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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. "Really? I mean, the two of us get along pretty well, and he even saved my life......."
  2. "Really? I figured that something was sending those creatures after you, and so did Zero." "Okay, spill it, Erza! How long were you and MK's friend spying on us?" "Calm down, Mary. We just got here earlier, and we saw you and your new buddies fighting the monsters, so............." "Wait a sec.......how do you know who I am? Did Lucy tell you about me?" "You betcha! You look a lot like that Hughes guy ran into a while ago, too, so, yeah.........I knew." ".........You really think so? Because I agree. Something's up with him, and I'm not waiting another second longer to figure it out!" Lapis stayed true to her word and flew head of the group in the midst of her justified anger....... "Lapis! Get back here! We have to stick together!"

    1. NijikakuFan61


      all of the people that get it wrong aren't true fate/stay night fans

    2. Dissidia


      Alter Saber Alter Saber Alter Saber.

    3. NijikakuFan61


      @Dizzy™ please stop, my OCD is going to kick in soon

  4. It didn't take long for Mary to catch on to Zero's schtick....... "Uhhh, MK? You didn't warn us that someone from your universe would be coming here......."
  5. "You know how to handle the element of surprise......that's for sure." With the group being none the wiser, it took them a few moments to notice that an Iblis Worm had attempted to attack them from behind. "Ahhh! What the ---?!" "Alright, who's the wise guy that didn't give us a warning?" "That would be us, two." Mary, Lapis, Peko, and Fuyuhiko were surprised by the two people responsible for the Iblis Worm takedown. They stepped out from the shadows and revealed themselves...... "The name's Erza Scarlet, and this cool looking guy is Ultraman Zero!"
  6. "Yeah. That's why we've been scouting these guys out, to see if they could use our help."
  7. "Ah, geez........we better go after them." "We might as well. We don't want to fall behind and lose our only guides to Iblis." The group ran towards Anna and Victoria and eventually caught up to them. Mary let the two know her displeasure with Argento leaving them behind almost immediately...... "Can we get a move on, already? We don't want to let Argento leave us behind........" "Argento's still better off with our help, regardless of his opinion." While that was going on, two silhouettes watched off in the distance from the shadows, having watched the battle between the heroes and ........ "Look at those guys. Not a damn ounce of fear in any of them. Including those two angels over there........." "Say no more, Magio! EVERYONE READY?!" With Malin taking the charge, she and Yamazaki attacked Gomorrah with a devastating hammer and hack-n-slash combination, weakening the beast severely in the process. "HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!" Yamazaki's status as a Hakkesshu soon came to light, the power of Death empowering him. He went ahead and stabbed the beast in both eyes, blinding it in the process and struck the monster with a headbutt so powerful, a small explosion formed upon the point of impact.
  8. The group thought for a second about which way to go with Victoria. Lapis and Peko wanted to follow Argento and Mephilia, while Mary and Fuyuhiko wanted to head West. The two went back and forth until they reached an agreement........ "It's agreed, we follow the two. I have a feeling if we go West, we might get lost." "I still think going the other way might have a shortcut to Iblis." "Yeah, but we don't want to run the risk of getting lost in Crisis City, and besides, Argento might know a fast way to get to Iblis." *sigh* "Fine. Let's just go before we fall behind." The group followed Victoria, Argento, and Mephilia towards Iblis' whereabouts...... With the arrival of Necrox, the fight against Gomorrah became less difficult for the heroes. Elias and Alice followed Renko and Maribel to safety while Malin and Yamazaki stayed with Giovanni, Magio and Necrox.......... "Nice! We got some backup! The name's Malin, by the way! This wild and crazy guy next to me is Ryuji Yamazaki!" "Yeah! But enough talking, we got a behemoth of a dragon to slay!" "I'll be right on it, buddy!" Malin only needed a millisecond after saying that to throw knives into the beast's eyes, and smash Gomorrah's cranium with her gigantic hammer.
  9. https://soundcloud.com/user-538313831/krizalid-megamix-kof99kof2002ummegadriver Something I did in my spare time: A mashup of Krizalid's themes (KOF '99/ KOF 2002UM/ MegaDriver) It's not perfect, but it's the best I could do.
  10. The sight of the Iblis Worms caught the attention of the heroes, who had to switch up their strategizing as they got closer to Iblis. Lapis flew back down to the ground level and rejoined Mary, Peko, and Fuyuhiko........ "Glad you finally decided to join up with us again.........but we seriously need a plan!" "Okay, we need to watch out. Silver said these things might try to attack us from behind!" "Gotcha! Can't let those worms get in our way! Iblis is close!" Suddenly, a few Iblis Worms tried to take out the group, but Peko was quick to intervene, striking the enemies with her wooden sword. Peko then gave the group a warning..... "Okay..........if you feel the ground shaking, strike those things as they burst through the ground! Doing that will keep them at bay!" The group agreed and followed Peko's instructions with very minor struggling. ======================================== Meanwhile, in the Underworld........ With the monster in sight, Yamazaki went ahead and through the monster off by destroying the surrounding area to get its attention..... BGM: Real Faction - Simple Sight (RayDude Remix) "Hey, you overgrown dragon! I got something you want: (Points at himself) A GODDAMN DAREDEVIL!" It didn't take long for Malin to pull out her hammer and start bashing rubble towards the approaching Gomorrah........much to the displeasure of Elias, who was watching these events unfold with Alice..... "You forgetting about me so soon, Ryuji?! Let me in on the action!" ".........They aren't making the smartest decisions........but it's best we don't get involved."
  11. "That's horrible, Wade. Why would your mother say stuff like that?"
  12. OOC: I got nothin'...... With more swarms of enemies following suit, Lapis took to the skies and tried to combat the Iblis Takers..... "You leave us alone! We have Iblis to take care of, and we won't let creatures like you get in the way! Without any water around, she had to improvise and use some of the water in her wings as projectiles, knocking the Takers out in the process. Mary, Peko, and Fuyuhiko on the other hand, required Mirror Knight and Deadpool's help. @OxyontheWolf, your move! ======================================== Meanwhile, in the Underworld........ Malin and her group had fallen behind along with Maribel, Renko, and Giovanni. It only took the sight of a giant shadow over the horizon to cause them to try and catch up to Magio. Yamazaki, on the other hand, had different plans.... "Come on, freak! Bring it on!"
  13. "So he's playing with plushies..........what's so disturbing about that? Everyone's got their own quirks." "Now move, please?"
  14. Once they were alerted, the group put their focus on Iblis' creatures........ BGM: GlitchxCity - Sonic Generations Crisis City Remix "MAN, are those things ugly! I can see why this Iblis guy wants to get rid of us!" "We need to beat these things! Follow my lead!" The four heroes fought valiantly against the Iblis Biters, destroying most of them in the process. Lapis, however, had the most trouble due to the landscape being mostly lava and fire, something the water gem just couldn't control........ "Ummm......guys? A little help here!" "Gotcha covered, Lapis! *Punches out several of the Biters with Fuyuhiko's help* *Looks back at Lapis* "I know you're still pissed at me, but give me some credit! At least I'm helping!" *sigh* "Okay.......I'll give you that, Fuyuhiko......but no funny business!"
  15. "Okay, let's see what's so bad about Deadpool's room......"
  16. "Now you're just digging yourself deeper. Move, please?"
  17. "Really, that's your excuse?" @NijikakuFan61, your move!
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