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Kaguto Shin Sabaki

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Status Replies posted by Kaguto Shin Sabaki

  1. Just being the new guy in town

    1. Kaguto Shin Sabaki

      Kaguto Shin Sabaki

      Well you pick a really great community to start with welcome to the forums.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. "My mother told me that people with anime girls as their sigs in the internet are dangerous pedophile, they'll come into our house as soon as they get our address, kidnaps us and send us to UAE as an illegal child labour"

  3. guys i edited shit, what do you think http://prntscr.com/1xe0ha http://prntscr.com/1xe0pr

    1. Kaguto Shin Sabaki

      Kaguto Shin Sabaki

      Well Dark Sonic is cannon to the franchise the other one is uh kinda funny lookin with the hair i remember seeing something like that on youtube once its probably really powerful

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. I won't pretend!I won't pretend that by looking with my eyes that I am actually seeing.I won't pretend that by hearing with my ears that I am actually listening.For looking and seeing are two different things.For hearing and listening are two different things too.Let us not pretend.Let me not pretend.It is better to see rather than look. For it takes a lot much more to beable to see the inner beauty of a person...It is better to listen than hear for it takes a lot much more to...

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