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Sergio P

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Status Replies posted by Sergio P

  1. 5 years, huh? I made this account here on MFFA 5 years ago. Can say it has been quite the jounrey, for sure.

    I've changed alot as a person over that time. Looking back, I obviously am really embarrased at some of the shit I wrote in 2016-2017, but that's how it goes for anyone, really. I don't think that's special, at least.

    Having been into this engine for the past 12 years, I really can't overstate how happy I am that, after 6 years of trying, I finally managed to make my own characters. I feel that MUGEN is my kind of game. They say that choosing what you want to make is the hard part of being a game developer, so I guess I sort of already overcame that. I love this engine and I want to make stuff for it till the very day I'm unable to. Thanks to everyone over at my favorite betting stream aswell. It's where my creations get the most audience and - while that's not the only thing that matters to me, I do make characters and AI in general because, well, I want to - it is really encouraging to see that I'm able to entertain a crowd with them.

    In the end, all I can say - been a great time already, but I'm far from done after 5 years. Looking forward to the future.

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