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Posts posted by A person

  1. 4 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    Indeed you will, young lady. And Lilith is right. It won't be easy, but as long as you keep that same enthusiasm you should have the drive to press on. 


    After some time, the group were near the Hangout....

    Upon approaching the Hangout, they would see that the guards and the barrier that was previously set up was now gone. Things were also quite clean in the area, and it looked as if the creature was never even there before. Not even the building that was visibly damaged in the incident was damaged.


    Penelope: Wow, they sure cleaned up quick! It..you guys did fight that thing, right? Because this almost makes me think it was just...a dream or something. I didn't even know someone could work so quick!

    The only telltale sign that something did happen was that the new bricks to fix the corner of the building were much brighter than the old bricks of the building. Not even the goo was present anymore.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


    "Not a bad idea. Having something to fall back on in case you're disarmed is a wise decision. I just hope you stick to it, because this won't be easy."


    Penelope: Ehh, it won't be that much of problem!

    Will it? Will it?! Probably not, but if she had to practice as much as Lightflare did, she would probably collapse before she could even get to fifty strikes!

  3. On 10/18/2020 at 7:07 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



    That's the spirit! Nothing wrong with a little versatility.




    Yeah. We're done here. For now at least. Lets head back to the Hangout. Maybe Darkflare has some new info on the creatures amd whatever else is going on around here.



    Those guards might still be surrounding the premises. Guess we'll see when we get there. Let's role, Penny!


    LightFlare and Melina begin walking back towards the Warriors Hangout.


    Penelope: I really hope everything's alright over there...


    She followed along, making sure to stay close to Melina!


    On 10/18/2020 at 7:22 PM, Darkflare said:


    "There's a well known quote from a famous martial artist back in my world."



    "I don't fear the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."



    "Versatility isn't bad, but if you spread yourself too thin you'll do more harm than good to yourself."

    That made a lot of sense to her as well. But both styles looked so cool in her mind! It was going to be really hard to pick one, but if she absolutely had to pick one, fighting with a sword was definitely a lot cooler in her mind.


    Penelope: Weeeeeell...I guess I'll have to stick with swords, then! But maaaaaybe with a little boxing on the side? Just in case I...drop my sword or something. Not that I will!


    On 10/19/2020 at 4:22 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    I see. Wisdom. Well...good thing I practice 10,000 kicks 10,000 times then. Practice does make perfect, ya know.

    Really?! If he could do that so much, then maybe she could actually become a sword master! She just had to practice! A lot! A lot...on dummies? Or people? Maybe Darkflare could let her use that training thingy for a while?



    Penelope: Then I guess I just have to practice a lot when I get a chance!


    The guards, meanwhile, were very interested in Sasuke and his unusual technique. They seemed to be interested in talking to him. The noble, on the other hand, quickly made his way back to where he belonged: with the other wealthy members of the city. He was probably going to replace the bag despite already getting it. In his mind, once that filthy peasant got his grimy hands on it, the bag was contaminated and needed to be cleansed. His gloves especially were going to be washed and bleached several times over to remove the grime he believed that peasant carried.

  4. On 10/10/2020 at 6:55 PM, Darkflare said:


    "I'm sure I can ask Darkflare if he knows someone that can give you proper training. Of course, you're going to have to decide on what your fighting style is going to be first."

    Could she not just go for both? She saw that in animes all the time, so it had to be possible! It's like what her mom said...what was that thing her mom said..."Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than master of one"? It made sense to her!


    Penelope: Weeeeeell...I was thinkiiiiiiiing...maybe I can dabble in...booooooth? Or even mooooore? The more, the merrier, I think!


    On 10/10/2020 at 2:54 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    Yeah. We got a quick glimpse at the castle. You guys ready?


    Penelope: I'm more than ready to go back if you guys are!

  5. On 9/21/2020 at 6:47 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    Hey guys! Penny and I did a little shopping. Just a couple of essentials. Isn't that right, Penny?

    Penelope, who was now holding a toy sword and a pair of boxing gloves, nodded and smile in agreement. If excitement was visible as an aura, her aura would swallow up the entire world. Even if the sword was just a toy, she was most excited to take it for a spin. If only this stuff was not as important!


    Penelope: Sure did! I can't wait to try this stuff out and go practice like Lilith said! I'll get good with it in no time!

