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Everything posted by OldGamer

  1. New Update patch for Mugen 9's Warachia Mugen character https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-791ZMl86O5QVlKclVINk03T2M/view?usp=sharing
  2. i wish my Melty blood Ikemen remix was chosen on the Grand Master Release and shop

    :4b05aba5dc134:I dont ask for mush but this one thing  


    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- This Looks Awesome! You Outdid Yourself Once Again, OldGamer! ^_^

  3. Melty Blood Ikemen Remix Release Made and Coded By OldGamer Credit the People that made this Project Possible Grand Master Teacher > TheFclass97 for his AWESOME VIDEO GUIDE about HOW TO IKEMEN Series http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/how-to-ikemen-series-171303.0.html Dr. Kohaku's LifeBars and Portraits Add-on http://www.kohaku.trinitymugen.net/type-mugen/add-ons.html 14 Mugen Characters made by Mugen 9 or for short 930 Melty Blood Mugen Stages Made by Multiple Mugen Creators Sorry no link Custom Big Portrait made by OldGamer Melty Blood Sprites from Sprite Resources https://www.spriters-resource.com/playstation_2/mbaa/ Titlte Screen loading Screen IP Portal Screen Connection Screen Select Screen Download link http://network.mugenguild.com/oldgamer/OldGamer Mugen Creation/My I.K.E.M.E.N STUFF/MB_ikemen_rimex.rar
  4. I'm Making A Ikemen Melty Blood Remix I'm Making A Ikemen Melty Blood Remix for my friend KDC705It's need a lot work but its getting there you can find the complete project located here
  5. A Mugen Open Source Screen Pack Coming Soon made by OldGamer This Screen Pack is Open Source that will be coming soon Why is this screen pack is Open Source ? because this screen pack been used on My Complete Video Guide on How to make a basic mugen screen pack. This screen pack will come with everything and help everyone on easy understanding how screen pack really works and how easy can be made Anyone can EDIT, franking sprite or even sprite swap this screen pack at your own league. that a real reason why its open source screen pack. you wont have worry about it. its my way of giving you a source that teach you and make you understand on how screen pack really is made
  6. Complete Guide: How to make a Basic Mugen Screen packs for Beginners Screen Pack Guide Part 1: How to get setup & Understand the Settings video guide and Please Click the Hide Tap to Guide your way to the Video Guide :D
  7. I wanted to share this with everyone JUST in case if anyone having the same problem as Omega This video Guide will help you fix your problem and enjoy any screen pack that having intro glitches to the versus screen And everyone having way to many characters on the select screen you can also can do this as well and to save time go to my data folder find my Intro.def and rename it to Intro1.def and then go to my system.def open it and find intro.storyboard = intro.def and change it to intro.storyboard = intro1.def and this will fix the problem so this way you don't have to go threw every each character to remove there intro and ending for them :D
  8. Super Mugen Screen Pack has Iogo, intro , game over , credits Super Mugen Screen Pack come with mugen 1.0 and 1.1 Super Mugen Screen Pack has its own lIfebars made by Oldgamer Super Mugen Screen Pack come with 152, 403 , 756, 1368 mugen addon slots for your mugen collection Super Mugen Screen Pack set localcoord = 640,480 only Super Mugen Screen Pack come with 32 custom Super Nintendo Mugen Stages for the Super Mugen Big Speical thanks to StaubHold for being my Beta tester and his awesome feedback Flare Gamer 64 for his feedback and Suggestion The Mugen Fighter Guild Community for there awesome Help and Information And My son Jake Miller Castro for being my Announcer for the SMES lifebar WARNING AND NOTICE FOR ALL MUGEN 1.1 USERS The 32 SMES Mugen Stage are NOT meant to be tampered with Please don't Add Zoom Effect because these stages are not meant to be Zoom So dont come to me with your problems if you did not read My Warnings The Super Mugen Screen Pack for Mugen 1.0 and 1.1 IS NOT HD its HIRES Download located here Super Mugen Screen Pack for Mugen 1.0 Software https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-791ZMl86O5SmRUMFdaYW90RDQ/view?usp=sharing Super Mugen Screen Pack for Mugen 1.1 Software https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-791ZMl86O5ZDhxUURDN2did1E/view?usp=sharing
  9. Hey its fun for while. but its time for me to say goodbye to MFFA.

    God bless and take care everyone


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Darkflare
    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      You, good sir, will be missed by many here, including myself.

