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Everything posted by Dan

  1. UT_figcombo_main_47f2f28b-6cde-43be-b328




    1. Galvatron


      It be more lilkly if they was in SSB4.... :-P

  2. I've seen many videos of "X vs Y" that claim that the animation is made by them while its obviously M.U.G.E.N (Even some times the lifebar and sounds are Winmugen default)
  3. Played the GBA Rhythm Tengoku

    "Hey Baby Hows it going?"

    1. Rimu


      I played this game a lot. Until I cleared the last remix and the old minigames started appearing again in more challenging versions. I found they really boring and cheap, and I ended dropping the rest of the game.


      Still, I have great memories from playing it.

  4. Who is/was KickStarHooligan? did he changed name? because i don't remember following him.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      Why am I not surprised?

    3. Cook4251


      I don't know what's up with him, but it's of no importance to be seeking attention. Glad that RicePigeon shut him up though.

    4. Niitris


      Combo Assassin in MFG, he pulled the same nonsense there

  5. Whats going on with all these guys spamming?
  6. "Tenia que ser el Duane del ocho!" good job on the collection, but some of the names uses a "Ñ" not an "N" (like "Ñoño")
  7. Accidentally deleted my +30GB MUGEN i was working on since 2010 (it got some good offline characters), since then i'm a bit off for building another MUGEN
  8. The Sixth stage (Castle Proserpina) from Castlevania Bloodlines on Expert mode (you can't get the full ending on other difficulties), it took me about a month to complete, not only the stage itself is unfair but you have to fight ALL SOME of the bosses in Megaman style and the both final bosses.
  9. Looks like mugen archive is down again.

  10. "Somebody set up us the bomb." -Zero Wings Mechanic
  11. going to give League of Legends a second try, i hope this time with my brother i get used to the game

    1. Banksy Boomboom

      Banksy Boomboom

      LoL is a bit complicated to play, however if you understand how it works then it'll be fun

      You should play cheap and easy champs like Master Yi, Garen, etc. if you're new

  12. I'm planning to make a time based mugen (add 3 characters everyday to a huge screenpack)

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      You sure you havent bitten off more than you can chew?

  13. can you do this one please Ryoucchi?
  14. 10 years later, i finally played Star Wars Battlefront 2 Online, i sucked

  15. Manly Man Not so manly Man Kid Man Originality Man Do not steal Man DonutSteel Man Mugen Man Internet Man
  16. Noticed something weird happenend  to my signuature, going to fix it later if it not fixed already

  17. I wish a Blazblue x Guilty Gear crossover game, that would be too perfect (if there one already, please tell me)

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      There are no imediate plans.

      Maybe after Central Fiction.

  18. the nostalgia. (this was my second console, the first one being Sega Genesis)
  19. Yesterday i watched Civil War, it's was very good but something bothered me,


    ======POSIBLE SPOILER=====

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    The spiderman apperance here for me was just a fanservice cameo, he was just here for 1 fight and he's gone for the rest of the movie, i was excepting something more important.




    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Well, that's sad...

    2. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      Spiderman get rated under Iron Man. It's like Zangiev getting rated under Haggar.

  20. Getting my 3DS full of DS homebrew

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