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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. Abraxas took a glance at his watch again. Detective Abraxas: I am terribly sorry, but it seems like it is time for me to take my leave; there is somewhere that I must return to. I am certain that I will meet you all at a later time, so, until then, take care of yourselves. The man waved at the group and proceeded to make his way out of the Warrior's Hangout, followed by his entourage. The guards outside, however, did not depart with him as he made his way through their barrier. He came to a halt by someone decked in armor and seemed to whisper something to them before continuing on his way out of the area. Penelope let out a sigh of relief. Penelope: Man, something about that guy makes me really nervous...
  2. Abraxas carefully watched the recording, paying closer attention to the creature than anything else, but still keeping an eye on the methods they used to attack it. Once it was over, he nodded. Detective Abraxas: It seems like our work is cut out for us. We have yet to encounter that variation of creature, but it seems as though it is one of the more capable of them. It seemed to be highly aware of its environment, though not to the point of omniscience as it was clear there were vulnerabilities in its style of combat. However, that ability to absorb projectiles could be quite troublesome...I would not want to face them in a group. The one you faced was quite easily the most intelligent and capable of the creatures we have encountered thus far. It makes me wonder just what else is in store. Detective Abraxas: Actually, yes, she is a former commander of a now-defunct unit formed during a somewhat turbulent time. People often referred to them as "Crusaders", though if there was any kind of crusade, you could say that it was against the monster forces that originated from the witches that once plagued the land. It's strange now that magic which was once seen as a bane upon humanity is now widely recognized and loved, and Her Majesty doesn't even bat an eye at the thought. Detective Abraxas: Unfortunately, yes, the chance for a portal to reopen is always out there. I suppose it would be safe to assume that a portal is always persistent in an area, but remains mostly invisible to the naked eye when inactive. If I had to guess, they leave some manner of "residue" in the area they opened at previously that regathers when it is time to open again. I just wish there was some way for us to confirm that theory. Detective Abraxas: Haha, quite eager, aren't we? It seems that not even a foe as dangerous as that one can dampen this one's spirits! He proceeded to check his watch. Detective Abraxas: Ah, I have to return to what I was doing soon. Before then, does anyone have anymore questions?
  3. Detective Abraxas: Unfortunately, our efforts to find some manner of weakness were probably as successful as your own, though we may have battled much different creatures as well. So far, only brute force has sufficed in ridding of the creatures; I do not doubt that there is a shared weakness among these creatures, but, chances are, we do not have it. Neither our magics nor our weaponry were enough to fell them quickly. All I hope is that the samples we could retrieve will prove fruitful in the labs they are in. Penelope quietly smiled at Flandre to show that she was at least listening. It sounded like they were all safe, at least. Detective Abraxas: Yes, there are many more of those creatures. Intuition suggests that they are most likely from another world, though what that world may be is unknown to me. As far as how many there are...well...they may be as infinite as whatever universe they reside in. Our branch has battled at least four types of them already. While I am on the subject...would you be willing to describe its appearance to me? Knowing as much as I can possibly figure could help in determining a way to halt their entry into our world. Detective Abraxas: Considering the circumstances, I would not be surprised if you start to see more of the Royal Guard making their way to your establishment; to have the possibility of an encounter while being able to train in the same area would be like a dream to some of those among their ranks!
  4. The man proceeded to bow. Detective Abraxas: Ah, where are my manners! I am Abraxas Haydn, a detective of sorts. I am the one His Majesty goes to when a case proves to be...abnormal. The man chuckled, seeming to find humor in the situation. Detective Abraxas: Haha, you don't have to worry; the goo in front of the building is enough proof for us. However, his amusement quickly faded away. Detective Abraxas: What we are doing is ensuring that, should another appear, it doesn't manage to escape. Detective Abraxas: Normally, I would not be so keen on sharing that information with you. However, considering the cirumstances... Detective Abraxas: That was not the only one of its kind. Perhaps you may have seen the previous scene on your way here? That, too,, was another occurrence of the same type: a vortex appears, a creature leaps out of it and causes havoc. We were able to dispatch the creature before we suffered any casualties, and had the same result as the creature you slew outside. I can confirm that the creature was no longer a threat after its body collapsed into the strange goo; I have a feeling the same applies to your situation. But... Detective Abraxas: Those vortexes can reform at any given moment. There are currently five other sites that are actively being monitored at the moment, three of which have reopened and created multiple creatures, each different from the last one. Intel also reports that activity is greater outside of the city and within Applebell Forest. And all of this has begun happening within the last week. Detective Abraxas: Would you happen to have anymore questions about the situation? Oh, and do please keep this information to yourselves; sight of the vortexes is causing enough of a panic as it is.
  5. As soon as the group made their way into the hangout, Penelope was there to greet them. She immediately ran over to them, clearly very worried about them. Penelope: Omigosh, what the heck was that thing? Are you guys okay? Did it do some weird super infection thingy?! Not long after the girl worried about(and hoped for) something weird having happened to them, a young man made his way in after them. He whistles upon entering the building.
