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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. Kusanagi-LV3 by LASH https://www.mediafire.com/?wbp846gc435toic
  2. "Glad you could be more confident, Fiona. Now come on, Mirror Knight's waiting on us......" "Ummmmm........let's.....wait the others."
  3. The defeat of Thanatos and the sudden appearances of Iblis and Liquid Snake threw the whole group for a loop........ "What the hell?! Who was that guy?!" "I don't know........he wants to get to Iblis before us.........." "We need to follow him and beat him to Iblis!" By the time Erza switched back to her normal armor, she noticed that Zero grew ginormous....... "HUH?! You didn't tell me you could do that!" *cough, cough* "(nervous laughter)......let's.....just go already......" As everyone followed Erza and climbed on Zero, Mary turned to Mirror Knight...... "Hey, MK? How did he become huge?" @OxyontheWolf, your move!
  4. OOC: Hmmmmm.......a bit too demanding, don't ya think?
  5. As the battle against Thanatos raged on, Erza changed to her Armadura Fairy Armor once again and assisted Zero and Lapis......... "Got you covered, Zero." @OxyontheWolf, your move! Erza fired a beam towards Thanatos, hoping to hit her target.......meanwhile, Malin and Peko go to Pit and Dark Pit........ "Okay, Pit, what do you need us to do?" "Hey, Fiona, wanna tag along?" @A person, your move!
  6. "Trust me, we were better off fighting Thanatos anyways."
  7. [Preview] [Comment] Edited from FerchogtX/Ryou Win/Kong's Sonson, and makes use of Buckus' style of characters and effects. [Download] http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/sonson-buckus-style-released-173330.0.html
  8. [Preview] Portrait Templates: Small: (25x25) Big: (142 x 449) DL Link: OneDrive Note: Not to be confused with his previous KOFZ conversion, which was 850x480...........
  9. "Oh.....you'll see........." THE FOLLOWING WAS A MESSAGE FROM THE FOURTH WALL SOCIETY @Captain Papyrus, your move!
  10. "Indeed they do, Wade. In fact, anyone who's been following this roleplay since the beginning knows that I haven't shown up in the story, yet, but who knows? It may happen......sooner than you think!"
  11. "The fourth wall is what separates the performers/characters from the audience. At times, that an be broken to give a sense of realty to the story and get its viewers/players/readers engaged. Care for a demonstration, Wade?"
  12. THE FOLLOWING IS A MESSAGE FROM THE FOURTH WALL SOCIETY....... "Hi! My name is Penny Polendina, and I represent the Fourth Wall Society! We here at the FWS pride ourselves in informing the audiences of media that everything you read, play, or watch is for your entertainment, and we're not afraid of doing so!" @OxyontheWolf, your move!
  13. "What's up! It's me, Mukuro Ikusaba, coming to you from the Hope's Peak Fashion Mall, where we have all types of apparel for you to wear!" Apparel is categorized by talentswaps...... "So Kawaii! This Monomi wardrobe is stylish!" "This......looks f**kin' ridiculous!" ......Mastermind attires...... "I could get used to this.....Chihiro Fujisaki, Despair Hacker!" "Really? You call this something worthy of Ibuki's stature? Let me show you what else I have in store for you....... "Now this is more like it! Just call me the Ultimate Despair Musician!" ........beachwear...... "Awwww.......are you distracted by my beauty? I bet you are......" "Meh. It beats having to clean up Mahiru's blood." ..........cosplay....... "I'll say it first: the people who work on Fire Emblem know how to design awesome costumes." "Now this is badass!" ......and even special outfits from our K-Pop Ronpa line-up! "I heard what you said earlier, Peko! At least my outfit's more stylish!" "What the........I wasn't told there were gonna be commercials!" "You know what? I ain't complainin'......" "Come on down to the Hope's Peak Fashion Mall, located north of Towa City! See ya there!" Ò͙̤̠̰͇̰̩̱͢͞R̢̠̜̤͓̖̠̥̰͡ ͇̥͞͝Į̺̞̱̼̰̦̼̪̀͝'̖͙͔̼́L̖͖̮̖͔͞ͅĹ̴̦̳̮̣̘̹̱ ̷̦͖̜͉̱͈̟̀͞ͅͅK̬̫͎͙Į̞̠L̠̭̰̥̙̠̲̻̳L͏͉͙ ͚̬Y̴̡̨̜̥͓̲͕O̥͙̞͖̩͡U̷͙̖͍̟̞̗͟!̷̥̼̞̝ OOC: All sprite edits used here can be found at: http://danganspritesbox.tumblr.com
  14. The next commercial plays........ THE FOLLOWING IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE S.O.U (Spin-Offs United)......... "Hello! It's me, Lapis Lazuli! You may know me from the hit cartoon, Steven Universe, and as of recently, The Roleplay Paradise! Do you ever get tired of waiting for a certain TV show to come back on from a long-winded hiatus? We've all been there, just ask these people!" "To be honest, the wait for the newest season of Total Drama was killing me! I wanted action! I wanted drama! I......wanted......." "A SPIN OFF TO TIDE ME OVER!" "Waiting for my next appearance on that show of that pathetic human, Steven, was driving me nuts! I kept questioning about how long I'd wait for Homeworld to show up again!" "Waiting for the next Danganronpa installment hasn't been a cakewalk......I've had to play both of the games just to tide me over!" "Well, the Spin-Off United helps you deal with those types of issues. We recommend spin-offs, whether they be manga, comic book, television, or video games, to name a few types of media, so that when they're done, you can hopefully watch the main attractions without the hassle!" "Thanks to the S.O.U, I was able to play Ultra Despair Girls, and catch up on more of the story!" "While I do enjoy the show, the Steven Universe comics have definitely caught on me up on that brat's misadventures! Thanks, S.O.U!" "I want to thank Spin-Offs United for directing me to the Ridonculous Race! I enjoyed it a lot!" THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE S.O.U (Spin-Offs United).........
  15. Not to be rude, but what did DarkFlare do over a year ago to deserve this treatment? It's been bugging me a bit considering it will be April Fools Day tomorrow.........
  16. Lapis took quick notice of the first of the group's newest allies and quickly intervened........ "Who are you? Plus, what makes you think Thanatos will listen to you?"
  17. The group fell through the portal, landing right near the Flame Core........ "Grrr.....If I ever see those two again........" *signals a neck slit* "Where are we?" *sees the others from afar* "Look! It's everyone else!" *Also notices* "Hey, you're right Alice! GUYS! OVER HERE!" It didn't take long for someone to notice the others........ "Who was that? *notices the group* Hey, Malin! How'd you and the others get here?" Peko and Fuyuhiko also took notice....... "Hey! How'd you guys get here?" "A couple of dragons sent us here........oh, and we got a couple of new friends!" OOC: (The Danganronpa sprites got SO MUCH BIGGER.......)
  18. Elias continued to translate Rudra's words..... "Take them to a land where everything is not as it seems... Take them to a land where the great destroyer resides in wait for its trigger..." ........while Yamazaki walked up to Agni, and rightfully told him...... "There will be problems if you don't tell us what Agni is doing!"
  19. As the group was having trouble getting out of the Netherworld, Rudra was beginning to chant an incantation........ "Wait a minute......what do you think you're doing? We were leaving!" "What is Rudra saying? I can't make out a word he's saying!" "Well, my Latin is rusty, but I believe he's saying something along the lines of: Oh light and arcane, take these people away and send them elsewhere..." @A person, your move!
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