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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. Alrighty then. I'm learning how to use the moves of most of the characters in Nijikaku, do you know any websites that could help me with that?
  2. Well, not a QUESTION, but a IDEA. How about you look up "MUGEN Hypers" on Youtube, then go into another tab, type in "MUGEN (name of character here)", maybe then you'll find characters more easily.
  3. Actually, I have the fullgame, believe it or not, I play it sometimes.
  4. Oh, alright, I couldn't be more grateful, I'll add these to my IMT MUGEN so I have the full Nijikaku collection. Thank you so, so much.
  5. Could you also possibly help me how to change the OGGs into MP3s? It's a bit annoying to have the music in a infinite loop of one part while trying to learn the specials/hypers for the characters. And could you also possibly try to do the same thing that you did with the characters for the stages as well? (As in, put them in one collection.)
  6. You could probably, uh, split the whole thing into parts, I'm planning on doing something like that one day.
  7. No, I mean, Nijikaku AND the other characters you have (unless you just have Nijikaku characters)
  8. Well, it's probably gonna take a extremely long time, but maybe you could make a Hyper Combo video featuring all the characters you've got.
  9. Y'know what, maybe when I grow up, I might just make that, I'll also need someone that knows the secrets in that game, and someone fluent in Japanese, and VOICE SCTORS (i.e Tara Strong voicing Waha, etc.)
  10. You bet'cha! Also, imagine a XBOX One version of this game.
  11. I'd love to see that, I'd love to know all the secrets in this game as well!
  12. My mains are just about anybody that isn't NSFW. Especially Majin, Simonkin, Kanmi and Waha.
  13. http://www.mediafire.com/download/ro09q04604anmpk/Nijikaku+(2015).7z
  14. And the fact that the Nijikaku A.I is balls-high in terms of difficulty makes her even more nightmarish.
  15. I have no clue, Another Ore is just messed up. What were they thinking when they made Sanrio as well?
  16. Back on topic... For anybody that doesn't know, this game is based off of 2chan. There's going to be some NSFW content (i.e Memesii, Sanrio, Wagahai), so I'd suggest playing this game privately. However, it's still a very good game and has aged very well.
  17. Well, alrighty... My name is Thomas Cabral. I am, believe it or not, a young Canadian teenager. My hobbies are playing video games, playing MUGEN, playing on the computer and playing ROBLOX.
  18. Ah, finally someone else that plays this game. I loved this relic of history since Day One of downloading it. It is one of the weirdest, funniest and most fun games I've ever played.
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