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Everything posted by Winmugen11

  1. Thanks for the welcome, Cayne! That is quite the...useful information (*back away slowly*) Much appreciated Z3RO! That's a proven fact! Hey Royce, thanks for taking your time to read everything and of course, the welcoming words! Indeed favorism is not a good thing but the most important fact is that I'm sure I'll feel myself here right at home more than at MFG. Hi Matt! What do you mean with that? Also everybody's a bit messed up in their mind one way or the other so np!
  2. Killer Chucky + Unknowing Brazilians. 'Nuff said.
  3. AddiK, once again you help me out... Mere thanks almost aren't enough to express my gratitude. I'll be sure to enjoy this Iori & Kyo! As for the stage, when I click download on the 4shared page, it says the file link is invalid. Still happy with the 2/3 completion! Signing out, Winmugen11 P.S. That stage presentation looks nice, where did you get it or from which site does it originate?
  4. Hey Ness, Do you remember who was editing that CvS Ken by Vyn? It might help you to get what you need faster. Also, here's the CvS Evil Ken edit of Jmorphman you we're looking for : http://www.mediafire.com/download/bwreboxfit7s7y2/Evil%20Ken%20(Jmorphman%20Ken%20Edit).zip Alternate Link : https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=E3B5F15E9A2448E1%21138 P.S. I made a Mediafire account just to help you (and anyone else in the future) out, so this better be what you're looking for! ; )
  5. Hello my fellow MFFA'ers! In the "Does this thing exist/who's the author" author thread I posted a few things that would seem nice to have and someone by the name of GreenZed has helped me on my way to attain one of the asked things. For anyone wondering, it's this stage : As the topic title says, according to him it's called Moon of Dream by Nymyb. And since he suggested to request it and this is the correct place to do it, I've done so. So if anyone can share this with me and anyone else who might want this, please go ahead. If it's private for any reason, feel free to inform me about this. Finally, if anyone can give a link for either 1) Iori Yagami by Opirus => Addik came to the rescue! or 2) Kyo Kusanagi by Opirus => Addik (once again) came to the rescue! Then I'd be a happy man! Signing out, Winmugen11 P.S. Iori & Kyo by Opirus are, if I'm not mistaken from KOFM LV2, in which they're called Iori LV2 and Kyo LV2 respectively.
  6. Why thank you Hayonik! Shortly after posting this request, I've been told that Manifest Goenitz is private. Nothing to do about that I guess.
  7. Thank you for #6! Would you have it by chance? And yeah, Morrigan by Rolento is the one I meant when I said : "is this the special SFF Morrigan or a completely new edit?". But know I have confirmation so you have my thanks.
  8. A.K.A. a clever pun on the 2 characters I desire, yet which are separate from my wish list (see separate post). So without further ado, creativity is what resides in these two, It's the reason that for them I desire, Yet finding them I cannot on Mediafire, So I humbly ask for your help, Or else I'm afraid I'll let out a yelp. To anyone who might be able to help, grateful I will be For now and all of eternity..... #1)Manifest Goenitz by Ra Lord => offline, and the creator will not put out any links, for only leechers want this so he thinks. => private #2) Nightmare Yamazaki by Ra Lord => Same author as the previous one, with whom creating he begun. The 4shared link is down, of that I'm scared. => fulfilled thanks to Hayonik! Please note and so I quote : "The most up-to-date ones of these are the versions I seek, If anyone can help me, I'll gladly give you a kiss on the cheak!" Finally let me conclude by spouting out: This is Winmugen11, signing out
  9. Hey Saikoro, it's amazing to see you signed up here! Welcome, welcome and did I say welcome yet? XD It's a great decision you took to sign up here and I'm honestly surprised you've done so. I thought you only swarmed the MFG forums but I was wrong. Nevertheless, I'm happy you joined because to me you were always an interesting and positiveindividual at MFG! Hope to meet you one day in chat! Signing out, Winmugen11
  10. Thanks Genesis! Hey, it's your choice to do it or not. If you don't, no problem (although I am genuinely interested) but if you do, go for it bro =D
  11. Would you happen to know #5's stage name/author? You're a great help Ryoucchi! And yes, if you could re-upload that right stage on #7 (perhaps the left stage too for anyone else interested), that would be very kind of you sir ; )
  12. May I know why it's difficult to share? Also, if you have it in your stage folder, can you upload it?
  13. Thanks Genesis, however the Mountainside Christmas stage is not on display there. Perhaps you (or somebody else) could upload it or send it to me? I'll consider making the dummy email but for now I don't feel ready for MFG.
  14. A big thank you to you Ryoucchi! Jessica was in the pack but the specific link was stil nice. So you don't have to keep on searching for these characters by Smoke!
