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Everything posted by Winmugen11

  1. I told you guys, this will never get to 10. *sigh* Just let it die already I'll throw in my 5 cents again (for the last time). 3, can't you see ?
  2. Isn't it possible for you to just look the music up on Youtube and convert it to mp3 yourself via an online converter? Here's the one I always use : http://www.onlinevideoconverter.com/ How to use : #1) Select your location #2) Choose to convert the video to a movie format or, in your case, mp3 format #3) Wait until the conversion has finished #4) Download and choose where to save it #5) Enjoy!
  3. Sir, I'm betting you're not ever gonna get to 10 for the staff is alknowing. Anyways for the heck of it, 6
  4. Indeed a picture always helps people to aid you in your search faster. Anyway, I've found the stage you're looking for but it's in a KOF 2002 UM Stage collection pack. I'm sure you won't mind that ^^ http://www.mediafire.com/download/2chvb99dlannv9d/The+King+of+Fighters+2002+Stages+%28Complete%29.zip The link I got from our very own KOF Mega Stage Collection Thread, which,should you be interested, can be located here : Alternatively, you can download individual stages from the game, including those from japan, here : http://cirio.piiym.net/stg_kof2k2.htm A tip for the future : always check out our awesome collection section to see if you can find what you're looking for there. That way, you won't need to make a request and you'll get what you want in no time!
  5. Hello once again fellow MFFA'ers! I'm looking for this Supreme Kai's World stage as depicted in the video below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjP3K07uBVM I've looked through the main DBZ mugen sites and the DBZ collection here but no luck. Any help will gladly be accepted! Signing out, Winmugen11
  6. The most efficiënt and lovable janitor the world has ever beared witness to! Also @Syncro : How in the world am I a Master Teaser?
  7. Thank you very much, Ryoucchi! Still would like to know about his gameplay but I think it's best to find that out first hand.
  8. A guy who has started to make some great eye candish palettes and of whom I eagerly anticipate more! Also someone who's apparently tsundere (?) but certainly has a warm, soft, cuddly side to show if you get to know him better
  9. I assume you're looking for Reak F. by Chin ya and E-Youmu. Well they both exist, I can tell you that. Reak F. is online and can most easily be found at the Kula edits website, however for sheer convenience, here's the link : http://www.mediafire.com/download/zy4z5a4mhp9axbr/Reak.zip E-Youmu is also not a walk in the park to get. However I did find a working link, thanks to Ryoucchi : http://www.mediafire.com/download/f3372ufdtvsso7l/Ethereal+Youmu.rar P.S. To conclude let me give you a tip for the future, if you want something you know the name of but can't find any place to download it from, then ask it in the Request section. This is a topic for asking if something exists or who made something. You're pretty new here so it's not a shame you ask it here (this time) but this is the way we do things around here ;)
  10. Silly Erroratu, You don't need to have a mugen video topic to be one of the "cool kids". After all, aren't we all a cool kid in one way or another? That said, hope to see some interesting matches with high popcorn-value
  11. Alas, in all the years I've been around the mugen scene, I have never encountered sprites/models for that SFIV-clone game. They must be taken from SFIV and edited from there on. So no, chances are that there are no characters or models available for that game. Usually models or sprites don't get ripped from flash games whatsoever. P.S. As of the 26th of November there's an updated version of your previously requested stage. Here's what has been updated : The name's the same but you can get it here : http://www.mediafire.com/download/x65n2kdqsj0i36v/Blackreach.rar
  12. Hey Shirokino, You made some awesome palettes so far! Definately going to implement them in the respective characters =P Are you going down a list or just randomly picking them? Anyways, can't wait to see more of you!
  13. Hey ryu17v, Unfortunately I don't think there's a SFIV screenpack that looks identical like SFIV for mugen. However there are some SFIV screenpacks out there along with a SFIV mugen game or 2. Here are the screenpack links : #1) http://www.mediafire.com/download/06nn8wfoq6f63e6/SSF4.rar #2) http://www.mediafire.com/download/itwnmyztyij/SFIVPACK.rar For SFIV mugen games : #1) http://dfiles.eu/files/wpcdtenil #2) https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=1183DD78C416808C&id=1183DD78C416808C!1039 If you need anything else SFIV-related, I'll gladly link you to our Street Fighter IV Collection over at the Collection Section : I hope that your request is fulfilled! =D P.S. The screenpack links + 1 of the full game links are directly taken from the above mentioned collection, so don't download the same thing twice!
  14. Hey Ryon, My sincere apologies for the late reply, however I just want to say this : Also have a poem :
  15. It's called Moon of Dream by Nymyb. I'm also looking for this stage (which I've requested in another Request) so if anyone has it, do let me know ; ) I've already received this link from a nice chap, however for me it didn't work. Perhaps you are more fortunate? http://www.4shared.com/file/N6YDwsTG/moon_of_dream_1.html
  16. Isn't there a file-sharing site out there that allows you to upload with a limit of a gig or more? Like say, depositfiles?
  17. Oh, I didn't know you'd be running into some troubles with these versions. And POTS did not make them, he merely updated them so they would work in mugen 1.0 and made them available on his site. It's the only updates they've gotten for as far as I know. Anyway, try these out if you want : http://randomselect.piiym.net/hosted/hosted_characters.htm => scroll down to Reubenkee (author's are alphabetically sorted) http://reubenkee.com/httpdocs/MI.htm => the original site where they were first made availbable to the public (along with a patch or two if I remember correctly). If you're still running into trouble regarding palettes and AI for these versions, then I cannot help you on this matter.
  18. Hello dear MFFA members, So I decided to make one last topic to request these 2 stages I haven't been able to find anywhere. These being : #1) Calm Taisen by SXVector => Offline #2) Mothership by EXShadow => Unable to download from provided link (which was a megaupload link) in release topic. => Resolved thanks to the awesome man known as Genesis! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OKdZqsYgRQ #3) Unknown stage => Alas, neither name or author I know... => Private As always, any help will and shall be appreciated! Signing out, Winmugen11
  19. Hello my dear MFFA'ers, I'm looking for Void Rock by Chotto-Komaru & Alexi. Also, I'm curious as to how his gameplay differs from any "normal" Rock Howard so if anyone can enlighten me about this, I'll be a wiser man =P. Signing out, Winmugen11
  20. Hey ryu17v, We have her in our Vocaloid collection over at the collection section. However to safe you time and effort, here's the link : http://www.mediafire.com/download/aa409bbfb69hd5f/Ouchi+HM.rar Beware that she's an incomplete alpha so don't expect anything out of the ordinary. Hope it helps!
  21. You can get their latest versions (updated to mugen 1.0) on POTS' site : http://mugenguild.com/pots/ Happy playing!
  22. Hello my dear detectives, I was wondering if anyone could solve the mystery of identifying this Adelheid and who made him (if possible). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8nTjpTe9sU Thanks in advance for checking it out! Signing out, Winmugen11
  23. It's called Blackreach by Davismaximus. Here's the link : http://www.mediafire.com/download/x65n2kdqsj0i36v/Blackreach.rar Hope this helps!
  24. Hey Ness, I did some digging and had a look here and there and I think you might have mistaken Vyn's Evil Ryu for his Violent Ken. Karate edited Vyn's Evil Ryu and tweaked him with a power charge, new hypermoves and other things. Adding to the possible confusion, he said Evil Ryu was still missing a special intro against two characters, one of them being Vyn's Violent Ken. Here's what he said : In any case, should you be interested, here's the link : http://www.mediafire.com/download/2618d4628kpu7sl/Evil+Ryu.rar Hope this fully solves your request ; ) !
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