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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] ICHiBAAAAAN! [COMMENT] Oh look! Vegaz dropped another ring stage! And it's based on...Asuka 120?! That's right. This is my interpretation of Cathy Wilds' stage from Asuka 120% Burning Festival. I made it specifically for D4 Cathy by Azu. Stage has parallax, looped bgm, zoom and superjump. Enjoy!
  2. Thank you. Have a good day. LightFlare turns to the others informing them it was ok to leave. @A person @Darkflare @Dumanios Looks like we can head out! Sounds great! I'm ready to see what this city has to offer. The rustic feel leads me to believe there are some charming shops scattered about. Yeah. I can appreciate the architecture. From what we saw on the way, I'm sure we'll see some beautiful sights. And castle will be the icing on the cake. I'm actually excited. Been training and fighting so much I haven't stopped to relax in a while it seems. You really gotta relax more, Light. There's so much more to this world than conflict. Despite how much we've seen in the last day or two.... Indeed it is... LightFlare and Melina walk past the guards into the streets of Candor. With many marvellous sights, attractions and even potential dangers, they hope to enjoy their time in the new city. As they walk they would take notice to all their surroundings potentially interacting with the locals and any places of interest on their way to the castle.
  3. Adorable... Melina leads Penny over towards LightFlare. We have a party of seven...
  4. I'll be nice... LightFlare approaches one of the guards at the door, calling to them before he got too close so as not to startle the already tense soldiers. Excuse me, Sir. Me and my friends want to take a tour of your fine city. Are we allowed to leave? @A person
  5. The more the merrier. Ok...let's head out. Come on, Penny! Can't have you just hanging around a place like this by yourself, Lil Sis. As LightFlare heads toward the door, he encounters Darkflare. I know these guards are a bit of a pain, but try not to loose your patience. We don't need you splitting any of these guys in half or anything. Hahaha! But to be fair, this type of stress can be a bit much, even for you, Dark.
  6. Count me in! Alright, sounds like we have ourselves a proper party. Liltih you coming, too? Or are you on the clock? Ha..
  7. Ok...I'll cut you some slack for now. But you're gonna need to get on the ball, young lady. Hahaha! Well...guess we'll just take a tour of the city then... You girls wanna check out the castle? Sasuke, right? You can tag along too if you're into that. We can head towards it and check out a few sights along the way.
  8. She's gotta point, Penny. I had to learn the hard way that without focus, you'll never get stronger and you're bound to make mistake... ...as evidenced by that little "slip up" in my match against Lilith. But nobody's perfect I suppose. (Tourist trap. That gives me an idea...) The slums, huh? I'll keep that in mind. I was thinking...where could I score a Tourist Guide of some sort? I'm sure there are a couple places around here to do so.
  9. Having said their last goodbye's, at least till they meet again...Lucent, Awnalt and Umbra step through the portal. Anwalt stands on the other side smiling at Melina as the portal closes... Till next time, Walt...stay alive... Don't worry, Mel. Umbra's resourceful, Lucent's reliable...and Anwalt is to stubborn to die. Well...I guess we can take a tour of the city now. So, Penny. Was that festival you saw earlier still going? I guess if it was close to here they've probably already shut it down. LightFlare yells to Darkflare... Hey, Dark! Any idea what to do for fun in this city? Actually... Before Darkflare could answer, Light walks over to merchant girl from before who helped them with registration. Excuse me, young lady. I was hoping you had a few suggestions. Me and my friends would like to do a bit of sight seeing. @Darkflare
  10. Looks like we're going out then. Let's have a bit of fun. I could use a bit of down time, myself. Lucent, you guys coming right? Sure. We could...
  11. The longer I'm here, the more I realize Candor is a bit more exciting than I thought. The..."plane"...wad attacked by pirates on the way over. We get here and there are guards all over the place. And after a killer workout...we're attacked by some homicidal portal jumping monster. Now we have guards about to potentially quarantine this entire building. And the day...isn't even over. Careful, Light. Or your..."excitement", will start "showing". Since when are you noticing my "excitement?" Since you switched from the loose gi to tight jeans, "Light Bright." Careful. I don't want Walt flying across the room at me fist first. No big deal. Just LightFlare Cannon and you'll be fine. Now where have I heard that one before?
  12. Well...I think I've accomplished my initial mission and then some. Not only did I introduce you to Darkflare, but he's offered you a job. Gotta admit I didn't see that one coming. But, I'm gonna stick around for a bit. Maybe spend some of this prize money. I'm down with that. "Spidey senses" tingling, Dark? I know her majesty is off high integrity...but what do you know about this Detective Abraxas? Oh they get along. As in if they don't do what he says they pay for it in spades... I think you're being a bit judgmental. You of all people don't have room to judge. You're no saint either...little brother... Shame...shame...hahaaha!