  15. Much appreciated Kitsune! Thanks for clearing up some questions for me in chat the other day. It was really nice to be spontaneously helped right from the get-go =D You know what's funny? I almost fell out of my comfy chair when I saw YOU welcomed me! Shame it was TLDR for you but thanks for checking it out in the first place ; ) Hey thanks for all the info Borewood! I kinda forgot DOS-mugen existed but like I said, back then it was winmugen all around so that's what I used. It's true that after a few years of mugen, one gradually obtains the wish to contribute to this amazing game. Personally, character development has the most of my intrest and after seeing what kind of amazing things creators like Exshadow put out, stages might come in the future too. For me it were Infinite's characters who cut the knot for me because they were so well done and balanced that I one day told to myself : "Let's just do this." I've heard about your story. It's the reason you despise MFG right? I go to MFG and MFFA for all my mugen needs since these two are the only two communities which are active nowadays. As I said, I might join the Guild too but MFFA seems to be so much more welcoming and I'm really glad to have done so. Finally, as I said, I'm interested in everyone's stories as long as they wish to share them =P Why thank you Toshio, I feel honored, I really do ! Thanks a lot DarkWolf! It's not that easy for me to get all personal and stuff but I really wanted to share my story for all who wish to behold. So far I've been getting nothing but positive reactions so that's kind of hearthwarming to read too ^^ And an awesome aloha to you too Dartz, thanks for the welcome !
  16. Really? Well, now I feel all special and stuff Thanks for the welcome! Go away, Zombiebrock replied to my introduction? XD I found it to be fitting to mention a few people who, thanks to their passion and dedication, sparked the desire in me to contribute to and become a part of this community and you just had to be one of them ! By the way, why are you the Shogun of MFFA? Is it because you're part of the global staff? How did you even get your current position in the mugen community? If it's thanks to blood, sweat, tears and a lot of hard-drive crashes, I won't envy you
  17. OMG, you're amazing AddiK! Thanks a lot! Also, cool avatar, did you make it yourself? I don't know if one can give reputation points for this but because I'm so newb, I don't know yet how to do this. So sorry bro =( What benefit could you possibly get from these Rep Points anyway? (Feel free to answer this question) Anyways you can count on my help next time you need something! Signing out, Winmugen11 P.S. Hey AddiK, turns out the link you provided me for Maelstrom/Maelstorm Goenitz sends me to FileDen which nowadays transfers you to cx.com. Perhaps you or someone else can upload him to 4Shared/Mediafire or send it to me?
  18. A.K.A. I really want this stuff even though I won't die if I don't get it *Ahem* So anyway, there are a few characters and stages I've been unable to find to this day due to dead links & no way to contact the original creators and god annoying sites like esnips which is a chore to download anything from. Without further ado I present to you my wish list ('cuz I've been a good boy ) : 1) Annie Polley, Jessica Smoke & Suleika Claudia F. Lopez by JessicaSmoke => their links are dead on her site and I think she has quit the mugen scene => fulfilled thanks to Ryoucchi! 2) Omega Goenitz by Yong Ming => hosted on esnips, which is awful for downloading files because you need to install a separate download client program => fulfilled thanks to AddiK! 3) Maelstrom/Maelstorm Goenitz by Samsouji => Would love to get this guy. Also curious if he's finished or a beta character. => Solved thanks to AddiK! 4) Morrigan Aensland by P.O.T.S. with R@ceAkira-Patch => Link is down in the R@ceAkira/Infinite edits collection + I do not know if she's hosted on R@ce's site, which I also don't know the name of. => I'll wait for an updated link for her in the aforementioned collection. 5) A Mountainside Christmas Stage by Teros => Link at MFG is down and don't want to register there to ask 1 thing. => don't need it any more. 6) Forest, Cave Ruins, School, Experiment Lab & Icey stages by Chopz => Hosted at clubsyn-x-treme.com but again, don't want to register there for 1 thing. => fulfilled thanks to Genesis's tip! If any (hopefully all) of these requests could be fulfilled, I will not only be very grateful to everyone who has helped me but also I promise that when you need something, I'll do my best to help you guys out too. 'Cuz you know, that's what people in a community do, help each other out and maybe even become bro's, right? Signing out, Winmugen11
  19. Hello dear MFFA'ers! I've got a couple of stages and other things of which I would like to know the name + author of. If possible a DL link would be pretty convenient unless it should be posted in the Requests Section. Please do note that I'm a newb at this so please don't be too harsh on me if some things are not according to the official rules and guidelines of MFFA. Please do note that I'm a newb at this so please don't be too harsh on me if some things are not according to the official rules and guidelines of MFFA. Here goes *cracks knuckles* 1) Stage # 1/7 => this stage is beautiful as you can see, alas it is private for you and me =( 2) Stage #2/7 => Thanks Ryouchhi! 3) Stage #3/7 => Nevermind, it's private 4) Stage #4/7 => private too 5) Stage #5/7 => private 6) Stage #6/7 7) Stage #7/7 => Solved by Ryoucchi! I'd love to know the name of the stage and it's author on the right. Someone said these were Chaos Code stages which weren't released that long ago but alas my search has been unsuccesful as of now. 8) This eye-catching screenpack => private screenpack 9) This character (the Infinite one) Is she a real character or just an edit of XCB's Blaque? 10) This Morrigan => Confirmed to be the special SFF Morrigan by Rolento Is this the special SFF Morrigan with a different small portrait or is it a completely new one? 11) Individual Questions Do any of you know of some good KOF bosses in the style of KOF 2002 UM? Like a Rugal or Goenitz? Is there a Gustab/Gustav Munchausen for mugen which is not so cheap that he obliterates everything? A playable/balanced one? Are the God Rugal and Shin Akuma in this video just existing versions with KOF 2002 UM effects? If so where can one find these (with patches perhaps?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvmWtuW5kic Which Element is the most balanced/the flashiest? I'm looking for a good one that's not cheap like the dickens. Well, that's all I got. I really hope some of these questions, if not all, could be resolved. Signing out, Winmugen11
