about making any more crap. To be honest, it was getting boring anyway.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NapoleonJonamite


      I love how people think I'm "attention seeking." Keep thinking that.

    3. Umezono


      by the very nature of this message you are attention seeking.

    4. NapoleonJonamite


      Think, why would I want attention when I have no interest to be involved in something turns even those who already have fame into attention whores? I think this stupid engine has corrupted your ability to think.

  10. I think it may be time to go private. I'm feeling a lack of motivation to keep going with any projects, and let's face it I can't compete with anyone. I'm just... Blah. It's been fun... Wait, no it hasn't.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. NapoleonJonamite


      I appreciate the thought, Daniel, but there's just nothing left. I played it too safe and made something uninteresting out of a popular non-fighting-game character. Better to just leave while I'm behind.

    3. Laharl


      you want to leave after you were added to mugen coder? Alexei obviously thought your work qualified for the site. LOL dude if I had your mindset I would never make anything.

    4. Werewood



      A) mugenizing non-fighting-game stuff

      + more fun, a big window of creativity development

      +/- perhaps more challenging, as raw materials are usually limited

      - the line between success and failure is thin (kind of a big risk)

      B) mugenizing fighting-game stuff

      + having access to certain amount of available resources, depending on how popular one's choice is

      + gameplay systems mixing is welcomed in some cases

      + some people accept...

  11. Just about ready to give up. Can't find anyone who is interested in working with me on Joker. This WIP was a mistake.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Demitri


      Spriters that work free of charge are scarce. Just work with what you have and make something great

    3. Demitri


      Spriters that work free of charge are scarce. Just work with what you have and make something great

    4. NapoleonJonamite


      I do want to make something great out of Joker, but the things I want to do to make it great require going away from what was originally given in this release, which sadly leads into my big problem. My best offer was coming from someone I will not name, but because he wanted me to keep something I didn't want, the deal fell apart and lead to not only not getting the help, but also being IP banned.

  12. Finding spriters willing to help without needing payment is hard.

    1. Alex S.

      Alex S.

      I would help you but I have other stuff to do. Do not give up searching though.

    2. Trinitronity


      You know what I could also suggest to you?

      You could possibly try franken-spriting. It's an eaiser form of spriting.

      You might not get satisfying results immidiately, but after a while, you get better and better.

    3. NapoleonJonamite


      Considering that what I need requires way more than just franken-spriting, that suggestion is probably not going to work.

  13. Updates for Link will be coming later. Just need to do some more for the alt. snd file.

  14. Link has been updated. Bug fixes that were way overdue finally got dealt with. Just need the new sprites.

  15. I know it's April Fools, but what I get when I come here is no joke. Anyone else getting sent to a url4short.info when they first try to enter the site?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JokerintheButt


      nope i understand what you mean and when i try to enter on this forum i get this crap too. !!!

    3. Darkflare


      We all do actually. I just wait for it so I can immediatly close it and reload the page.

    4. PlasmoidThunder


      I just type mugenfreeforall.com into the url bar. It's Google's fault.

  16. Updates for Link, and a few others have been delayed. I'm also delaying AI patch openings for 3 or 4 characters until I get the updates on my end finished.

  17. Though all of his updates were in September, Link is still an August release. Now to see if he at least gets nominated for COTM (August) at MFG.

  18. Finished Sailor Mini/Chibi Moon. Just waiting on one thing to completely finish it.

  19. Need to get back into working on updates to my Sailor edits.

  20. Working hard, but hardly working on Mugen stuff.

    1. Doomguy


      A world of pure imagination.

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