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Everything posted by Cook4251

  1. "New year, new me". Will you PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE shut the hell up with that saying!!! You're still gonna be the same dumbass at 12:01 that you were at 11:59.

  2. http://instagram.com/p/g2Knnfoaf0/ When i ask ZombieBrock for a palette request, he be like. LOL
  3. Did anyone see that Silva vs Weidman fight? SHEEEEIT!

    1. Mr. KOtik

      Mr. KOtik

      Looks like it's career ending to me.

    2. Cook4251


      I've seen alot of bone breakers but GOTT DAMN, every time when i see that replay i just cringe how his leg snapped like a slim jim(pun intended).

  4. Quick Question: On Infinite's characters when you have pal selctor off, is there an option of changing the default palettes?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kosmos


      I'm pretty sure.

    3. Cook4251


      Have you done it, if so show me how to.

    4. kosmos


      No, I haven't done it, but I imagine it couldn't be any more difficult than just moving the pallet (.act) to the button you want.

  5. 12/31/2013 will be my first year into Mugen.

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      it will be my almost 12th, got into mugen late 2000

    2. Cook4251


      Goodness gracious!!!

  6. I swear SNK can gender bend the heck out of a guy and make you think that its a SHE! Example: Bao, Ash, Saiki(human), and Shion.

    1. Xan


      Saiki has a great ass and you can't convince me otherwise.

    2. MugoUrth


      Amakusa, Ocha-maru, to name a few more.

    3. Cook4251
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhrY35MZjg8 LOL!
  8. I see a little bit of 1.1 users, But i see a MASSIVE amount of 1.0 users. I guess less is better then more.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cook4251


      I'm just waiting on 1.1. to step outta beta stage to a more stable version.

    3. Jho


      There is no good reason to use 1.1 at all =/

    4. Cook4251


      How come no good reason, kind sir? :) I use 1.0

  9. Congrats to ZombieBrock on hitting the big 200 PAL SET.

  10. Nice video Xan. :D

    1. Xan


      Thanks I guess.

    2. Cook4251


      I might pop back around in January. New Year's probably. :)

  11. Is it me or Vine videos starting to elevate into the porn section?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cook4251


      All of your porn now us to belong

    3. Toshio Tenma

      Toshio Tenma

      It appears the users are misusing the site, unless they're not so strict about what should be uploaded.

    4. Cook4251


      Half of the vines are acting. Don't get me wrong, some are cool but now they are just getting dull and annoying like Bitstrips now.

  12. Cammy, Vega, Blanka, Chun Li, Ryu, Akuma, Abel, Bison, and Juri. :) Evil Ryu is at the end of the stage btw. Ken is at the beginning.
  13. I wonder if there is a female mugen player? Hmm...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cook4251


      I never said that it did, i'm just saying that i've never seen any in the community.

    3. Mr. KOtik

      Mr. KOtik

      Oh, I just assumed you did cause you said "but would like to see more female mugenites in the community :)" my bad.

    4. Cook4251


      You good brother. =]

  14. Could you do some palettes for Saiki by or2=3. And some for TightRiam's Regular and EX iori?
  15. Happy birthday to me :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. KOtik

      Mr. KOtik

      Congrats on the big 25, Happy Birthday.

    3. Galvatron


      Happy Birthday Cook. =)

    4. PlasmoidThunder


      Happy Construction Day!

  16. My speakers on my laptop stopped working... great

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (I feel for ya bro, not having some sound to listen to is horrible, unless you like silence.)

    2. Cook4251


      I know but i'll have to stick with it.

  17. YouTube is slowly dying... I'm going to Zippcast after this.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cook4251


      It doesn't? Well Dailymotion is a second choice right?

    3. yeah ok

      yeah ok

      I haven't heard of it until now, But i will probably lurk around to find a good Video site, Might consider it when i'm really angry with Youtyuube

    4. Cook4251


      Quick question(Off topic, but can anyone help me on how to change the announcer voice?)

  18. Who here uses 1.1? I have an issue with it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Member
    3. Cook4251


      Oh, i was gonna wait till it was stable. I keep geting the white screen then it doesn't show the menu.

    4. Cook4251
  19. Why is all that i see on my facebook is Cranky Kong? Here's my reaction to everyone getting butthurt about Cranky Kong:

    1. Egnaro


      I thought it looked cool. The BUTTHURT backlash that nintendo gets is expected

    2. Cook4251


      Tell that to facebook... I found it to be quite impressive.

  20. WII U sounds like Ling Ling... Free cookie if you get the reference.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      Uh uh... a certain movie with Master Betty. ;)

    3. ShiroTori
    4. Cook4251


      -Hands @JDM cookie- :D

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