  13. Ah...I'm beginning to see your lack of battle experience doesn't stem from a lack of wanting it. Don't sell yourself short, Lilith. I can tell that you have a mind for combat. Another reason why you and Darkflare are definitely alike. Speaking of which, I heard him offer you a job. You really gonna take him up on that? Take care, Detective. LightFlare, Melina, Umbra wave goodbye to Det. Abraxas. I like him. There's something about his smile that makes me feel like I know him already. That's because behind that smile is probably a blood thirsty killer loves torturing strange beasts for a living. Yes! You felt it too?! I definitely felt something... (Looks like are "smiley faced" detective is leaving but his guards are not...) I don't blame you, hun. Behind his pleasant demeanor is a calculated leader. Guys like that can be trouble when you're on their opposing side. And that's coming from me...
  14. Indeed. Well...look on the bright side. We did manage to defeat the creature relatively unscathed. It's quite useful for..."easy infiltration" When "I" make those kind of jokes...it's funny. When YOU make those kind of jokes...its CREEPY. Who said I was joking? You know, Umbra. I think I'm rubbing off on you. Or...should it be the other way around? Heh...and then you go and 1up him on the "cringe fest." Welcome to MY nightmare, Walt. Hahaha...you sure you don't wanna get in a few more rounds, Lilith?
  15. I agree. But I'm unsure what to think of this. On the one hand, we were able to best a strong creature by working together. One that could possibly be the strongest of whatever group or species these things are. On the other hand, you did mention this one is much stronger than any of the others you faced. If that is any indication of how these things will continue to appear, then each beast my be stronger than the last. Things are definitely not looking good for the home team... Anwalt didn't know just how right he was... This place is quite magical. Actually I think you're on the right track. I use portals myself. I can make them appear anywhere I want. Once I've made them appear in a particular place, I can make them reappear in the same spot. I can even do this from miles away. I can even travel to different worlds. I just have to visit them at least once. The reason is every place has it's own..."signature". Once you know that, you can return there whenever you want. Well...at least that's how I do it. I have to admit...it's a petty cool ability. That also explains why you didn't just warp to Candor...or Kalos even. Correct... No, sir. I don't wanna hold you up. Im sure you have a ton of things you need to attend to. If I can help in any way, I'm up for the task. Not that you need my help. The Royal Guard look well equipped for the job.
  16. Well then. That's that. Not much else you can do" I suppose. Guess we'll just keep beating them up until we find a weakness. I guess we're bound to learn SOMETHING... Every battle is a chance to learn. Well would you look at that? Sounds like someone is enjoying themselves out on the battlefield. Causing physical harm to others is indeed fulfilling. Am I right?! So there's a chance a portal can open in the same place more than once?
  17. Nice to meet you, Detective. I guess you have a valid point as well. Detective Abraxas: Normally, I would not be so keen on sharing that information with you. However, considering the cirumstances... Detective Abraxas: That was not the only one of its kind. Perhaps you may have seen the previous scene on your way here? That, too,, was another occurrence of the same type: a vortex appears, a creature leaps out of it and causes havoc. We were able to dispatch the creature before we suffered any casualties, and had the same result as the creature you slew outside. I can confirm that the creature was no longer a threat after its body collapsed into the strange goo; I have a feeling the same applies to your situation. But... Detective Abraxas: Those vortexes can reform at any given moment. There are currently five other sites that are actively being monitored at the moment, three of which have reopened and created multiple creatures, each different from the last one. Intel also reports that activity is greater outside of the city and within Applebell Forest. And all of this has begun happening within the last week. Detective Abraxas: Would you happen to have anymore questions about the situation? Oh, and do please keep this information to yourselves; sight of the vortexes is causing enough of a panic as it is. Ah...I can keep a secret, Detective. I have quite a few of my own. Don't we all... Speaking of secrets, detective. The name's LightFlare. I have a question. What did you do to defeat the creature you fought? And have they shared any common weaknesses? We were able to overwhelm it but that might not always be the case. If I may ask, is there any obvious weapons or...well anything that work best?
  18. He's got a point... Hey, hun! Don't worry. We sent that thing packing! Luckily we had it outnumbered. A one on one fight with that thing may have gone differently... Speak for yourself, "Light Bulb!" I could've took that thing on my own with one hand tied behind.... Before Umbra could finish telling and obvious lie, someone new and seemingly important walked into the Hideout... Hello. My name is Anwlat Vermillion. I believe I could be of assistance. To whom am I speaking to? I have to agree wholeheartedly. I still question if it ever truly..."left".
  19. Don't worry. Penny is already inside. We'll check on her when we go inside the Hangout. I have my moments. Anyway, lets head inside. I'm sure the entire lobby is wondering what happened by this point. Something tells me this isn't an isolated event... LightFlare, Melina, Anwalt, Umbra and Lucent head inside the hangout.
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