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Everything posted by Sweetfire13

  1. White Friend code: 2408 8383 8963 I have a gamestop Celebi I want to get rid of, any takers?
  2. Otaku means house in Jappo, which refers to people who stay inside all day, watch anime, and surf the internet. I find it funny when people call themselves otaku because they are basically calling themselves a no life loser. What they mean to call themselves are weeaboos which I believe otaku would more fit their description.
  3. I find them on various forums and places such as 4chan.
  4. Had this for the longest time, forgot to post it.
  5. Dude, I live like 10 hours from you, I'm about 200 miles north from Dallas.
  6. http://www.facebook.com/LikeAGreekGod Your traditional fat Mexican from Texas with poor posture.
  7. Welp, Eureka Seven Ao, Fate/Zero, and Medaka Box. 2012 is looking delicious.
  8. In Kingdom Hearts BBS Final Mix there is a secret ending that teases that there is going to be a Volume 2 that fills in the gap between KH2 and BBS
  9. Bleach? phhht, you should see the naruto mugen community
  10. Everyone has multiple screenpacks. I feel like a total scrub for just have one big screen pack.
  11. The nostalgia in me is exploding. I remember being 6 or 7 and watching the oldschool adultswim anime block. good times :')
  12. Oh I agree Entirely, I'm just too lazy to go through it and fix everything. http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//sad.png You know what. It's been bothering the fuck out of me all day, So I finally plugged in the spaces between characters. I'll be making some select icons hopefully for dem black boxes Funny how this stuff gets to you when someone points it out.
  13. Oh cool, you uploaded them. Now I can get the characters I unintentionally ignored.
  14. Wouldn't call it a roster, just a conglomeration of the good, the broken, and the ugly. Screenpack is EvE Battle (HD) by DJ Van
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