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Status Updates posted by Jansen121

  1. Tomorrow i will study more the stage documentation for MUGEN 1.1.

    1. Jansen121


      I'm also in the music configuration part, don't forget it.

  2. Tomorrow i might study more MUGEN stage documentations/tutorials, still on the animation section now.

  3. So i finished the .AIR documentation from the docs from the introduction to interpolation parts (i will reserve the character-specific/reserved numbers for character creation soon, i will start with stages like i promised).

  4. Currently repraticing MUGEN documents now (1.1 version, readed the 1.1 current/latest updates list).

    I Might pratice the .AIR format & first study the stage documentation (Soon i will repratice character creation tutorials, cns format, sctrls, triggers, fonts, storyboards, lifebars & etc), also note that i will read both notations from the docs, mugenguild & "Name = SURA (bluesura.github.io)" site.

    1. Jansen121


      Tomorrow i will repratice more for better knowledge by paying attention (As stated, i will start with stages, i might read info about chars soon & how they work, and important: i might learn to be good with math stuff as a bonus :p).

  5. I Was reading the .CNS documentation though as i finished the .CMD documentation, tomorrow i will read more (Still on "physics" state of statedefs description).

  6. Gonna read part 2 of the .CMD file notation (State entry, readed command information which is part 1).

  7. Finished reading the entire MUGEN character creation tutorial from the docs, now what only rests is the CMD notation, CNS notation, SCTRL reference, trigger list, stage tutorial (from the docs obviously), stage documentation & font/storyboard documentation.

  8. So i was studying things about QoH '99 SE on the site Kitchen Discotheque.

  9. So i finished reading the part 1 of the MUGEN character creation tutorial from the docs (1.0 version), & it took too much hours/minutes to figure it up of how the .SFF works (although i readed carefully/slowly for a better understanding).

    Tomorrow i might read more of these docs (currently at character creation tutorial part 2), my brain feels bored to read since it was a very long reading time but i won't give up because i have more to learn/study.

  10. I Think i might read more MUGEN documents (1.0) for now.

  11. So i have finished reading the .SFF standard document from the MUGEN 1.0 docs, tomorrow i will read the character creation also from the docs+CMD file info inside kfm's .cmd.

  12. So i was reading the MUGEN 1.0 docs & i think tomorrow i have to read more of them.

    1. jo19sh92


      as interesting as they are, they're also quite outdated, in terms of character creation

    2. Jansen121


      Atleast 1.0 it's the best version of the MUGEN docs since 1.0 is the REAL WinMUGEN Elecbyte just made using a new engine called SDL (Instead of Allegro), the original motif got changed and it's now better although, has support screens for 320x240 up to full HD (though without OpenGL just before MUGEN 1.1 came), adds new controllers/triggers & etc.. Plus you can add both low-res & hi-res content on this version (Although 1.1 supports 4K stuff thanks to the new RGB system which makes it have a OpenGL support, you can also add .png images without worrying about colorloss).



  13. Happy 20th birthday, Playstation 2.

    1. Jewel men10

      Jewel men10

      originally released in Japan

    2. FC39Macbeth


      This right here. Is my majority of childhood. Spent on this nifty device!

      I wish my PS2 still works, though. Until then, I'm forced play some games on the emulator on my computer.

    3. Jansen121


      It was part of my childhood, i have played some nostalgic games when i was a kid such as Tekken 5, The Fairly OddParents! Shadow Showdown, Capcom VS. SNK 2, BLACK, God of War 2 (Although i was very young when i played this & never noticed for no reason xd), Crash Twinsanity & etc.

      Fun fact is that when i was a kid i also had a PSX (since 2006~2007 i think).

  14. So i was studying some fighting game mechanics (I Have studied Melty Blood 1/Re-Act Final Tuned on the game's manual translation, i'm currently studying some Eternal Fighter ZERO at Kitchen Discotheque) & i think i'm having a good experience with it.

    1. Darkflare


      You should look at match videos so you have a better understanding on how the mechanics can be used.

    2. Jansen121


      Are you refering of how pro players use their characters right??

    3. Darkflare


      I'm referring to general gameplay. Pros help, but as long as the two players have an idea of what they're doing, it should suffice.

  15. Happy birthday!!!

  16. I'm going back to school tomorrow since carnival ended.

  17. Are you born in the leap day (February 29)???

  18. So i recently took vaccine against Sarampo & i think i'm feeling very good about this.

  19. Isn't that birthdate incorrect???

  20. Currently studying some Eternal Fighter ZERO mechanics for now.

  21. Today was one of my classmates' birthday, his name is Vitor Melo & he is now 16 years old (Born in February 24, 2004).

  22. We can go to feel the eternal lives..

  23. Gonna learn lots of fighting games' mechanics on random faqs/forums.


  24. So crazy this user shares the same birthdate as my cousin Thais, anyways happy 19th for ya.

    1. ・yoonybin・


      Thank you 😄 I'm so sorry im just now seeing this

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