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Everything posted by N_N

  1. New PC, new roster. About 900 characters currently.
  2. https://mega.nz/#!ejJhUKrA!jnMOJ5Q2U0HmaCzjk59Bm6kegMAba2VUFOzpBj4prNc Whip by ryokucha
  3. Oh, I meant to say "focus on kung fu". My bad.
  4. Quintas & Ronin by SGUERRADESIGN [Preview] [Download] https://mega.nz/#!fqpEkIYD!zZX3B11wmFYQWaiEn5RS1CqCQ-zV7280P3L8oQMqfOI [Comment] Two characters made from digitized photos of real people, a la Mortal Kombat and similar games. No Fatalities or any other MK feature here, though. Both of their movesets have a kung fu focus.
  5. Senator by Hsieh/DNZRX - http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/new-pikachu-senator-astraea-and-sailor-venus-updated-146403.0.html
  6. Simple Man by heaven-e-hell [Preview] [Download] https://mega.nz/#!NBBzTaKZ!te-NclrOYSXSs1SomsrC4-VVrsTP0ZGxi0hnCpky414 Has about 4 specials and 3 hypers, one of which having the nice feature of crashing the game.
  7. Andy Bogard by Satan's Child - https://mega.nz/#!lMIzHJTJ!StKhJ-QsXKkCEbUaMDjL-KTy1vwsVjYG7_38KYHaLT4 Orochi Shermie by Andre Lopes, edited by 119way - https://mega.nz/#!JZRClYQT!QbtgnizZNCdjFqAUTqJtme3EerH1vfiAqfRqkLOpwBY
  8. which would you rather make - screenpacks or lifebars

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Screenpacks since in the very base they use the same coding as stages.

    3. Dissidia


      Lifebars first,  screenpack comes later.

    4. Flare-Gamer-64


      Lifebars. I already have a near perfect screenpack in S.M.E.S. 

  9. http://www.mediafire.com/file/rcfv7r73car9nwf/M'Cheetah'K.rar#39;Cheetah'K.rar Tai Cheetah by maximkud
  10. These are all rather subjective but here you go: - Muteki's characters - OMEGAPSYCHO's characters - Team Z2's characters - Dink Smallwood by The_None - Andres Borghi's characters (the ones from The Black Heart) - Kamekaze's MvC2 conversions Generally conversions from games are pretty good. And a lot of ahuron's characters are fun too.
  11. Here you go. Unfortunately the filename was like this when I DLed it.
  12. Here you go. https://mega.nz/#!gUpUXbLC!guswT-XhcszaS-BGPf_lnHuOLMMZ0vifjCH7F1NOqgU I'm not sure where I found him, actually, but he was on one of my old HDDs.
  13. That feel when you have a very shaky hand and can't even sprite...

    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      That moment when you realise you have too many W.I.Ps, some even dating back to last March.

    2. jeffery
    3. jeffery
  14. Ah crap. I don't know what's causing it.
  15. I updated the Gardevoir MvC patch (already, geez). It should work on 1.0 now, plus I added and fixed a few things. https://nofile.io/f/W6eNtOKv3PT/GardevoirMvCPatchUpdate.zip
  16. That's weird. I'm using M.U.G.E.N 1.1 beta 1 and it's working fine. Is the mugenversion in the "MVC.def" file "06,14,2003"? If not, try changing it to that and see what happens.
  17. I created a patch for kater15's edit of Dshiznetz's Gardevoir that makes it psuedo-MvC style: https://nofile.io/f/XkYOtZZgON2/GardevoirMvCPatch.zip
  18. "Game Creator Tale Marill" by joeythemarillfan5678: https://nofile.io/f/hoRN0wBm28z/GC_Marill.rar And that's all you need to know.
  19. There's also the bit-recent NoFile.io.
  20. Cagney Carnation by John Smith: https://mega.nz/#!AAh0TSbB!ABXRKRzDXkZgwv9FlhJU46iWr-MHQUKxbiA-k9xoIzU Cagney Carnation sprite rips: https://mega.nz/#!FYYjSbbZ!oMu2fTQeYDcUsYdcME5NdqujqXUwkS2QS1sk4J-dO7k
  21. Don't worry, I have you covered: Brandly Hand/billyrivas's Cuphead and Mugman: https://mega.nz/#!hJ43GDxC!2KIT_5_TAwc7jW4CCluetOx1ED0_9PmrPn2-TvzlUyk Flake's Cuphead and Mugman: https://mega.nz/#!dAAhCSZQ!E0lpnTkNkP4DZu_H8CCA3TJWhUsHdsCTH9au8VleVkA Cuphead announcer for regular lifebars by Creamy Ass: https://mega.nz/#!NJB0jLJK!2A_8uiW5csjK-e6OPmex0ZAI8CNW6rHRi7BD01XDhEc
  22. I've updated this character! Get it here: https://mega.nz/#!lcQnWIBa!5VwUs1jkE1Qg-G-VCksjkxJzwuuHwfRyKgppYZYCF70 Changelog: - Oil Panic has been added! - Added new Hyper, "Down for the Count". - Added new intro. - More ending lag for strong version of Chef. - More ending lag for strong version of Helmet. - Corrected attributes of some moves. - Changed the throw variable from var(0). - Increased Judge 8's damage. - Slightly lowered the Attack stat. - Changed jump landing sound. - Added dust to Helmet. - Adjusted Mr. Game & Watch Stampede some more. - Added a CLSN1 to Anim 2626 so that the HitDef for it would work. - Added sound and EnvShake to crouching hard punch. - Added sound and explod to Hyper Key.
  23. This is the only method I know...: 1. Create a password-protected .zip with the characters you want as "unlockables" and a copy of your regular select.def file that contains the "unlockables". 2. Open up system.def in the word editor of your choice and go down to where it says [Win Screen]. Make sure "enabled" is set to "1". 3. There should be a line that says "wintext.text = *insert text here*". Edit the text after the = symbol to something like the password for the .zip. Save the file. After you've done that, completing Arcade Mode with any character should give you the password to the .zip so you can extract the files to where you normally would. A bit tedious, but I'm pretty sure it works.
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