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Everything posted by GohanSSM2

  1. uploaded to site at bottom of home page... http://www.thenewmathbook.com
  2. Stay tuned, release should be soon. Have the moves and such set up. Just need to redo the Clsn2 boxes for the different sizes plus adjust a couple values in the cns files for the different sizes (small, medium, large) and then upload it to my site and such. Turned out much, much better than I had expected. Very fun character to play as, and also a challenge to play against (without needing a coded AI), Totally different and non-violent addicting gameplay. A type of character that I had always wished was included in professionally made games... So yeah, the best part is "of MUGEN, by MUGEN, and for MUGEN". MUGEN only, and MUGEN original, yeah...
  3. Didn't know if Authors Domains allowed direct linking but apparently does. Thanks Ry. Some unique stuff going on and I can't wait myself but gotta do what ya gotta do. Been interesting on this one. Planning and all that. Getting stuff to come together. And the part I have the least patience with, Testing 1,2,3... Testing 1,2,3... I wanna make sure this is done the way I feel it needs to be done. Getting the unbelievable to seem possible even for us normal mortals (lol). A bit of humor helps too I feel. I think finally a character that will be a MUGEN character and unique to fighting games and also some odd techniques that should be believable in a fantasy kinda way. Imagine if everyone could fly. Maybe we can but just haven't learned the proper way yet Long live "Taki Fu"... Oops, just a reminder to self, gotta remember to do the "dropped.txt" file for stuff I thought of but left out and why
  4. Thanks Ry, Sprites done and sounds ripped. Still gotta put the pieces together yet but hoping for around a mid April (16th - 20th) release. Definitely gonna be a release to remember. As far as I know, nothing like this has been done with a fighting game character so should be very interesting. But the coolest part will be that this is something MUGEN only which should draw some needed attention to the MUGEN game engine.
  5. Cool Ry, but yeah, it only takes one bot to get through to really mess up a board with a bunch of nonsense. TESTP and Dev had a couple bots but can't really remember the ones that used to create the bots with html coding usually hid in a sig picture or such. Bots are more prevalent on irc channels though but do occasionally show up on boards. Kinda remember now that back with the old DOS releases, I used a program called HXED to find a couple undocumented triggers way back when, Too many 'call' type routines in Windows to do that now.
  6. Ditto ZBrock. Well said. But yeah, a little kindness can go both ways (eventually anyway). Did I leave out the part about the "Guilded Caged Monkeys"? lol But Nevermind was OK and a few others over there, but sheesh, The Guilded Lollies need to lay off the crack pipe, get over themselves, and mellow out once in a while.
  7. Yeah, dwfinitely worth it Ry. But mainstream boards tend to attract hackers and bots and such. It's nice to have a homey feel really.
  8. I think I'm really one of the few besides ZombieBrock that's still around. I know Cyanide is active on the Elecbyte board but... NeoGouki was on there as well but seems to have left. I got Rich Lockard on my Facebook page as well as Pextin (Goten88) and Electrocaid. But most moved on to other stuff Ryon. But I keep my eye out. You never know. I saw Infiinma (DavidGee - MUGEN Being forum) was involved in the MK Project. I also saw that someone was possibly working on trying to revive the old World of Mugen site as well. Oh well. If I run into some, I'll definitely refer them here. The "troublemakers" I'll definitely refer to Guild lol
  9. And note, charater is not on site yet, the site doesn't even mention the character yet... But yeah, while away from MUGEN, I wrote a book and then while working on Goten this evil, sinister idea popped into my head and the more I thought about it... It's a different concept, but something that I feel will be the next big thing since cut cheese,,,
