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Status Replies posted by Darklight

  1. I figured I'd show off some swords from my collection. While most of them are katanas, some are replicas based off anime and video games. I've got three to show for the moment:


    The Master Sword as it appears in Twilight Princess, but with a silver paint job around the grip, and the Elucidator from Sword Art Online.





    Speaks for itself ;)




    I'll try to share more pics later. :)

    1. Darklight


      ill have to take some pics of my collection to show you ill try to look in my drop box one of the swords i have is the masamune 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. I figured I'd show off some swords from my collection. While most of them are katanas, some are replicas based off anime and video games. I've got three to show for the moment:


    The Master Sword as it appears in Twilight Princess, but with a silver paint job around the grip, and the Elucidator from Sword Art Online.





    Speaks for itself ;)




    I'll try to share more pics later. :)

  3. Well my laptop's charger had pass away and I miss Mugen so hard now I work to won money to repair my charger this is a temporally goodbye :(

    1. Darklight


      if you really miss mugen that badly you do know you can play mugen on your phone or on your console they do have a program that lets you 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. RIP Hyper DBZ, killed by Toei

    1. Darklight


      probably for the best since alot of them are the pretty much the same with the exception of a few things

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. wow its been a while huh finally got a new pc one that can hold its own sadly my hard drive took a shit going down this morning to see if i can save it or toss it sadly alot of characters and stages that are either beta,private or just really hard to find are now gone and there doesnt seem to be anyone with some of the ones i had have sigh guess ill just have to start from over

  6. i didnt know google could send a warning if you post nsfw stages for mugen rather odd

    1. Darklight


      i dont think google cares what you host. but this is what i got back from a admin on another site out of curiosity because i notice alot was missing. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. I noticed today that some of the images in my Mario collection (plus several others) do not seem to be showing up. I got the images (but not the links, for the most part) of of Mugen Archive.

    1. Darklight


      you shouldnt do that anyways. what you could do is save there image then reupload them that way it cuts off the time to do them

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Just seen the news about the protests Pro and Anti Trump and yes, people getting very crazy and will get even worse. :(

    1. Darklight


      apprently that has yet to be determine still there a update about december

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  9. There MEGA, I made an account on your shitty site...Now don't pull a 4shared on me and make me disable my adblocker.

    1. Darklight


      i never knew that i do know you could get free space by doing a few task and then you could also pay for a tb of space also

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. There MEGA, I made an account on your shitty site...Now don't pull a 4shared on me and make me disable my adblocker.

  11. There MEGA, I made an account on your shitty site...Now don't pull a 4shared on me and make me disable my adblocker.

  12. Doctor Strange was far more enjoyable and hilarious than I could have ever hoped. I'm really glad I saw it.


    Dat cape tho. :)

  13. i notice some of the photos are down in certain collections on here is it just me or other people have the same issue also

  14. Forum dictatorship is so distasteful! Smh

    1. Darklight


      wasnt always this bad but since all the new rules mffa has its hardly a place i stick around in anymore just now and then

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. do not message me telling me about you're issues you are having on another mugen website that i have no control over last time i check iam not a admin and have no kind of control what go on with you're account its really annoying and i have enough problem with what is going on in my life then to take a few minutes to really care about your problems that you are having on a mugen site if you are that upset then maybe you shouldn't be on th computer anyways

  16. do not message me telling me about you're issues you are having on another mugen website that i have no control over last time i check iam not a admin and have no kind of control what go on with you're account its really annoying and i have enough problem with what is going on in my life then to take a few minutes to really care about your problems that you are having on a mugen site if you are that upset then maybe you shouldn't be on th computer anyways

    1. Darklight


      damn if i know either it would say on my profile if i was a admin or a mod on the website it self 


      i have had 4 messages 3 from there and one person on here 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. do not message me telling me about you're issues you are having on another mugen website that i have no control over last time i check iam not a admin and have no kind of control what go on with you're account its really annoying and i have enough problem with what is going on in my life then to take a few minutes to really care about your problems that you are having on a mugen site if you are that upset then maybe you shouldn't be on th computer anyways

    1. Darklight


      obviously not to you. was mostly to anyone who message me regarding anything to do with mugen archive   

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. I can't believe its already the 20th (technically the 21st) anniversary of the original Toy Story! 

    I feel old......

  19. Michael Keaton Confirms 'Beetlejuice 2' cant wait for that

  20. Is it just me, or has XBOX Live gone down for the 360 users?

  21. Is it just me, or has XBOX Live gone down for the 360 users?

  22. Is it me or Akira Toriyama doesn't have idea anymore...? First he made SSJ God form which just a recolor version of base Goku, and now Frieza new form was just a recolor version of his final form to golden color...

  23. ok ryon! why is flappy bird in the banner thingy!?

    1. Darklight


      Isn't the poor bear just a pallet swap character

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  24. tfw DBZ is probably the best anime i've ever watched.

    1. Darklight


      Didn't care much for gt supposedly there going to be another movie

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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