  6. 9 hours ago, Dumanios said:


    Sasuke's clone wondered what was with these guys. They all seemed like normal people, except for the fact they were out to get him for whatever reason.


    Since they were coming from all directions, it'd be difficult to dodge any side... except downward. He thanked Kakashi for his next trick, as with a single handsign, he disappeared into the ground. The Earth-style Hiding Like a Mole technique had once been used by Kakashi against him.


    'Dealing with them wouldn't be hard, but that man from before still needs his bag, so I better get going.'

    As the clone slid into the ground, the men tried striking the ground to hit him, albeit to no avail.



    Thug 1: Damn! Well, we gotta take someone out!


    They all turned their attention to the much stronger mech guards and began their assault upon them, though the significant differences between them made their fight much less enjoyable for them, to say the least.

  7. 10 hours ago, Dumanios said:

    Sasuke's clone sighed, he turned toward the bag and, making sure no one else would take it, picked up the bag. Now all he had to do was return the bag to its owner.

    As soon as the clone grabbed the bag, he would be in for a surprise as a group of 5 thugs soon ran out from the shadows of the alleyway.

    Thug 1: You fucked up, punk!

    Thug 2: Break his legs!

    Thug 3: You're gonna be the message to the big guys! You'd better be proud!

    The men charged the clone with bats and clubs and attempted to attack him with their weapons, each one swinging at his body and limbs in an attempt to knock him over, clearly unaware that it was just a clone they were attacking. The guards, clearly unaware of their presence, started calling for backup to the scene. Things were getting hectic quickly as more thugs joined in and charged at the guards. It was evident that this was a setup all along.

  8. On 7/16/2020 at 2:06 PM, Dumanios said:



    'Allowed to utilize force, huh?'


    Sasuke's clone considered the dumpster, those things looked to be fairly heavy. Sasuke leapt further forward, landing a few feet in front of the crook.


    Crook: Fucker!


    Due to the clone being in his path, the crook had no choice but to face the music, it seemed. He slid to a halt in front of the clone. Quickly, the two guards converged upon him, their stun rods at the ready. Seeing that he was likely at the end of the road here, the crook held up the bag.


    Crook: If you want this piece of shit, then you can have it!

    He proceeded to chuck the bag behind the clone, and soon, the mech guards converged upon the crook with their stun rods, the crackling electricity from their weapons and his cries of pain being tell tale signs that he was now being subjected to thousands of volts. The bag landed a few feet behind the clone, close to a what was very obviously a highly-trafficked alleyway.

  9. On 6/25/2020 at 1:55 PM, Dumanios said:



    Sasuke's clone pursued the crook, wanting to get to the bottom of this.


    "What's in that bag that's so important?" the clone asked.


    Crook: Who the hell are you?! You don't even look like a guard, why the fuck are you after me?!

    As he ran, he proceeded to knock over another dumpster before dashing towards a main street, the guards still in hot pursuit. One of them looked at the clone, seemingly unaware that it was even a clone.


    Mech Guard 2: You are allowed to utilize force if you wish to aid us; your actions will be considered a citizens arrest and will not be punished under the law.


    The two mech guards seemed to have finished preparing their stun rods and were ready to aim at the crook should the clone keep out of the way.

  10. The guards already appeared to be on the case, two of them having already engaged the noble in a discussion. The crook, meanwhile, was rather fast; though Sasuke's clone was able to keep up with him, a man that looked as though he belonged in the poorer parts of the city, judging from his rather dirty clothing, he moved very quickly through the winding streets of Candor City, and seemed to have a very clear destination in mind. The clone was not alone, either: two of the mechanical guards were currently in hot pursuit as well, both wielding stunning rods as they attempted to close the gap between themselves and him. Sasuke had definitely picked the right guy: the crook was holding a bag with a broken strap, one that was made of real leather and seemed to still be filled with the noble's personal objects, so much so that the papers that were also in it were beginning to fall out in the commotion.

    Back at the gift shop, the guards were busy gathering information from the noble:


    Guard 1: What was in the bag?


    Noble: My phone, my money, my wallet, my receipts, everything I need for traveling!



    Guard 1: Do you remember what he looked like?



    Noble: You already have people pursuing him! Why is that important?!



    Guard 2: Sir, it's just the process.


