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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. At last, I'm feeling Motivated 

  2. So much more to come as long as the site doesn't keep shutting down ugh 

  3. so how much longer must i wait till i get an creator title just saying >_<

  4. Dragon Ball Fighterz Tien by Ultra Fatality http://www.mediafire.com/file/5cdwp73mrowt8z4/Tien.rar Here's your surprise character release guys i hope you enjoy, more Ultra Fatal "Fighterz" to come Video by Ryon Character by yours truly Ultra Fatality
  5. Just uploaded a surprise release smile and be happy trailer and link coming real soon  more FIGHTERZ on the way ;)


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      I mean it's ultimately up to you in the end, dude. 

    3. Basara-kun


      I'm a year absent and you didn't release more Evil Exes yet?? I'm still waiting for Gideon =(


      (I can help you if Todd needs basic moves BTW)

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Hey i been gone to and i did realease todd and roxy they got nuked when the site went down but like you said you were gone i still have them finished and can rerelease  whenever i just haven't been motivated for awhile now sadly and as for Gideon i did stop working on him a bit because i was working on other wips but hes still in good shape man if you want i'll let you test them all i need the testers badly 

  7. Thinking of releasing Todd without air attacks or crouching attacks he just doesn't have the sprites i'll have to custom sprite it or lazy man way it out I'm at a lost here guys any words

    1. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      It's a stretch but you could make him mentally conjure up psychic weapons that for both his air and crouching attacks if you can't think of anything else. 

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      tryed it didnt go over so well >_<

  8. Ahh the bill has been paid welcome back everyone ^_^

  9. Who wants to do me an awesome favor ^_^

  10. You guys always beat me to this geez but anywho heres a direct link in case something messes up http://www.mediafire.com/file/zc30bz916l9l2eg/Lucas+Lee.rar
  11. He's a pretty good Actor, an great Skater, and now he's going to be a Damn good Fighter, introducing Lucas Lee The Second (Not so) Evil ex http://www.mediafire.com/file/zc30bz916l9l2eg/Lucas+Lee.rar Download Links to my other works are in video description
  12. Guys im so sorry Lucas isn't here yet i got a lot of personal bizz going on right now when im truly free he's yours i promise

  13. So everytime i try to make Lucas release video the program fucking crashes like seriously 3 times in a fucking row -__- i need a new video maker program any suggestions

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      is it free easy to use 

    3. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      Yes and no; there is a trial you can have for it. Only other software I remember for editing is ShotCut. And that's definitely free.

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I'll work with both i guess

  14. I Want to thank SolidSivy for the Lucas Lee Suggestion its working great i just need to make a few pals and he's ready to go 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Homer Simpson, Hulk, Luke Cage that does it for my current special pals

    3. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      You could kinda give him a palette that moreso based on his movie counterpart. I don't think he has black hair in that

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      he wears all black in the movie trust he has it you guys will see it soon ;) real soon

  15. Heyy guess what he does already lol but giving him the skullgirls annoucer voice dude.................................THATS BRILLIANT
  16. Thats funny i used him as an striker for the twins lol wonder how this full version will play
  17. Lucas video in the works right now then i'll make his breakdown then release sorry late replys and stuff internet was off for a bit o_0 the struggle is real 

  18. Alright looks good sad that not all the pals effected the girls but its not your fault its the pals fault but either way it all looks pretty good
  19. Download My Matthew Patel and if you can make 5 or 11 pals for them it would be much helpful
  20. So who wants to make 5 to 11 extra pals for the evil exes ^_^
  21. Quick verbal update on the league enjoy......... Matthew Patel has been released and updates are being added such as sounds and gameplay tweeks but until i know how he plays from other people his update will be on hold till needed or added with other evil ex releases Lucas Lee Trailer is coming real soon so just know he's pretty much good to go stay tuned for the video Todd Ingrim helpers need a voice and i need to work on his mobility hes a bit to slugish so after thats fix he should be A1 as well Roxy needs her voice redone and supers and after that she should be ready herself The Twins are being completely reworked sorry both of them on screen during the whole fight was to hard to code so there being redone so i can have them both on screen but not really ;) more details will come soon Gideon needs his supers and transformation perfected so until then it may be awhile the transformation shit is hard like theres so many glitches that appear so if anyone knows how to perfectly or good enoughly do it feel free to help Thats pretty much it guys -Stay Ultra Fatal
  22. Motivation is in the toilet right now :(

    1. Doomguy
    2. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- You Can Do It!! Because...Waifu Wednesdays Always Brings The Motivation, Yo! Keep Being Awesome!! ^_^


  23. Who should I Release next Altiar, Kagetsura, or Lucas Lee FYI Lucas may take awhile not to long though I Swear it ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Basara-kun


      Lucas Lee here too. Don't let those SPvTW chars get more dirt in your PC =P

    3. Doomguy
    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Alright Basara oh and hey how did you like Matthew i need notes to better him 

  24. As the title says does anyone know how to do this i can only get one intro to play does anyone know how to get multiple specials to play like for example evil ryu and evil ken have a lot of special intros together so if anyone could tell me how this is done........ -That'd Be Great
  25. Has anyone learned an decent super armor code yet

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flare-Gamer-64


      I think so. I'm not a real creator so I have no idea.

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      oh alright i'll check him out

    4. Flare-Gamer-64


      Here's a video demonstration of Glitch Sans: 


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