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Posts posted by Mature4evr

  1. On the heels of some recent health setbacks, I've resumed the methodical molasses that is my projects.  I'm presently aiming to have the freehand separation (which, for a first, is mysteriously therapeutic) ready within the week.  All things considered, I believe I'm making strides on this front.



  2. Gone are the subtleties, the evasive hints, the allusions of a day to come.  With 2019 proceeding at quite the clip, I thought it apropos to enact my resolve to be about the masses with greater frequency for the foreseeable future.  By my reckoning, this is as good a springboard as any.  That having been said, I give you my extant escapade.


    The Penguin (Oswald C. Cobblepot)




    After lengthy conceptualization between colossal stretches of inactivity, the objective stands as follows:


    • 2 Modes: Batman Returns & Extra (think CvS)
    • 8 Special Moves & 5 Supers
    • Vans' Tiny Buffering System
    • A KOF-esque Combo Build
    • Intro & Ending Sequences
    • Classic & Modern Colors
    • A Number of Win Quotes
    • AI






    Exclusive of facets such as damage values (which were atrociously high in the SNES interpretation of Batman Returns), emphasis will be placed on balance and precision (essentially, the blueprint for all my character releases moving forward).  In preparation for those keen on palette submission, I'm assembling a CSed template to dispense among the forums.  Anyone itching to participate further may message me.  As is always the case, I urge insight and recommendation. 😉

  3. Dislikes:

    • Since I thoroughly savor victory by way of a reasonably level playing field, I'll assert cheap, overpowered AI as my biggest pet peeve.
    • Awful palettes, misaligned sprites, ridiculous attack priority, and obnoxiously deafening sound effects all place a close second to unfair computer control.
    • In the absence of its inventor, I've developed a minor loathing for the "PotS Style" (hear me out).  As I see it, it's inadvertently become a ruler by which to measure those of us who march to the beat of our own drum.  Don't get me wrong, as I certainly recognize that the torch has been passed to proficient individuals (like JMorphman).


    • Other than balanced, gameplay-centric source accuracy, my likes are fundamentally antithetical to the first two statements mentioned above.
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