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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. you must be trying to download files from your mobile phone they dont support that even tho you have the ability to do so still
  2. someone did make another no ideal if its any good its base on the new game that is out now mighty max or someone from the game a good wesker from resident evil any character that is decent from silent hill punk man from mega man a better version with all moves more characters from battle arena toshiden i really cant belive no one took time to try to convert any of them other then from the game boy version and some stages a better jason voorhes the evil green ranger from the sega game with the same sprites and same sfx and moves and if possible horny the clown from drive thu
  3. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=f9d5ff3a46afed3a!109&authkey=!AEHcvpScO3E9UiM&ithint=folder%2crar
  4. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/cvs-litle-mac-169026.0.html
  5. iam not sure if he fits in this or not but here you go http://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=11828
  6. dude he gets cream not just by broly and you sure there combos the most i was able to pull off was a 3 hit combo?
  7. http://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=3489
  8. not sure if this is added or not so ill just leave it here http://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=12201
  9. you could try and pm phantom blood its worth a shot specially if you have something to trade him as well
  10. [Info] name = "STAGE TEMPLATE" displayname = "Vegeta's Stage SB1" versiondate = 11,16,2010 mugenversion = 1.0 author = "Ryon" thats the stage i used honestly i havent try any other stages out yet being the fact i hardly play mugen as it is but when i seen broly being made i had to get mugen again well i know for a fact it isnt mugen that is messing up and if it isnt a issue with the character then its probably the stage its self then ill boot it up and try another stage again and see if it happens
  11. https://youtu.be/DshsZQUljE4
  12. the screen shakes and you can see purple in the ground ill try to get a video of it
  13. i can do you one better since i cant remember which ones http://mugenarchive.com/forums/ some that you are missing can be found here
  14. he isnt to bad his taunt seem to low and any plans of making the saber mans as a hyper since he did do that in the show and also on dbz legend
  15. questions ever thought of using the sprites from the final fantasy tactics
  16. got to try him out a few minutes ago love the sprites but so - so with the character its self i have yet to find a single combo and he gets murder with not even a single chance against broly. he is by far the best version of bardock so far any chance in seeing a transformation into his ape form?
  17. would you ever consider doing a english voicepack for broly. btw i dont know if this is a bug or not but when broly stomp you into the ground the bottom is turn purple
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