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Mugen Free For All


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Everything posted by Vocalnoid

  1. You have no clue of how much I've been waiting for this! Nijikaku was definitely one of my favorite mugen fullgames as well, and really brought my attention to play mugen a lot more often now. It may be dead, but this'll surely live on to its name and glory. Thanks a bunch!
  2. Pretty fun as expected, Kudos to the creators Unfortunately I heard this is possibly gonna be Gladiaclouds final project He's been one of the best mvc creators ever since. I really hate to see him go, but it was totally fun while it lasted. I hope to see any newcomers try their best as much as he does.
  3. Only 720p huh? dang Doesn't matter. Its definitely the best looking lifebar you ever made in your life. Cheers to you bud!
  4. Man, who knew Wou could make such glorious underrated/obscure chars in KOF sprites style. just amazing!
  5. Sup everyone, its good'ol Vocalnoid here. Some of you might probably know me from MFG, but if you don't, here's a extremely short summary about me. I got interested to mugen by a sonic fan game called Freedom Fighters, first ever version played: WinMugen (not plus), Favorite Engine: 1.1 (although and can except some interests with 1.0), and thats all I can think of really. I probably won't be as active as much as MFG, but hopefully I'll give the best of what I'll give to all of you. Thank you, and I hope this friendship will last for eternity.
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