  6. The barrage of attacks all struck the creature at the same time. This appeared to be too much for the creature, as it was soon fell backwards and faded into a somewhat large puddle of purple goo. Shadows seemed to be visible around it, but it did not take the same shape as the creature's body. With the creature's defeat, the vortex soon close, leaving the goo that once made up the creature's body behind.
  7. The creature proceeded to roll forwards and to the left of Lightflare, causing the axe blade that was lodged into its back to finally cut through the flesh, the blade taking a somewhat sizable chunk out of its back, though this seemed to do little to slow the creature down. Because of this, both of the punches aimed at it would narrowly miss their mark, though the orbs would strike the creature, this time appearing to have a proper effect as it seemed to take a moment for the creature to fully stand up.
  8. As LightFlare came in to seal the creature, it swiftly lifted its claw up, blocking the strike being used in the attempt to seal it. The energy used in the seal was also absorbed within its claw. It proceeded to rush towards him as he attempted to create some distance between it and himself and quickly swiped its claw diagonally upwards and to the right in an attempt to severely injure his torso, causing Flandre's dive to narrowly miss its mark, but place her directly behind the creature. The incoming barrage of orbs from Raina were partially absorbed, though several still managed to strike the creature's side, they, once again, did little to impede its progress. Should the attack land, this would additionally drain some of his life energy and grant it to the creature, regenerating the damage from the axe's blade, which was still hooked to one of the holes in its body.
  9. Despite the axe being hooked to the holes within its upper torso, the axe seemed to only be stuck upon the edge; no matter how much pulling or tugging was done, the creature was only pulled backwards several inches by the force of the two. When Melina released the chain, the creature proceeded to step back even further, swatting at Melina with the sword arm as she tried to keep it away from Lightflare. It held its claw arm up at its left side, causing it to be struck by the barrage of shots from Flandre, though they seemed to have little effect on the creature as it did not so much as flinch. However, it would also absorb the orb fired towards it by Raina and move its claw arm down to also absorb the chi spear. It did not pursue Lightflare; instead, it allowed him to pull off his attack. It appeared that both arms were preoccupied, so it may have been open to his attack.
  10. The combination of attacks was enough to bring the creature down to its knees, but the axe failed to cleave through its skin and lodge itself within it, though the surface of the skin where the axe's edge struck was visibly damaged. However, there was no blood, only a strange purple goo. This had no effect on the creature as it quickly stood up and swung its sword arm all around itself in an attempt to get the three away from it. There was hardly anything it could do against the portal, it seemed. It was also apparent that its ability to perceive its surroundings was done through means other than eyes. The creature simply held up its claw arm to protect itself from the projectiles coming its way, the hole in the claw absorbing any projectiles that managed to come at it. It was possibly left open by this.
  11. Fortunately for them, and unfortunately for the creature, it was far too close in its charge to recognize the incoming strike to allow itself to evade. Instead, it braced by putting its claw in front of itself, not having enough time to fully protect itself from the attack. This caused it to be struck and sent backwards around 5 feet, leaving it still in the path of the incoming wolf attack. It once again used its sword to swat at the wolves, knocking each one away with a single strike. Seeing the incoming orbs, the creature held its claw up once more. Since they were not aimed directly at the creature, the orbs all struck the area around it. Realizing that it was not able to absorb the incoming projectiles, it swung its arm aside and pointed its sword at LightFlare before running at him once more.
  12. The creature seemed to perceive the attack LightFlare was preparing as, instead of committing fully to its charge, it proceeded to instead leap at and over LightFlare and over the incoming sword, landing around 10 feet behind his back, causing the incoming projectiles once aimed at the creature to now be headed straight for LightFlare. Taking a moment to recover from landing, it would turn around and charge at him once more, remaining in the same stance it was in the previous charge.
  13. The creature missed its attempted preemptive strike, but that seemed to do very little to slow it down. The creature seemed to be able to recognize the encroaching attacks coming at once, and started by swinging its sword arm at the two incoming wolves, knocking the two wolves several feet away with what looked to be minimal effort. As for the incoming projectiles, it held its claw hand up in some manner of guard as the hole within it pulled in both the Light Burst and the orb, the energies used swirling within the hole for a moment before fading away. Putting this on display, the creature proceeded to run straight for LightFlare, both its claw arm and its sword arm held up in preparation for a strike from either one. MEANWHILE, IN THE WARRIOR'S HANGOUT... Penelope felt rather useless right now. Though she had the shadow clone thingy protecting her, it didn't feel right for her to be cooped up with all of these other people while they went on to fight whatever it was outside. But providing moral support was probably really dangerous, too, so she decided to just sit in place and let them handle it.
  14. It was nice to know that there were a bunch of people that always had your back. Especially in a situation like this! Penelope: Oh, I'm fine! But I don't know how long I'll be fine for! Whatever was going on outside was super creepy. Hopefully it was just a super weird concert like she thought, and not...whatever Light thought it was. MEANWHILE, OUTSIDE OF THE WARRIOR'S HANGOUT...
