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Status Updates posted by Darklight

  1. https://archive.org/details/@darklight666


    been doing alot of uploading for this site mostly uploading old cartoons and some older pc games if you like to come check it out i posted the link

  2. wow its been a while huh finally got a new pc one that can hold its own sadly my hard drive took a shit going down this morning to see if i can save it or toss it sadly alot of characters and stages that are either beta,private or just really hard to find are now gone and there doesnt seem to be anyone with some of the ones i had have sigh guess ill just have to start from over

    1. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      Sorry to hear that bus, but it's nice to see you back :)

    2. Darklight


      thanks yeah it does but it happens

  3. this is awesome i pre order final fantasy xv and my friend got me the remaster version of skyrim since m copy got stolen for the 360. now i have to buy another copy of seven days to die as payment but thats ok with me

    1. Anastasia


      I pre-ordered Final Fantasy XV as well and I'm super excited about it. I am also a Final Fantasy fan as well. My first one was Final Fantasy XII(12).

    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      Welp, see ya in a couple months when the beard gets long enough to get in the way of the controller and the food runs out lol

  4. i didnt know google could send a warning if you post nsfw stages for mugen rather odd

    1. OldGamer


      :omg:Holy google noodle pasta mania Darklight sense when did mugen became a copyright  law

    2. Darklight


      i dont think google cares what you host. but this is what i got back from a admin on another site out of curiosity because i notice alot was missing. 

  5. movie was great however i wish they had more action felt kind of short

  6. watching doctor strange

  7. finally someone made myotismon iam not a fan of digimon but i have always like this character

  8. i notice some of the photos are down in certain collections on here is it just me or other people have the same issue also

    1. Алексей


      Some data was lost in the restore, it's very possible that images were lost with it (or at least paths).

    2. Darklight


      thanks for letting me know bud

  9. do not message me telling me about you're issues you are having on another mugen website that i have no control over last time i check iam not a admin and have no kind of control what go on with you're account its really annoying and i have enough problem with what is going on in my life then to take a few minutes to really care about your problems that you are having on a mugen site if you are that upset then maybe you shouldn't be on th computer anyways

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      One was at me. And the aggression is misplaced. I saw you had the same picture on there, and wondered were you the same guy. So I asked. Thats it. You said yes, and I said oh hey youre a great guy. And thats was it. I dont know whats going on with MA or here. I dont get into that petty bullshit.

    3. Darklight


      It wasn't directed to you dude so chill

    4. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ
  10. I guess DRACUL is out of retirement

  11. someone is making another jason for mugen and it doesnt even look that good

  12. just flew into new york lastnight

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MugoUrth



      *idunno sound*

    3. Darklight


      iam close to buffalo

    4. DarkWolf13


      Gah... I'm near the city... NOWHERE near the upstate area.

  13. Looks like iam moving too new york on April 7 can't wait when one door closes another one opens

    1. Winmugen11


      Unless you forgot the new house keys in which case I can assure you the door will remain firmly shut. XD

      All kidding aside, congratulations DL! Is it for a new job you got you move out?

  14. i always said how cool would it be if they made a lego game where they had the ghostbusters in it well after what i seen they are going to make it not sure when its coming out but it seem its going to be on all of the consoles including ps2

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darklight


      yeah i was surprise to see that since i thought the ps2 had die long time ago

    3. Sinnamon


      I don't think they would make anything for a dead non selling console..Were did you hear this from exactly

    4. Darklight


      google it i forgot where i seen it at

  15. the first fable is going to be on xbox360 wonder what achievements there going to have

    1. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      Obviously one for pulling out the sword in that one stone.

    2. MugoUrth


      Download or do I have to go out and buy it. Hopefully the later cause I still don't have internet on my Xbox360.

    3. Darklight


      i forgot about that i thought you do that in the second fable have not played it for ages since i finished it. it was said in feb it well be released and it look way better then it did on the original xbox

  16. my computer is strange it wont let me burn a copy of windows xp but it well let me burn a copy of windows 7 how odd

  17. cant get this song out of my head

  18. its my friend birthday tommrow he well be 33 or 34 anyway found out orgy is coming to town so iam taking him there that is if i can still get tickets hopeing so since its going to be there last tour for a while they stop in April so unless they have a new album out this well be the last time

  19. well i have another password breaker program but not sure if it works since i cant seem to find a rarformat file that is locked

  20. well my plans changed wont be able to get my tattoo touched up until saturday. as far as things went with my girl who knows, and i have to think on how iam going to get back home after i go to the grey hound station pick up my friend

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