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Alchemist of Atlas

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Status Updates posted by Alchemist of Atlas

  1. And now, one step forward to end with the Degree arc. <.>

  2. Because there's a new video and... shameless self advertising. e.e
  3. I'm officially haapy. Got the most difficult of my approval votes from one of my juries! O3O

  4. 205... expect it... someday.

    1. Darkflare


      This confuses and angers me.

  5. Don't you hate when you're "hunting" a teacher happens it didn't come to class? >_>

  6. Still practicing with Venom. Still not good enough at Guilty Gear. e.e

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hellzone


      you'll get better

    3. sonikun


      Don't worry. You aren't the only one that's bad at guilty gear.

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      i play my man Chip and Sol all day

  7. Will I get paid if I kill the Twilight couple of anime/manga?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alchemist of Atlas

      Alchemist of Atlas

      Flare... Asuna's family can't be as wealthy as Karin, Akiha, Mitsuru, Yukiko, Saki and Elisabeth combined, is it? e_e;

    3. Darkflare


      Well no. But like I explained to you already.

      But if I betray my contractors, then word is going to get out that I can simply be bought off by someone who pays higher. And that's not a good reputation to have in the mercenary business.

      And I must think about what's best for business.

    4. Alchemist of Atlas

      Alchemist of Atlas

      But... you're not Haitch. <.<

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