    The noble was clearly displeased with this. He proceeded to describe the man: clothed in dirty rages, much worse off than most of the people in Candor, hair clumped with dirt and grime. It seemed like he was going to be there for a while while the pursuit went on.


    At the pursuit:



    Crook: You're not catching my ass alive, punks!


    The crook proceeded to knock down anything he could to slow down the guards, but they seemed to be either very smart or programmed very well as they simply leapt over knocked down boxes, barrels, cardboard cutouts, and even dumpsters if there happened to be any.



    Mech Guard 1: You can either drop the bag and leave unharmed, or feel the effects of these shock rods. The choice is yours.


    Crook: You're going to have to kill me, scrap metal!



    Mech Guard 1: Duly noted.


    The mechanical guards seemed to be tampering with their stun rods for a moment, but the two would soon point the rods at the crook as he attempted to vault over a car, which the two followed him over.

  11. 1 minute ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    Melina pays for the items and heads out the store.



    I'm sure LightFlare and the gang will be back soon. Lets check out some of the other shops.

    As they made their way out of the store, Penelope was doing her best to hide her excitement at her newfound weaponry; even if they were toys, she was going to make them as deadly as the real thing! But if they were heading to another shop, she was going to have to find an interesting one. She glanced around, and looked for somewhere interesting to go.




    Penelope: Mmm...I'm not sure where I want to go...all of these places look so interesting!

  12. 32 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    Now were talking! You're gonna be Miss Ultimate Fighter in not time! Why don'tcha grab them both and follow me to the register. I'll take care of the bill, love! 


    Melina heads towards the register.

    Without a moment of hesitation, Penelope proceeded to nab both the boxing gloves and a sword she thought looked super cool, then brought them over to Melina. Ooooh, her plans were coming together really well!




    Penelope: Hehe, thanks, Melina! I'll make sure I train a lot!


  13. On 4/23/2020 at 12:57 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    Melina could tell that the young girl was little bit conflicted. She didn't want to discourage Penny. It was then she noticed that Penny's eyes glanced at the plastic swords down the aisle...



    I undertand. Hey I noticed you checking out those swords. You still thinking about learning how to fight, huh? Well, those swords wouldn't be much use in a real fight, but I imagine they'd work just fine for sparring. Of course you'd need a instructor. I'm more of a hand to hand fighter myself. 


    Melina then notices some small boxing gloves...



    Now those gloves in the other hand...are right up my alley. They're meant for kids, but they can be useful. I could show you a few moves to defend yourself. Who knows....maybe there's some hidden potential you'll unlock like in those "Drakon Sphere Zii" animes. Hahaha!




    You can even grab the swords. Who knows? You may meet someone who can show you how to use them.

    Penelope gazed at the sword, but with her attention brought to the boxing gloves and someone good with hand-to-hand right next to her, both things seemed rather appetizing. But then again, Lilith might also be good for general training. She then got a brilliant idea: why not get both and train with both?! Then she would be unstoppable!



    Penelope: How about...we get both, and then I can become the ultimate fighter?! Maybe I could even fight in tournaments to make money, too!


    On 4/23/2020 at 12:57 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    Excuse me, sirs. My name is LightFlare. My friend Lilith here works for Darkflare, CEO of the Warriors Hangout. She has delivery to make. Lilith, would you mind explaining furher?


    On 4/23/2020 at 10:47 PM, Darkflare said:


    "Forgive my easily excited friend here. We got caught up in the sights we didn't realize we had wandered near the entrance."



    "Our intention was simply to visit the surrounding area like a typical tourist. We have no business with the royal family."


    Royal Guard 1: Very well, I ask that you keep your distance.


    The other guard was clearly suspicious of the group, but hadn't said anything.

    On 4/25/2020 at 10:41 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    Sorry if I was a bit forward. I was hoping we'd get some info on the particular souvenir shop Anna mentioned. She said it was near the castle gate.



    Royal Guard 1: Turn around and look for the sign that shows a gift box, and you will find the souvenir shop. I do not know if the shop is open at the moment, but they may be willing to sell something despite the castle being off-limits.


    The other guard remained silent, but was clearly watching them closely. 

  14. On 4/6/2020 at 5:21 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    Dragonzards are super sweet! I a would've pegged you for more of a "Pika-mon" type, but that's cool.



