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Status Updates posted by Masterhand128

  1. YBMbuuu.png


    I am thinking to return to Mugen but at the same time I am working a dumb "I put SM64 Mario in X game" mod.

  2. Well, we expected for mounting to this cute dinoasur in Odissey...




    But probably not...





    So, welcome the "real life" in a Mario game!

    1. RicePigeon


      So they're taking inspiration from the Super Mario Bros movie I see :P

    2. SSBKing65✯


      I think all the main Mario characters should appear in this game, especially if Pauline's in it. I'm surprised Toad hasn't made an appearance.

    3. Yagoshi_The_Yoshi


      Holy F***ing Shit. It's a Mariossaur. Jesus Chriiiist!!! WHAT THE F*********************CK

  3. OK, I will buy Mario kart 8 deluxe for my Nintendo swi-




    Oh wait, but it is exclusive for Xbox one, hahahaha!(Sarcarm)


    For more in formation visit here:


    1. NEON 7

      NEON 7

      Wow...Epic Fail on their part.

  4. MFFA appears this weird symbol if you didn´t noticed.




    I know this is a joke but, what is it in the origin?

    1. Valgallah


      It's a yen symbol.

  5. Happy Birthday, Darkwolf! :)


  6. Happy Birthday, TMT! :)


  7. Hey, Happy birthday Ricepigeon! :)


  8. Hey TDX, happy birthday for you! ;)


  9. Hello guys and happy new year, I really loved the news changes in this forum!

    About my next edit, I am very sorry I was very distracted in Source Filmaker tutorials but don´t worry she has a lot of progress and I will try to complete as soon as possible.

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Happy New Year!! MFFA For The Win, Yo! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”

  10. Hey, Happy Birthday Fabulous Dugtrio!

  11. Happy Birthday, Jessica Smoke! :)

  12. Hey Dizzy, Happy Birthday! :)

  13. Hey dude, Happy Birthday! :)

  14. Happy birthday, dude! :)

  15. Oh hey, Happy Birthday Niitris! :)

  16. Bad news guys the institute will start very soon, that means I will not have much time for complete my next edit of Alice´s Oktavia!

    But the only good news is my edit is very close to be completed, maybe in some free time I will try to complete some things for her.


    I am sorry for the inconveniences and I will try to study hard!:lifeofstudy:


    Anyways if you want more information about my next edit, you can visit in my recent WIP Thread.

  17. Since making a video thread is not really a big moment, especially because the forum is very slow and gave me a lot of errors messages...

    I decided to share my newest Mugen video here, enjoy!


    Basically is a battle between Bowser(Great Demon King) and Dark Tohka(Demon King).

  18. Yay, MFFA is back!

    Well, but I can not access the threads and I am waiting for making a WIP thread for my next edit(But Oktavia needs a lot of progress), I hope RMH will back!

  19. Apart of that 500 error, lately the loading system of this forum  is very slow.

    I am not sure if it is part of this problem, but when this problem will be fixed?

    Sorry, but I feel annoying for that terrible problem.

  20. Hey, Happy birthday gui0007! :)

  21. Well guys...I really want to say I will be very inactive in the next summer because I will work hardly for complete my next edit of Alice´s Oktavia, but if my WIP has some completed stuff I will make a WIP Thread in MFG and MFAA and you will can see her new features.


    I hope you will be interested in my WIP of that boss. :)

  22. I have a question.

    Was there more Mugen "wars" apart of MMV and MA in the past?

    1. Ryon


      yes. Mugen Infantry, Infinity Mugen Team, and a very small stint on Mugen Guild regarding the Mugen Police. I've been thru hell. Verbal Wars, Threats. Shit was good.

    2. DuckMannnn


      @Ryon Basically EVERY MUGEN communities rite? :D

    3. RicePigeon


      lets not forget about the hostility between MFG and RandomSelect.


      Also MFFA was never in any "war" with MA, we just got caught in the crossfire

  23. Oh hey, Happy Birthday for you! :)

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