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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. Your missing one character you should list it even tho its private who knows you might get it from someone ill have to look on youtube for it again
  2. Wasn't there more characters then this
  3. I never heard of this fighting game until now honestly I wouldn't say it's the worse tho I seen games that would make you cringe
  4. meaning nobody wants to make them
  5. Can you make a media fire link or a alternative then mega plz
  6. he not the only one who made sprites of that character you know there was another
  7. Well this wasn't expected not sure why I seen this now but in any case I may not always be the most cheerful or the most social person on here and can come off as a total dick. But you have help me out majorly a lot when it come to mugen and although we had talk here and there a few times I do consider you a pretty good guy although I do wish we could play together on xbox since we may never play mugen together until they fix the muiltplayer of mugen I hardly come on here much as I use too. And my facebook isnt very reliable to reach me at but you could always message me at any time if you wish to talk or on xboxlive gamer tag darkblood66669.
  8. fire drop or drop box are the best since they don't really care what you upload so no need for copyright notices You forgot zippershare Uploaded.net The rest you can find here http://thetechreader.com/tech/15-top-free-file-hosting-sites-2015-reviews-and-ratings/
  9. ahh i see what you did there thats why i didnt know for sure btw love the new look on here
  10. alot of the photos on here are offline btw here a new character <Mod edit: Blacklisted URL removed>
  11. i just lol at reading this comment more then i should
  12. beat me to it lol i didnt see that
  13. https://www.mediafire.com/?eimfn7b6r4cizdw
  14. https://www.mediafire.com/?eimfn7b6r4cizdw
  15. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/skeleton-golden-axe--169173.msg2163899.html#new
  16. i have never try any of your characters other then some of your digimon has nothing to do with your characters personally its just there way to many of the same characters and the different play styles of all of them that makes me uninterested and not jump for joy with that being said you are a great creator dont let some crap that didnt pan out the way you want discourage you. you have to pick your self up and start over you can do it after all your digimons are awesome i have all of your characters on my mugen
  17. we all know there are different ports to playing mugen that doesn't involve a pc but are any of them any good? well there pain town which uses a port of winmugen still being worked on http://paintown.org/#/home there also ShugenDo which i thought was a dying project but apparently it isnt http://sakirsoft.com/shugendo/ and then there 2 diffrent ones for the psp both are long dead SofiyaCat and OpenMugenPSP i mostly made this tread to see if anyone else uses anything rather then there pc to play mugen also to see if anyone else found any other ports to mugen
  18. http://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=12357
  19. decent no but it isnt the worse as far as people accepting feed back and applying it to whatever there working on he isn't the first there a few here and a few in the guild that doesn't lets just say its wasting the time energy and your breath by stating what should be fixed when no one wants to listen iam not trying to bash anyone iam just saying what the point in bring up what needs to be fixed by certain people who have a bad rap already of not doing what needs to be done when your being nice and stating what should be fixed and helping by pointing it out
  20. ever thought of just copying and pasting every stage an character that you want on a notepad save it as a text file so whenever you want to start over your have it and also make a clean select file for your mugen so if you did mess anything up you have a back up of the original one
  21. i dont have any clue where to put this so ill put it here does anyone know what ever happen to this project it was dated back 3 years ago has it been released or is it still going or did he just stop altogether http://mugenguild.com/forum/PHPSESSID.sgmg3e68m07l0l763rmv7b9rr3/topics/stay-puft-marshmallow-man-char-139151.40.html
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