    Actually...now that you mention home, I've been wondering about that. Are you ok? We're out having fun right now, but we still don't know how you're getting home.

    Was she okay? She did not feel homesick right now, but that could be because of how much fun she was already having! But her parents must have been worried sick about her...the police might have already been searching for her as they spoke!


    Penelope: Now that you mention it...they might've already started a search for me. I'm enjoying my time here and all, but...I do miss my parents. I don't wanna have them so worried about me...

    In that moment, her eyes caught sight of an aisle that held what looked to be a stockpile of swords and sticks for pretend play, and she stopped for a moment to look over at it, thoughts of what she could do coming to her mind. But since most of them were foam, she realized that there probably wasn't much she could do with some foam or plastic swords...so she continued along, trying to find something she could carry with her. Maybe something that reminded her of home? Or was that a bad idea? Maybe being reminded of home was a bad idea...ahhh, they had to have something they could get in this shop!



    On 4/19/2020 at 5:22 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    The group draw closer to the caslte. LightFlare can see the castle entrance ahead.


    As the group approached the raised drawbridge, the guards seemed to notice them and raised their hands. With the armor they wore and the weapons they wielded, it was obvious that they were royal guards. One of them spoke up.


    Royal Guard 1: Halt, state your names and business. The King has requested that there be no audiences unless there is an urgent matter to discuss.

  15. On 3/23/2020 at 10:33 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    So Penny...you into toys much? Or are a collector of sorts? I played with dolls as a child too. But I soon traded "Barbara" Dolls for boxing gloves later on.

    Penelope thought about the question for a moment. "Barbara" dolls were really popular with some of the girls, but she always thought the hard plastic stuff was too annoying to work with, and the hair was kind of annoying, too...she really liked stuff dolls, though!



    Penelope: Weeeell...I really like stuffed toys, like plushies and stuff! I have a huuuuge collection back at home, they're all over my room! I've even got this life-sized Dragonzard plushie next to my bed! I never really got into those Barbara dolls, though...I never liked the hard plastic things because they always broke somehow.


    Really, they always broke because she was trying way too hard to pose them in crazy poses, but they were still not as fun as plushies! She glanced around the store to see if she could possibly see some more plushies that she could take with her! Well...take with her when she finally got the chance to go home, anyway. Or maybe even a toy sword or something, just something she could use to kinda help out!

  16. On 3/21/2020 at 8:24 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    I've got it all under control, Light. We'll see you guys later! Ready Penny?!


    Penelope had a super wide smile form on her face. Although...the only thing she really wanted were some dolls, and maybe a sword to practice with, if they had something there, but...this wasn't the time for toys. But whatever, if she could be a kid, she was going to be a kid!


    Penelope: I was born ready for this! Let's goooo!

  17. The group would soon find themselves entering into the main stretch of Candor City, where the city's mix of medieval and modern soon became quite obvious. It was almost as if the city had been split by its distinct styles, with the city's center, being where the massive castle was located, having consisted of the medieval townhouses and buildings that also seemed to house more of the wealthy folk and much more expensive shops and restaurants as opposed to the more modern parts of the city, where the conditions of the streets were very good and the street corners had a guard at each one. In fact, all around the center, there was at least one guard at each part of the circle around the medieval section where all of the city's roads eventually led to, all converging into 4 large roads that seemed to lead over a moat that was equally as large as the castle itself. It might as well have been a lake. However, the bridges into the castle were currently up, so there did not appear to be any normal way to get to it at the moment. There were guards stationed at every side, so one couldn't force their way in as well. The area around them did have some interesting buildings, however, such as a large cathedral in just on the other side of the medieval circle, and a structure that looked to be a tower with a series of spinning brass globes hovering above it with no visible method of locomotion. They seemed to be orbiting a ring-shaped structure, though it was unknown what exactly they were depicting. The population when getting closer to the medieval circle also seemed to be much larger as the sidewalks were filled with people of a host of different races, though it was clear that they were all from this world most likely. The businesses along the medieval circle seemed to have signs showing what they were: on the modern side, it was lined with several restaurants and bars with outdoor setups and fences to keep people from directly walking onto the road, with the occasional clothing store and even a thrift store. There was also a toy store with a very colorful, whimsical building that looked as though it was made out of balloons tied together, though it was evident that it was likely just an outer shell of some kind as the windows on the facade of the building hinted at it still being a normal stone building on the inside. At the circle's edge, people seemed to be enjoying themselves, most of them looking like they were within the middle or higher classes of the city with clean appearances, while the inner part of the circle seemed to hold the floating cars and the wealthy, who seemed to prefer more archaic appearances over the much more comfortable modern ones. There did not appear to be any robots among the wealthy, but there were several of them among the normal citizens. They seemed to be living normal lives, similar to the humans, but did not have a need to wear clothing; instead, some of them made themselves stand out by having their bodies made of different parts that, though they still had a humanoid appearance, made them look more like war machines.

