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ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

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Posts posted by ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

  1. Well, I was banned for calling out Borewood.

    I innitially thought I was right, because I assumed I'm not the only onw who wanted all the whinery to stop.

    But yeah, the only thing I did was throwing more fuel to the fire, and I see the error in my behaviour now.

    I see...but we all make mistakes, and you admit your mistake, not many do that,well but you know you should not do so in the future. Thanks for the imformation Papyrus.

  2. Welp, I noticed that I was banned from MFFA.

    At first I was super angry at RicePigeon, then I noticed that a warning message was indeed sent to me...it just ended up in the spam folder.

    And after reading it...yeah, I now understand my ban...

    I should have been a better example instead of doing...that...

    and that was what you did to you were banned Papyrus?

  3. As far as I can tell, he made a character, ryoucchi cleaned it up because it was a mess of a character rar, borewood got mad for some odd reason and tried to take down the file and got himself on ridicule.

    Hmm... Excuse the expression, but it is a very stupid reason to get angry like that if you ask me...


  4. Lucina isn't female Marth. Marth is already female :}

    well, that was a question that needed answer. really.

    Btw, cloud strife is the new character? Not a big surprise...I'm not a big fan/follower of ssb series, but even I knew that one character from Final Fantasy was to appear in the game. and when I search on youtube, tens of results and all of the same type ... "video reactions" about that...too outrageous if you ask me ....  ≖‿≖

    Yep thats what alot of people is expecting. we might see 2 to 4 more characters. which is cool in mind opinion hell alot of us want to take it easy on our wallets if you know what i mean. :-P



    LOL! Poor Snake..  XD

    He need a break galvatron, he have 42 years, although I'm sure snake misses Samus Aran/Zero Suit. 

    Kyo?, great... kof in smash? thats not work if you ask me... ◡‿◡ :goodnight:


  5. Hi all again, I'm back, my absence has been for many things, good and bad, but such is life, right? ....

     Anyway im in Tokyo, Japan now, I've been here almost a month, to do important things, but things happened that I did not expect, but the staff was great and still pending for doing something very important.

     Btw my birthday, if Halloween is rare, but not too much (besides a girl is preparing something today, but it will be good, I think), maybe tomorrow or in two days I definitely back here in mffa, i miss this place , see you later, guys and girls. Good Luck and take care all.

  6. Well, to be fair: I have nothing against people who the whole 'waifu' thing. If you want to do that, fine. I'm not going to stop you because that's not my place to do so. If it makes you happy, then there you go. Who am I to stop you from being happy?

    It is weird, but what might be weird to others is perfectly normal to some. Not going to fight it, though... not worth my time or energy to do so.

    Well, I think I did not understand me very well Seadragon77, first do not know what exactly "waifu" I guess it's favorite character from a anime or something like that, second  I do not think it's weird, but I'm not very rooted to the topic animes,and and I do not have any interest in that, third and if I liked I do not think that would make me happy, because honestly sun've been happy for a very short period of time,I do not want to talk about that topic again, and apologize for the first impression with me. See you next time.

  7. this if I did not expect that, i remember you from youtube, welcome Seadragon77.

    I hope you enjoy your stay here in MFFA.

    Yeah... no. I don't do waifus... Too weird for me. You can go ahead though.

    offtopic:True, it can be a little strange to some, but is not bad, it does not hurt to nobody (of course if you are in a serious obsession, haters and those who do not respect the waifus of others, used the phrase "your waifu is shit" or something, plus others to defend, something that I think is ridiculous, since no of paying attention to that, I'm sorry I left the topic a bit, I see you in the forum.


  8. Uh-huh your way to worried about my language sir. Drop it already will yea.

    Excuse me, well if you feel uncomfortable let me know and i dont gonna speak no more about this. I do not want to bother anyone here, or inconveniencing someone.

  9. IDK why you even dignified that sht with a answer Admin Sensei Ry. Regardless of why help was needed to help our forum we did because we have love for it. Did you make a Profile just to bump the Guild? Fuck you and your reservation of offense. I will gladly take a warning point for the integrity of this site and my muthfuckin homie/admin. Take your ass back to the guild with the fuckatry brah.

    This the first time I agree with you, even with that language has good points Mr.Cayne, but also the boss Mr.Ryon Persaud.

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