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Status Replies posted by Hollowlife

  1. was a preety good day, picked up a copy of Hellsing Ultimate OVE Vols 1-4 for 20$ alltogther... damn things are like 30$ & up on amazon

  2. Why is everything nowadays has DLC... pft.. what happend to the good ol days when you can play the whole game without having to pay another feee for extra content.. >_

  3. resident evil operation raccoon city is shit taking a shit!!

    1. Hollowlife


      I Never Really Got a Chance to play Yakuza:Dead Souls.

      I Heard It was a Good Game.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. i take back what i said about hellsing 3 years ago, just finished the series.. he freakin rocks.. wootwoot..

  5. i'm so miserable due to difficult circumstances

  6. Raging Ken remake coming soon! Color Seperation is a pain in the ass. But Ken will be so much more better this time around!!!!!!111 (exclaimation marks for excitement)

  7. woah my head's spinning =\

  8. holy shit my 2 y/o just tried to feed my Xbox 360 Oreo's lmfao

  9. Street fighter x tekken..some chars are only on VITA!?! like lars and sakura?

  10. made some huge updates to zexion, waiting on 1 more attack to release beta 2.0. Expect it tommrow!

  11. even more music in my thread, i sure do like a lot of music don't i?

  12. Damn...the highest grade in my math class on our test today was 78. The rest failed horrible..

  13. Damn...the highest grade in my math class on our test today was 78. The rest failed horrible..

    1. Hollowlife


      dont feel bad about it as long as you try youre best thats all that matters:)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  14. Damn...the highest grade in my math class on our test today was 78. The rest failed horrible..

  15. & Another collection Added ...this Time dun dun dun Killer Instinct 14 characters for u to enjoy http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/3831-killer-instinct-series/

    1. Hollowlife


      thanks for the update

  16. Ya know, Even tho Ogre is accepted into Street Fighter X Tekken, Where's Gill?

    1. Hollowlife


      Thats why they should let the people decide what chars they want in the game.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Ya know, Even tho Ogre is accepted into Street Fighter X Tekken, Where's Gill?

  18. Going to release Gator sometime today, going to the gym atm =x

  19. Battle Stormer Classics is out. Check the release section

  20. i'm finall recovering from yestersay, i kinda nearly pulled my shoulder outta it's socket. The pain is still excruciating but less frequent now (thank goodness).

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