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Oliver As Latias

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Status Updates posted by Oliver As Latias

  1. ...

    I have no words about how long this took for this site to get back into shape again.

  2. Oh god I forgot to post another status update of what happened in real life.

    So recently a few days ago, there was a stranger which kept knocking at our door (and into my window which was pretty annoying) and she wanted to return the phone she bought from us. The reason? She didn't even pay and says it's broken. How was it already broken to begin with? She just bought it! Then again, she couldn't understand our language.

    Few minutes later, my dad then decided to call the police to take care of her. They took her away and then was promised to never show up again... I hope.
    Long story short, the truth is, she have the same phone she bought from us, and tried to trade it away with the old, broken one.

    For now, things are as normal now, so hopefully we don't run into her again... Or if SHE shows up again.

  3. That Silhouette... That's Kid Dracula for sure.


    1. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      So, Nintendo FINALLY acknowledged Kid Dracula's existence....it's been years


      To be fair, at least Nintendo gave a shit about him unlike Konami



  4. I didn't know SilvaGunner made a M.U.G.E.N video which resembles the old "Everybody Hates" memories. 


    1. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      Why was that so popular back in the day anyways?

    2. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

       Likely had to do with how Judgespear was popular back in the day and it was a meme that he started iirc.

  5. A joke character that me and Tyren are currently working on.


    His name is Ring Thing by the way.

  6. Have a demonstration video of this fella: 




    Ayrton, you're starting to piss me off even more! I demand you stop this right now and leave me alone!

    1. RMaster007


      Not sure why he would claim that you did it. I guess it's because of your self-insert.

    2. Oliver As Latias

      Oliver As Latias

      Well, he keeps going to add my name just to think that I was involved with it, even if I wasn't! And it's SO ANNOYING! I just want him to stop and just leave me alone already, instead of just continuing with this!

    3. RicePigeon


      You're not the only person he's done this to, iirc.

  8. What The Puff? (not my video though, but you WOULD notice something during the intro)


  9. Oh boy, a new character has been added to the booster pack #5 in Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+. And to say this, I'm already loving this character.

    I'm not saying who it is though.

  10. I still feel very bad from what I've done the past, that I seriously can't stop thinking about. My heart is still racing, and I can't calm down.

    If only I could fix my mistakes... But I already know that I can't...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oliver As Latias

      Oliver As Latias

      Past videos, some uploads on MA, and more. This is why I left that site so I could stop making my life worse.

      Speaking of which, for now on, my uploads are now BANNED from being uploaded there. And I'm being serious.

    3. Flare-Gamer-64


      Ahh. okay. I understand. If there's anything you want from MA that can't be found anywhere else I'll make an alternate link for you. If that's fine.

    4. DS12


      You know, several guys told me it's not really good to go overboard on dwelling the past. I think you should keep that in mind too before you do further damage if you know what I mean. But I understand your concern. 

  11. So... Update... New AI... Good luck... 


  12. Just finished a video today. It's the process of the new improved Cuphead character. It's almost finished so stay tuned!


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