    Penelope followed behind the group, taking in the sights and sounds of the city in awe. She hadn't seen anything like this before; maybe the edges of the city, but certainly not the center! The robots living among people, the host of different races, especially the ones with animal ears, ahhh, it made her want to squeal in joy! But that would make her look really weird, she thought, so she didn't do it. She spotted the toy store as well, letting out a slight gasp at its appearance. It looked so cool! Man, if only she actually lived here, it would've probably been a really nice experience! And the flying cars, oh maaaan, this place was incredible!



    Penelope: Aaaaah, look at thiiiis! It's like a big ol' treasure trove of stuff! I wish I'd lived here!

  18. On 2/27/2020 at 4:46 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    We have a party of seven...

    The guard glanced in the direction of another guard, who proceeded to write something down on a digital device before nodding. The guard turned his attention back to Lightflare.



    Guard: Okay, we've got it noted. You guys are free to leave.

    The guards would step aside to allow them a pathway to walk through to the main street.

  19. On 2/25/2020 at 2:11 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    Come on, Penny! Can't have you just hanging around a place like this by yourself, Lil Sis.


    Penelope didn't really know how to feel about being called "Lil' Sis" by someone that wasn't really family, but what the heck; she was away from her real family anyway, so it didn't matter anyway! She was just going to embrace it to the fullest!



    Penelope: Okay, Big Sis! I'm coming, too!


    Hopefully this wasn't super creepy.




    7 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    LightFlare approaches one of the guards at the door, calling to them before he got too close so as not to startle the already tense soldiers.



    Excuse me, Sir. Me and my friends want to take a tour of your fine city. Are we allowed to leave?


    Guard: How many of you are leaving? We need to take that into account before we let you leave, just in case things really do happen.

  20. 10 hours ago, Darkflare said:


    "Why am I not surprised? It's going to be harder for you to learn anything if you don't learn to focus."


    7 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    She's gotta point, Penny. I had to learn the hard way that without focus, you'll never get stronger and you're bound to make mistake...



    Penelope: Tsk, come ooooon, it's haaaaard! Besides, all of this stuff happening at once makes it even harder! I don't even know if there's any quiet spots around here! Gimme a break!


    Penelope sighed. Maybe she could try it right now...if she really felt like it. She really wondered what was going on outside, though; all of those guards in one spot had to mean something was about to happen!


    10 hours ago, Darkflare said:


    "He told me a few things, but not how long you guys would be here. I got a lot of people inside and I can't guarantee I can keep track of everyone trying to sneak out, so I'll have to ask to keep an eye out. If you need anything, feel free to ask and I'll see what I can do."



    Guard: Heh, we'd gladly let you know if we needed something. Just make sure to let them know that they probably shouldn't try getting involved should that portal reopen, since we don't know what's going to come out next.

  21. On 2/14/2020 at 12:48 PM, Darkflare said:


    "I imagine it will be quite some time before we figure out what's dragged you into this world. That reminds me....have you been able to work on your meditating?"


    Penelope: Eheheh...weeeeell...


    She had completely forgotten about that. It's not like she knew how to do it, anyway! It was probably super hard anyway! Maybe she could learn from someone else, though...


    On 2/14/2020 at 12:48 PM, Darkflare said:

    Meanwhile, Darkflare approached the entrance to speak to the guards.



    "Oi, you got your job and all, but I need to know how long you guys are going to be there seeing as you're basically locking down my business."

    One of the guards happened to be kind enough to pay some attention to Darkflare.



    Guard: We'll be here for a couple of hours, unfortunately. I don't know if Detective Abraxas told you, but we've had portals reopen before, usually between a few seconds to a couple of hours. We're just keeping guard here in case it happens again. If it doesn't, we'll be on our way.

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