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Everything posted by Niitris

  1. ^^ Why would mediafire care about mugen? And why would anyone use MA for "quality creations" when the best ones are hosted on the author's site, or various affiliates? Places that care about mugen just as much as MA. I don't think MA is useless. There are characters that can't be found anywhere else. But there are valid questions people have about MA (because no site is perfect), yet you insist that people's criticism are lies that stem from some kind of vendetta towards the site. I don't appreciate the idea of someone using other people's work to pay for their site. I personally don't care that much, but other people clearly do. And they believe that there are better hosts than an ad redirect with a poor reputation. These are valid complaints that are being ignored in favor of pre-existing beliefs. If MA is such a great site, then why are they in so much trouble? And why is it that most people would rather see them go away? I'm done if it makes anyone happy, but these questions don't magically go away simply because it's not what you want to hear.
  2. Better question: Why should I (or anybody) help a website that makes money off other people's work? Let's say I gain superpowers and make a character. Many days of work go into the barely passable character I made. Everything's fine, download link is still available, good shit. Other people upload their weeks worth of creations, hosting from various sites, whether it be OneDrive, Dropbox, or their own. Some of which they pay for with their own money. Then a website comes in to gather all the Mugen content it can find. It uses a service that uses ads (with no viruses) to make money off of the work I (and many other creators) have done. Why should people help that site?
  3. The problem is that not everyone knows that, and isn't allowed to install some kind of AdBlocking service because they're not old enough. Or have administrator rights. If it were that easy and simple, no one would be arguing against adfly. I don't care if you use the damn site or not, mediafire isn't a whole lot better. And there are many sites better than those 2. They don't hold the same level of storage, but they are less dangerous. Not having enough space (or the money to pay for the space) is not a good enough justification to use adfly. The other issue is making money off other people's works through a third party. Why would anybody assist that over downloading the character from it's proper host? The only thing MA has are characters that are no longer available, and those often suck so eh.
  4. So, please tell me how this is fake.
  5. Not being more outspoken about what I want to do with my life. The one time I did it resulted in me having my own place, should've done it years earlier.
  6. Open mugen.cfg. Where it says Team.1vs2Life, set that to 100.
  7. The problem is these two blocks. You need to add triggerall = Anim != 11 to prevent the sctrl from triggering repeatedly. Alternatively, you can replace ChangeAnim with ChangeState to have him go back to State 11.
  8. It could be how they're typed in the select.def. Maybe there's a typo or a space in the file name.
  9. So yeah, I'm making one of these. I've started dabbling with pixel art lately. Pose is based off official art, I traced off it to see how it'd turn out. Still learning how to mess with shading and other smaller details though, those are the most aggravating. Wanna start doing original poses next since existing artwork will only get me so far.
  10. I knew there was no reason to fret over it, heh. Shame the way time passes, it's like when esnips died. Except freett was much safer.
  11. I want to start by saying that any criticism that isn't aimed specifically at the character in question is not productive in any way, regardless if it's intended as basing or not. Character threads are not discussions about evaluating creators. Barring the extreme (offensive/obscene material), I personally feel that there's never a good reason to rip on anyone's work, at least not on a character thread. That's what general mugen discussions exist for and even then, there's a tactful way to go about it but I digress. All that does is invite unnecessary negativity, hostility, and off-topic dialogue that often has egocentric motives. This is a hobby above all else, and I don't support anything that intends to demotivate people from creating, no matter how horrid the quality of work might be. Seeing that I'm certain that a Chuchoryu char release partly inspired these discussions (figures), it's evident that his works are pretty polarizing. And I found that both threads that I know of (here and MFG, my more active place), the show started with people making comments about CCR's history rather than the character in question. Not going to ramble too much about it, but a lot of trouble would be saved if people would stop feeling compelled to say what they believe in his char threads. If the character sucks and you feel he's not going to improve it or acknowledge your feedback, ignore the thread. This goes for any character or creator. To summarize, feedback stops being such when attention is taken away from the character. Though of course there's more leniency when the off-topic speak is positive or consists of friendly banter, which is fine.
  12. Niitris


    I had a dream I can buy my way to heaven, when I woke up I spent it on a necklace I told God I'd be back in a second, man it's so hard not to act reckless To whom much is given much is tested, get arrested guess until they get the message I fell the pressure, under more scrutiny, and what I do, act more stupidly Bought more jewelry, more Luey V, my mama couldn't get through to me The drama, people suing me, I on TV talking like it's just you and me I'm just saying how I feel man, I ain't one of the Cosby's, I ain't go to Hill man I guess the money should've changed him, I guess I should've forgot where I came from Kanye still has his moments of being decent (nevermind the scenario on why he said this). But yeah, 2003 seemed like an eternity ago. Don't listen to hip-hop anymore since there's a higher saturation of tween-pandering garbage. It still exists, but music with actual meaning behind it isn't quite as common.
  13. I keep saying I'll make the switch and yet I never get around to it. That said, it's pretty crazy how much MS is pushing this upon people. I mean, proud XP users are still a thing.
  14. Niitris


    I too, make thoughtless, off-topic posts about what I don't like. Anime is fun.
  15. He is? There 9 of them and a girl named Honoka is their leader.
  16. Niitris


    You'd be suprised at what people can find and fetishize.
  17. Where do you get your ideas for stages? 3 waifus more people should know about?
  18. My father passed before I was born. The combo of gunshot wounds and pneumonia was too much. I've gotten used to living with that burden but it'd be nice to somehow see him in person just once.
  19. Mine is from Azumanga Daioh. Kamineko doesn't look so mean and evil when he's sleep.
  20. Bump 'Niitris' is supposed to be a stylized spelling of the word nitrous. I'm really into car racing and racing games are my actual go to genre. Nothing special really. And with this post, I am now at 100 and can add some meaningless title under my name now.
  21. Niitris


    I was scared of playing videogames around my grandparents. I'm on my own again so I don't have to worry about that anymore.
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