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Everything posted by Moneyspider_Todd

  1. Ok guys! Everybody here thanks Phantom Blood for the link!! Jokes aside, thanks again, Phantom Blood :)
  2. I tried but when i tried it says register is not allowed :/
  3. GACHIMUCHI ANIKI! for no reason, i feel i must follow this... for the future...
  4. How many edits of Ahrimanes (sorry if i mispelled his name) are in mugen?

  5. I support this request. Is she an edit of electra or something?
  6. Alan Carlo do Kofdash2002... who are you? why near-of-nobody knows about you? AND WHERE IN THE BLOODY HEEL IS YOUR MIKA??? :pant: :pant: :pant:

  7. Michiru Kawamoto, from the manga/anime Air Master
  8. Can you make please portraits with this 2 pics, please? http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/89a3de6ca86adf160459cc3c2ff0084f1281068565_large.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/001/3/a/ipad_ryomou_shimei__ikkitousen_by_crocodude-d3672eh.jpg Greetings!
  9. 11 Rainbow Mikas! (4 of them NFSW versions XD)

  10. Yes! I was looking if there exist some crappy versions, you know, like the old actarus chars or something in the way.
  11. Do you know if someone mades some of the Judge Girls of SFIII? I know his sprites are minimal, but if there exist a crappy version of the russian girl is enough for me. Greetings!
  12. Oh, no problem. Could you send me then that palette and other 2 custom? That with the purple hair is useful to me :) Greetings!
  13. "Why the world needs more Rumble Roses", by Moneyspider_Todd.

  14. First of all, thanks for posting in my stages thread. Now, i would like to ask you if you can do some palettes for Mith's Cutei Honey (link: http://mugen.the-chronicles.org/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=3523 ) based in Rumble Roses' Noble Rose (which is based in cutei honey, by the way XD) Original colors: http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/9180-523682543.jpg P2 Colors: And 2 custom, if isn't a problem :) Greetings!
  15. Wow Phantom, thanks! I started to think i would be with the same luck of my old search for Elecbato's SFIV Amanda XDDD About Alan Carlos i started to realice this when the info about the autor was minimum... but well, the year in his nickname should give me a clue about it XD Again, Thanks a lot :) EDIT: Ehem, Phantom, do you remember how was the gameplay style of Alan Carlos' version? (CVS, SFA3, Custom...) is for the infobox i'm making with all the R.Mika info i've finding in this investigation :) Greetings!
  16. My biggest influence to learn english was the WWF Raw Deal Card Game and DC comic-books. How about you?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CozySquirtle
    3. Moneyspider_Todd
    4. Winmugen11


      Honestly I started to unconsciously learn English thanks to my my first Pokémon game which was Pokémon Blue. Thanks to me talking to all the NPC's in that game (hoping they'd give me a cool item or give me useful hints which was never the case 9 times out of 10, I curse you NPC uselessness) and reading all the Pokédex entries I already started with a head start by the time I had English classes lol.

  17. What a shock! But after a quick research in google there aren't more info about this author or his Mika. Do you known where i can find this Mika? ...and/or Cathy Wild? (By the way, thanks for your answer!)
  18. Hi! Well, the things is today i read the author "cerenas" mades almost every character of Asuka 120% (he even made a custom game, i understand) But near of all his job is lost, or at least all his job in mugenhispania. So my question is; does anybody have his Cathy Wild and/OR another Cathy Wild avaliable for mugen? For those who don't know who is Cathy Wild: 1) 2) Oh, and btw, if you known about any other Rainbow Mika aside of the ones from the following autors, please let me now :) CVS2-ish "Warusaki3+David Bazban" SFA3 "Zero-Sennin" Custom "fido" SFA3 "TAMAGO+Moneyspider_Todd" Custom "Actarus+Moneyspider_Todd" SFA3/SFA2 "TAMAGO+T.Vinceson" MVC2-ish "Andre Lopes" MVC2-ish "Andre Lopes+ShinNDubb" Custom ".Batzarro./Alexziq" Hentai/SFA3 "TAMAGO" (?) Hentai/Custom "N" Greetings!
  19. I'm not sure if i deserve it, but i don't lose anything asking. So, i've this thread ( where i release some unanimated stages, mainly the ones from unreleased ones or 2.5esque ones. Count i as a creator or not? Greetings!
  20. Yey! But i'm not sure if i deserve that... you know, is the cybaster program who mades the code work :P Thanks! I spend a lot of time looking for empty pics of those stages in a good resolution. That was particulary difficult with the mod stages and the ones from unreleased games, like the ones of capcom fighting all stars and street fighter online. Again, thanks to all of you. Stay tuned!
  21. Making a new stage, based in another unreleased game, this time by TECMO. Could you guess what game is it? Stay tuned!

    1. Doomguy
    2. Winmugen11


      I'm guessing it's either Tecmo Cup Football Game or Ninja Gaiden for the Sega Megadrive.

    3. Moneyspider_Todd


      Doomnuke yes, TECMO. Winmugen11 is an relative old game and is related to sports, but it's not footbal or a ninja gaiden stage. Keep guessing!

  22. Thanks, everybody! While i prepared a new "pack" of stages, i want to ask to the ones who downloaded the stages i made if you aren't have any trouble with those stages, and if you can upload a pic using one of the stages. So, that's all for now. Soon more info!
  23. Thanks! The portrait looks pretty nice :) Grettings! You know... you're right!
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