  10. Disclaimer: Caution!!! Please do not eat, drink, or smoke while using this character. Taki Fu, as stated, is a very potent mix of Tapioca and Saki and as such can cause unforeseen effects on the end-user. Use this character at your own risk. You have been warned... Move List: Normal moves: ------------- Light Creaking Door - a Light Squeaky Chair - b Power Up (Taki Fu) - c Hard Creaking Door - x Hard Squeaky Chair - y Fly - z Wind Breaker - ~B,F,y (while jumping) Special Moves: -------------- Machine Gun - x+y Commodal Dragon - ~F,B,b Pile Driver - ~B,F,a Quacker - ~F,B,y Sneaky Snake - ~F,B,a Barking Spider - ~D,DB,B,y Sloppy Seconds - ~D,DB,B,b Wet Wiper - ~D,DF,F,b Bottomless Pit - ~B,DB,D,b power >= 1000 (level 1) Sputter Whomp - ~D,DB,B,x power >= 1000 (level 1) Bleacher Rattler - ~B,F,b power >= 1000 (level 1) Royal Flush - ~B,DB,D,x power >= 1000 (level 1) Super Moves: ------------ Flock of Flying Turtles - ~F,DF,D,a power >= 3000 (level 3) Patriot Missile - ~D,DF,F,a power >= 3000 (level 3) Peace Piper (S.B.D. Silent But Deadly) - ~D,DB,B,a power >= 4000 (level 4) Pea Souper - ~D,DF,F,y power >= 4000 (level 4) J.A.C.G.C. - ~B,DB,D,DF,F,x power >= 5000 (level 5)
  11. Thee Ace Man character v1.0 from Life Experience adaptation to M.U.G.E.N. by Thee Ace Man for WinMUGEN & MUGEN 1.0 site: http://www.thenewmathbook.com email: gohanssm.aceman@verizon.net Background Information: Thee Ace Man is a MUGEN character designed around the principle of the "Taki Fu" (tah kee foo) non-violent fighting technique. This is a long lost ancient technique that was recently rediscovered by Thee Ace Man, himself, after trying many different ideas in a search for world peace. "Taki Fu" meaning the art of combining Tapioca with Saki to unleash an inner energy within the human body that can be very potent when harnessed by a trained master. This is a very easy technique to learn but only through proper training can this revolutionary fighting technique lead to a world of peace and tranquility. As such, this character is being released in an effort to help train individuals in the proper uses of "Taki Fu" to help bring about this New World Order filled with peace and tranqility. Thee Ace Man has tried and thought about many different techniques not limited to martial arts, wrestling, boxing, brass knuckles, numchucks, knives, swords, guns, bombs, chemical weapons, atomic weapons, and even nuclear weapons, but has yet to find a fighting technique as powerful as a Taki Fu trained master. Heaven help us all if this technique should ever be used to try and rule the world... Are you the one with this hidden power to help bring peace and tranquility to our battle-ridden universe? Or will you be destined to live in the shadows, fearful of the New World Order and this terrifying new technique that has been unleashed on the world?...
  12. After this I'll be working on finishing up Goten, but for now,,, 3 sizes to choose from... SNES Capcom / MK High Res (kinda anyway - gotta allow for flying) The story so far... (note below, character is not on site yet and won't be up until release...)
  13. Thanks Ry, but my pleasure really. Anyway, I first started on TestP then joined the World of MUGEN site (ReAcToRz then razorgolem) then that site shut down (we were getting about 50,000 hits a month there) and then I moved to angelfire then fateback then finally to FortuneCity after World of MUGEN shut down in April 2001 I think. We cornered the market on anime type characters and had Alunfl@, Mugen Rage, Pioupiou, and even some Capcom edits and such. Then MUGEN kept updating versions and we kept trying to keep stuff up to date and all. I remember Mugen Rage adding AI to his Sailor Mars and I sent it back to him and asked him to take out the AI because his Sailor Mars was a well made and balanced character and the AI took away from that. The good old days... Was kinda funny too because ReAcToRz was looked at as kinda MUGEN's first 'pimp' so to speak because at TESTP ReAcToRz would always ask "You wanna join our site? Mind if we host your char/stage/whatever..."
  14. Yeah, EmuBoarding was a bit ahead of his time... I still remember when EmuBoarding had to close his site down (MugenNow or whatever) because he had so many site hits that the hosting provider was going to charge EmuBoarding a small fortune to host his site. The end of an era (site hits in 2000 were over a million and still climbing)
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