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Status Replies posted by uaguilar

  1. So predictably, the FCC voted against "net neutrality" and thus automatically "against the entire internet".


    If I were to say anything about this it would be a recommendation to you not to freak out about this. I swear, the same thing happened back in early 2014 and the internet did without "neutrality" for a full year, and it didn't turn into a shithole. And that's not mentioning everything before 2007... this does absolutely nothing, as even when it currently existed, it didn't fully work out as battleforthenet pretended it to be.


    The only effects this vote has is the inevitable outrage of everyone who was against this repeal, and of course one of the top-trending hashtags on Twitter is "#RipInternet".

    Is this for real? Most people have no idea how the internet works, but so many are still super passionate about net neutrality and convinced that without it the internet dies.

    Even without taking 2014 into account (which I can't stress enough), what would ever convince you of such an infantile view?


    I'm not at all convinced that most people freaking out about this have even looked up what net neutrality is... and for that matter, how the internet even functions. This issue just pisses me off. There are certainly ways the freedom on internet in countries is hampered, like anti-privacy laws or actual, genuine government-caused censorship of politically unfavorable websites, this "net neutrality" shit is not one of them.

    1. uaguilar


      It seems you know more about this than i do, then what are all the effects this vote had?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Did have know about aTag Team Combo Exhibiton in Mugen using add004

    1. uaguilar


      Yes Im working on a Capcom Vs SNK 3 mugen intro that showcases the crazy team synergies using the add004 tag patch

  3. hey people, does anyone know how i can get the vs screen from another screen pack into my cvs3 screen pack? cause my vs screen is nothing but a now loading screen

    1. uaguilar


      ya fo sho,  if you get around in doing it, and need bit of some help dont feel shy bout messaging me.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. hey people, does anyone know how i can get the vs screen from another screen pack into my cvs3 screen pack? cause my vs screen is nothing but a now loading screen

    1. uaguilar


      bro, i figured it out!!! i got the vs screen from another screen pack and it looks amazing.  thanks for all your help btw.     did you still need help doing the same??

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. hey people, does anyone know how i can get the vs screen from another screen pack into my cvs3 screen pack? cause my vs screen is nothing but a now loading screen

    1. uaguilar


      ok, wow, you make a lot more sense, thank you for real.   ok so i opened fighter factory, on top clicked on sprites button, then open, then found and opened my system.sff file.  so how do i find where my vs screen supposed to be at on fighter factory?  i appologize for my noobness

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. hey people, does anyone know how i can get the vs screen from another screen pack into my cvs3 screen pack? cause my vs screen is nothing but a now loading screen

    1. uaguilar


      I cannot find any info but this


      which doesnt help me too much cause they are speaking in high level mugen coding stuff that i have no experience with... have u checked this out before?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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