      If you ever feel the urge to return, you know where you can find us :)
      Best wishes friend.

  10. Mugen stage has animation Mugen stage has super jump Mugen stage has great delta setting Mugen stage was rip from snes9x emulator Mugen come with only mugen 1.0` Mugen stage is localcoord 320,240 low res setting A bit of a warning if you want add zoom effect that on upon your self but keep in mind that I never wanted to add zoom for this stage Download http://network.mugenguild.com/oldgamer/OldGamer Mugen Creation/My Mugen Stages/My Original stages creation/SunsetBeach.rar
  11. Mugen stage has Super Jump Mugen stage has animation Mugen stage has parallax Mugen stage has decent delta setting Mugen stage's sprite were rip from snes9x 1.53 Mugen has zoom factor setting Mugen stage is only for the mugen 1.1 Mugen stage come with own custom sound.mp3 Download located here http://network.mugenguild.com/oldgamer/OldGamer%20Mugen%20Creation/My%20Mugen%20Stages/My%20Original%20stages%20creation/lakeside%20mugen%20stage.rar
  12. Mugen stage have super jump Mugen stage have animation Mugen stage is compatible with mugen 1.1 & 1.0 Mugen stage is set to 320x240 localcoord setting Download located here http://network.mugenguild.com/oldgamer/OldGamer Mugen Creation/My Mugen Stages/My Original stages creation/The Great Wall MugenStage.rar Backup Download https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-791ZMl86O5aFEtX2NVUWJrR28/view?usp=sharing
  13. This is the 1280x720 version for those wanted a 720p version The screen pack come with 407 slots and 969 slots that all you going to get don't complain at least you are getting a 720p version Main Download http://network.mugenguild.com/oldgamer/OldGamer Mugen Creation/My Original Screen Packs/M.I.C.A 720p VERSION-1.0 %26 1.1.rar Backup download section https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-791ZMl86O5c0pKbmhOd2dfdEE/view?usp=sharing
  14. Hey Ryoucchi I forgot to tell you that I was removed from mediafire 3 year ago and so I want to update the link for the Eternal fighter zero converted screen pack. And here the link for it https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgGeykJvgdNdkHwSyPmX5oKHZDsv
  15. thank you but don't watch my video and download my screen pack lol I already fix long time ago that just an old video to see if anyone does care about downloading my stuff instead of watching it haha xD
  16. New update 4/27/2017 for the New Mica screen pack this time got all the slots taking care off Here video guide for anyone is new to mugen and my screen pack How use My New Mica Addon Slots and Patch files Download link for the New Mica Addon Slots and Patch files http://network.mugenguild.com/oldgamer/OldGamer Mugen Creation/My Original Screen Packs/New Mica Add-ons Slots %26 Patch files.rar
  17. Video demonstration of the New Mica Screenpack 2nd version for 1.1 & 1.0 what those the screen pack come with ? well let me tell you 1. Come with a logo screen 2. Come with a intro screen 3. Come with a game over screen 4. Come with a credit ending screen 5. Come with a better continue screen 6. Come with a mugen 1.0 and 1.1 preset ready 7. The Screenpack Come with a 100 slots 8. Come with a Original Made lifebar for the New Mica screen pack AND THE SCREEN PACK IS 640X480 RESOLUTION HIRES NOT HD Lmao Big SUPER Specail thanks to Umihana for being part of the voices announcer fot the New Mica screen pack. all the credits goes to her Big SUPER shout out to Demonkai for HIS awesome advice on sound selection and beta testing the New Mica screen pack Download link located here New Mica Screenpack 2nd version 1.0 http://network.mugenguild.com/oldgamer/OldGamer%20Mugen%20Creation/My%20Original%20Screen%20Packs/M.I.C.A%202ND%20VERSION-1.0.rar New Mica Screenpack 2nd version 1.1 http://network.mugenguild.com/oldgamer/OldGamer%20Mugen%20Creation/My%20Original%20Screen%20Packs/M.I.C.A%202ND%20VERSION-1.1.rar
  18. i like to give a big special thanks to Umihana for being part of the voice announcer for the Mica Life Bar and the screen pack for the Mica Screen Pack Here the round animation for New Mica lifebar make over :D
  19. I just got done making the versus screen for the side dish
  20. Alpyne can I give you an Suggestion idea for this instead of using that blue background and that blue floor. why dont you add some real cage match element to its to make feel more like real electric cage match. here let me give you and Idea what I mean
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