  15. Penelope quietly watched him walk towards the elevator. Maybe he was right about all of that...maybe there was something within her. Maybe she really did need to practice, just like Lilith said. She quietly thought about all of this, until the next distraction came around. Outside, a loud commotion could be heard in the form of screams and roars of fear. Underneath this, a low hum that slowly grew in pitch could be heard, and the wind suddenly picked up into a violent gust. Penelope glanced around nervously. Penelope: Uhhh, am I the only one hearing that? Did the concert start getting wild again? At least, that's what she felt like at first. However, she could feel that something was wrong; she was not in there for that long, and it looked like things were dying down when she decided to come back. There was no way they could start one up and gather that many people that quick.
  16. Penelope: You're right about that...considering everyone that has wound up here can do some crazy stuff! But I'm just a normal girl... Oh, how she wished she could snap her fingers and suddenly be able to sling magic lights and stuff around! But that'll never happen. Not any time soon, anyway. Maybe?
  17. Unfortunately, Penelope was not apt enough to pick up on the general unease in the atmosphere; to her, everything was fine and dandy. But this discussion was super interesting! Penelope: Huh, so you got thrown over here by the weird portal stuff happening, too? She could not help but think about what all of this portal business could mean. Maybe it was like something out of an anime, where a bunch of heroes are gathered up into one area to fight some huge threat? But that would make her ask herself: what was she doing there? She was nowhere near as strong as any of the people there, and was not able to defend herself even in a small school fight without just winging it and flailing. Maybe there was a bit more to this...or maybe she was just overthinking things.
  18. Ah, so they knew each other, too. Man, how come she was always left out of the loop in this stuff? Penelope: Oooh, so you know each other, too? And what's "Ground Zero"? She'd probably get a chance to have a nice talk with her new friend, but for now, it was question time! She was always really good at asking questions!
  19. Penelope turned around to look at Lightflare as he called out to her. Wow, they were not at all panicked, and they had just finished the drill? It looked like going out and staying at that concert for a while was very much worth it! Except she did not remember any of the music played. Oh well, at least she made a new friend on the way here, so it was all worth it! She smiled back at Lightflare. Penelope: Oh, hi Light! Yeah, I, uhh...hehe, I actually went out for a bit to take a look at that concert. But, oh! I also met a new friend, she says she's friends with Raina, look! She turned around and held out her hands towards Flandre, presenting her to Lightflare. Penelope: I decided to bring her here so that she could meet her! But, if you're headed to go grab some food, bring me everything you can! If everyone was eating already, then Raina wouid probably be in the infirmary. But could she go in there?
  20. Fortunately, Penelope would walk in the door right as Lightflare began his search for the girl. She had not known that he was even looking for her, and, had she decided to stay out a bit longer, probably would have caused a huge scene. Regardless, she led Flandre into the Warrior's Hangout happily, and turned towards the girl once they were inside. Penelope: Here we are, the...umm..."Warrior's Hangout", I think is what it's called, yeah! Thank you for using Penelope's Taxi service! So, what's your name? Even after all of that, she still wasn't aware of Lightflare.
  21. Bingo. And she gets a new friend in the process! Now she definitely had to go back to the hangout; she just could not leave a new friend hanging! Penelope: Yeah, that'd be really nice! C'mon, I'll show you where she is! The girl started to make her way towards the hangout once again, now with a little more perk. At least, if she got yelled at, she was getting yelled at with another friend!
  22. Penelope: Oooooh, you know her? Ummm...aaaaare you looking for herrr, orrrrr...? She probably would not be able to answer many questions about Raina, since she knew pretty much nothing about her other than the fact that she was probably from another world? Maybe? Did people here really shoot stuff out and make firework stuff with their hands? There was Lightflare with his fireball things...maybe she was the one who was out of place, now that she thought about it; everyone else could do crazy magic stuff with their hands! This girl looked kind of funny, too...maybe this was one of Raina's friends?
  23. I can't download the NiGHTS stage from Sendspace, are there any alternate links that someone could please post?
  24. The girl heard herself being called by someone. Oh no, was her nightmare coming true?! There was only one way to know for sure...she turned around to face the person that called out to her, put on her best smile, and- Oh, it actually wasn't a super creepy guy this time! That gave her even more of a reason to be as nice as possible. Penelope: Oh, hi there! Are you talking to me? It was safe to assume that she had most certainly gotten her attention.
  25. As the concert was starting to die down, so too was Penelope's enthusiasm. What were they even doing in there? Was it a whole war or something? Man, maybe she should have let herself get yelled at just to see what they were doing. Maybe it was a war simulation thing, and they had to get to the end to fight some really big boss, like a virtual reality game, but in reality! Kinda! Just thinking about it started to make her more excited. If only she could watch it! But there probably weren't any windows she could look through, so her only chance of watching was to go into that hangout place and...face the wrath of the red haired lady. Penelope: (I'm not gonna like this one bit, but if it helps to cure my boredom...!) With slow, careful steps, the girl split off from the slowly shrinking crowd and made her way back to the Warriors' Hangout, glancing around herself as she did so. With the exception of a few...unique people being around, she did not see anyone that might have looked suspicious,, so she slowly picked up the pace, but maintained a walk the entire way. She was going to take her sweet time getting there, since getting yelled at was never fun, even if she got to watch a cool game thingy afterwards.
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