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Everything posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. Here's Yurusanae: https://yadi.sk/d/DLWhjFj43Jx9mj and another similar character called Arajin God: https://yadi.sk/d/-NdR-bQQ3Jx9mr Also, BSReimu: https://yadi.sk/d/K1bnpYX73JxCnH
  2. Comments: Siburin is a chibi parody of Rin Shibuya from THE iDOLM@STER. She has simple flying kick attacks and can summon Mio Honda as a damaging shield. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i3qozgfii1niiyn/AAD_5xkUjtIdf1txFsmXqV7Ia?dl=0
  3. She's an MSPaint Parody of Ushio from Kancolle Collection, based off her original art and is the latest character there is. Usiosu was released around March 2016.
  4. It's the newest version and no, it still uses WInmugen, but get this for a 1.0 conversion: https://yadi.sk/d/d29gcacyyRqgM
  5. I have an alt Mediafire link now: http://www.mediafire.com/file/5ps5n6v468v4z6g/Nijikaku_61.zip
  6. I found Seti. She's a more lighthearted looking Wind.
  7. You're missing H. A. L . L . 's characters, he makes some solid Kirby boss chars for Mugen. Such as the Heavy Lobster. Chameleo Arm + AI patch And Ado, where he fights just like his source incarnation Also, here's Kabula's AI Patch. Lastly, I saw this really weird Kirby character called Kirbey, reminds me of Nijikaku's Getsuyoubi. Judging from the name, it shouldn't be too hard to find.
  8. Here's Mabel: https://yadi.sk/d/Vswg3hqg3JN2bN & Wendy: https://yadi.sk/d/cHdvHD2L3JN2bQ by Son Bra Is Good. I think they're both real nice chars. Also, here's the SNK Rumble that LB mentioned before: https://yadi.sk/d/U0oWwxq63JN2cu
  9. Preview: Comments: A simple realistic theater stage with candles and various Nijiura ads. 2017/05/15(Mon)00:07 https://yadi.sk/d/jKBjDetY3J9QES
  10. https://yadi.sk/d/IUHpK3VR3J6aqe Here's the original Launa.
  11. Preview: Comments: I saw these patches, found em, and why not share em? Link: http://ux.getuploader.com/mugennico/
  12. I've been waiting for this. FOP doesn't have much Mugen representation, and it's great to see a vital villain like herself Mugenized. That Maho Mushi hyper takes me back, love it.
  13. I went to an art community service today, here's some of the sketches we did:








    1. NijikakuFan61


      Jesus Christ, that's amazing!

  14. https://yadi.sk/d/GeUrBJLd3GXoMQ
  15. AI Patch: http://ux.getuploader.com/Air_MUGEN_op/
  16. Wang's the black haired girl wearing a white shirt with a blue top, she certainly blends in with her stage.
  17. Here: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!662&cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E
  18. Custom Experimental BA Wang Pairon by Borewood2013 released (3/13/2017) Preview: Download: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=7DB65F02B0BBD12E!112&cid=7DB65F02B0BBD12E (363MB) Find out more at: http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t9832-mugen1-0-custom-experimental-ba-wang-pairon-released-by-borewood2013-2017-03-13#116285
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