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Everything posted by Cook4251

  1. This is my MUGEN! there are many like it, but this one is mine!!! with out me my MUGEN is useless. Without my MUGEN, I am useless.

  2. Reaction when people mention Mugen 1.1.

    1. Sweetfire13
    2. Remzy


      the newest version of mugen, Sweetfire.

    3. Cook4251


      Oh no one Sweetfire13. I just do it for jokes

  3. Ahh, will redownload and give it a looksee :)
  4. Trying to install my recent screenpack on 1.1. but it doesn't come out right, it's moving awfully slow.

    1. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      you need a better PC.

    2. Cook4251


      I use my laptop. it's just that it doesn't come out right

    3. Cook4251


      It works fine on 1.0

  5. I may switch to 1.1 but everytime i try to load it it just stays at the black screen for a long time.

    1. Galvatron


      I'll still wait tell 1.1 gets out of beta stage. =P

    2. Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Open the CFG file and add 1 for safemode.

    3. Cook4251


      Thanks Sham. Gonna make the switch now.

  6. -Checks out topic- Me: YES A COOL KAZUYA- wait... -Sees that it says ChuChoryu- Awww...
  7. Ratchet mom: "Turn down for what?!" Because your son thinks 5+5= 26

  8. I always wanted to be drawn...

    1. Winmugen11


      ...Like one of those French girls?

  9. Y'all might laugh at me for this but when i got capcom vs snk2, The boss scenes(Only Shin Akuma's) scared me and i'd turn off my ps2 and play something else, LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      XD, Just saying!!!

    3. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      scary cat scary cat! boohwo booh.

    4. Cook4251


      You hurt my feelings -Shaq voice- ^_^

  10. Favorite stage creators i like: GLB, Motvn, ExShadow. I always wanted my own stage made someday ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251
    3. WattaWright


      I got GLB to teach me before he left mugen hehehehe

    4. Cook4251


      I never seen none of your stages although i'll check them out :D

  11. What inspired me to get into mugen after hiding: Influences like, Aznpikachu215, ExeErdna, DV1984, Darkflare, and plenty more. :)

  12. That moment when you find an awesome stage but have no idea to what song you want playing to it.

  13. Is there an ai patch for P415 Miku?
  14. Uploading mugen battle # XXV. Link will be up in a few. :D

  15. I only know one that's made by TightRiam(No ai though but Duagi made one for his Rugal) but has XIII styled gameplay.
  16. I wonder when ZombieBrock is coming back...?

  17. Great, all the pipesand water are frozen at my house... NO WATER!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thrillo


      better get a spoon and some snow

    3. Enja Of The Wild Fire

      Enja Of The Wild Fire

      no no i mean pour the salt in the drain maybe pur water with it

      salt eats up snow real fast

    4. Cook4251


      Ah ok, will do.

  18. 22 degrees here... Aw man.

    1. Galvatron


      You think thats cold its now -15 degrees where I'm at. I believe my windows are frozen now......

    2. Cook4251


      This morning when i stepped out as soon as that wind hit me, my negro instincts kicked in like this. "I'ma stay black ass inside."

  19. Any good recommended settings for bandicam? I usually just use presets.

    1. Ryon


      I use Fraps, I don't use Bandicam, but I would set it to full frames uncompressed, to capture perfectly. and edit the video afterwards.

    2. Cook4251


      How so Ryon?

  20. Xan makes some cool combo videos, i like them alot.

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