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Everything posted by Demitri

  1. i doubt it but if anyone has noticed my absence , its runescapes fault.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dark Spirit
    3. Jojishi


      Runescape? Are you fucking kidding me?

    4. Demitri


      No, and after the next update, you'll understand why.

  2. Finally done with my HS classes, HEY EVERYONE!!!!

    1. PowerWave


      Lucky. I still have about 2 more weeks of torture.

    2. Demitri



    3. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      I got out the 25th.But now I am a junior...

  3. I swear my goal to upgrade my old pc turned more into a hassle than i anticipated -_-

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      alot of the times... not all, but alot of the times it becomes a hell of alot cheaper just to buy a new one, sadly , been told that atleast twice in my life

  4. Well......If BigSally were around I'm sure he'd enjoy this...err.....release.
  5. DAMMIT I just corrupted a sys32 file ugh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Demitri


      Yeah....stupid pc....stupid Hal.dll -_-

    3. DELETED


      You're on your own, son...

    4. Darklight


      been there done that it sucks bigger balls then obama

  6. I'm curious to Wesker's age........
  7. lol I think I deleted my old mugen,cause i can't find it anywhere o.o

    1. von_doom20


      That happened to me in '09 man I had some good stuff too :/

    2. Demitri


      i had about 600+ chars(well only 400+ were actually in my roster) I think my backups were on......Megaupload...well thats a lost cause

    3. von_doom20


      the megaupload thing screwed a lot of people over. thats why im stacking up on flash drives as a fail safe

  8. I just want "black kyurem" otherwise......ehh
  9. Guess I'll take over even though there isnt much left to announce that people don't already know..... The game was released in Japan on March 29, 2012 US Release date confirmed for July 31, 2012 EU Release date is August 3, 2012 Lately the official website has been getting updates(it even has its own drop meter ^^) http://www.square-en....jp/kingdom/3d/ Samples of the OST keep getting updated periodically here http://www.square-en...sem/page/kh/3d/ The last samples to be added are as follows: Disc 1 04. 11. Disc 2 15. 20. Disc 3 01. 06. There's a ton of info I would love to add to the post but I'd be spoiling the game for myself and any others who care Oh July, WHY SO FAR I might have OCD because seeing the title the way it is, is driving me crazy. it just needs a space and a capitalization then it'll be perfect........perfect....
  10. in regards to the new dmc, I would actually be prety amped for the re-boot IF he looked like Dante. Gameplay looks great but...that isn't Dante ._. maybe they should say its his son or something

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Laharl


      oh i highly agree i downloaded Jill for UMVC3 yesterday she was only 100 kb... due to her being on the damn disc i was kind of pissed i payed 5 bucks to unlock something i should of got with the game.

    3. Laharl


      also only capcom is the one practicing this crap most other dlc is actually just that DLC that is extra not on the disc.

    4. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      Kinda, Larry, but some are worse than others

      There is this other game, the Star Wars KotR which many planets and features that were supposed to be on disc during release were made DLC because they weren't going to be ready in time for Christmas.

      So, yeah, it varies.

  11. I'm an ex-AMV maker/video editor, I draw, do digital art stuff when i stop being lazy and get around to it, according to my teachers I'm a really good writer, decent gamer I'd say, uh i used to play the clarinet but stopped when high school started(I can still read sheet music) I know how to make stages, technically I've made a character but the finished one never saw the light of day. I used to rip game music but got bored of it. Plus a million other people do it already so why waste my time? Does knowing almost everything about Kingdom Hearts count as a talent? XD I guess the last hobby is hanging with my friends. I'm gonna miss them when I go off to college
  12. Grimoire of the Rift is the sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance as well as an iteration in the Ivalice Alliance. Well, the game is 4 years old but i just started playing it recently.....and I love it. I swear all the final fantasy tactics games are so good for some reason o.o AS usual, great story, they expanded on the number of Jobs in the game, and I liked the FFXII cameos.
  13. Gameplay-wise, this game is great,but i was VERY dissapointed in the story mode. The only real replay value in my opinion in this game is online(which they expanded upon since NUNS2)
  14. my gt is FEAR BLACKHEART now http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//happy.png
  15. http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//laugh.png i was remembered
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