  20. Thanks Ryoucchi! So are you some kind of janitor? Or what do you mean with chores?
  21. Wow, I really typed all that just a few minutes ago, went to update my profile, came back and already saw a reply from none other than the one and only Mr. KOtik! Thanks for having taken your time to read all that, I know some people think "Ain't nobody got time for this wall of text!" but I really wanted to tell you guys my story in as much detail as possible. Anyways, thanks a lot for the welcome! And about the backup, I know you can do that but since my collection is several GB, I'm afraid that sooner or later I'm going to start to run out of flash drives XD P.S. Cool signature! Are you an Akuma fan? P.S.S. How do you make a signature? Is there a tutorial somewhere?
  22. Hello there dear MFFA'ers! My name is Winmugen11, a.k.a. Vincent in real life. Today (17/11/2013) I have finally registered myself at this site in order to become a part of this community. Now the introduction (*ahem*). I got to know mugen somewhere in it's beginning days. One day I was surfing the almighty (and sometimes cruel) interwebs and on Youtube I found a video titled "Link vs Ryu". This was rather odd because as far as I knew back then, there was no such game that would allow for this kind of character match-up. Turns out it was made possible thanks to a game/engine known as Mugen, developed by the good folks over at Elecbyte who back then didn't really knew which way to go with it (and still don't as of this day). Mugen quickly became my favourite game in a mere matter of days. Because of the impact mugen had on my life and the interest it sparked in me, I found life to be more enjoyable as I didn't have the most normal youth so to speak.... In fact, my username is inspired by this awesome game that is capable of giving enjoyment to people. For more information (and so I won't make this introduction overly long) I happily refer you to my profile. Look at my "About Me" section and read my story if you wish. This may sound strange but as fun as mugen is, it has made me fall into a depression. As of this writing, this is the 3rd time I have reinstalled mugen along with a great deal of characters and stages. This is because throughout the years I have built up quite a collection and gained some general knowledge about mugen. Unfortunately I lost everything mugen related 2 times already. Once because my pc got infected with a damn virus and the second time when, while testing a lot of characters, I accidentally perma-deleted my mugen. I was suffering from a depression for a few months because Mugen was one of the only things I honestly enjoyed. I wasn't really sure wether or not to install mugen a 3rd time because mugen was dying. Hardly any content was made/released for it. That was until I came across MFG & MFFA. For months I quietly followed everything mugen-related on MFG and this site, downloading characters and stages once again. Until today I truly struggled with registering but thanks to some prominent members of MFFA like Laharl, Ultimecia, Zombie-brock, Ryoucchi, Ryon & the Magic Toaster to name a few, and their dedication and love for the engine and the people who use it, I cut the knot and decided I wanted to join this caring community. I want to do whatever I can (as far as real life allows it) to contribute to this community ranging from helping people with request to participating in discussions and learn things about making content for mugen so that one day I may release a character or two of my own which, thanks to the great feedback I know MFFA gives, will become better. And just between you and me..I want to join MFFA and MFG but I chose to register at MFFA first because you guys are not so harsh like some of the guys at MFG who can appear to be rather cold and cruel in their feedback towards creators. Finally I want to conclude by saying that it's simply amazing that a game like mugen is able to bring together people with a common passion and create new friendships and that's one of the many reasons I registered. It's great to see and know what is made for mugen but I'm really curious about your stories. The stories of the people of MFFA, the stories of possible friends even? Signing out, Winmugen11
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