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Everything posted by Risotto

  1. Hi pals, sorry for the wait, my internet was cut for my house moving. Now its ok, all i need is a fix for my BIG and correct some cns, the character is mostly done, just one touch and it will be a decent release (i hope ^^), i think about a video exhibition for the char, the important thing is i didnt want to release a crappy char, so its took more time than foreseen, a little more patience !
  2. Errr...cannot PM to your account Bore its said "this member cannot receive new mesages". Any way to bypass ?
  3. And me who sought after complex manipulations when it was just a "postype" to set...lol You save my day, thanks !
  4. Hello people, this time I try to correctly position a pic for my B.I.G victory animation => in this animation he walk out the screen then a big pic of him appear on the opposite high corner of the screen (to surprise the player as if B.I.G has jumped on the screen), so my point is : the image position, I want it to position itself at the exact opposite top hand corner of the screen B.I.G depart too, however after many try the image (coded as an explod) dont position itself correctly as you can see on this pic : In this case it should position at the top left hand corner of the screen however it is not the case and the image appears misplaced all the time in many stages so how can i manage to force it to appear exactly at the top hand corner of the screen ? Here the code I using : [state 183, 7] type = Explod trigger1 = Anim=182 && AnimElem=16 Anim = 186 id = 186 pos = 0,0 sprpriority = 100 Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
  5. (Update, Notorious B.I.G, i will send the alpha version to trusted one)
  6. Here you have mah boi ! (Though minus the green guard bar above the char)
  7. Yoshikage Kira in his Kousaku Kawajiri awakened form ! Entirely new character (stand mode ect)! ASB standard for MUGEN ! Amarimono quality ! Video : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24230569 Download link : https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=B733B36D722D358F&id=B733B36D722D358F%21135&sc=documents The kid in the background (Ayato Kawajiri) is a reverse supporter char and can be disabled in kousaku config.
  8. Yes, needs helpers however. See omegapsycho's lab bosses and his large stage : you can jump on invisible platforms. So its possible if you join a "helper" char with the code needed for the stage.
  9. Thanks you very much for you proposal ! Actually i trust you, I will send you an early beta of the char but only after i corrected some animation and sounds accordingly.
  10. Thx for your help ! However the trigger dont work properly...i put it under the first trigger of the 2007 state but B.I.G stay in mid air when punching. If i modify the two lines of code the p2 follow B.I.G until he land instead of falling on the ground, which is worse.
  11. Hi people, here my trouble, when i launch my special move with B.I.G all doing well except during "throw" phase (3 phase : B.I.G jump, catch the opponent, punch then release him), the char float above the target as you can see in this pic : Here the code for the move (in red the faulty one) : ;B.I.G Grasp (jump) [statedef 2006] type = A movetype= A physics = N velset = 4.5,-10 anim = 2006 [state 2006, 0] type = HitOverride trigger1 = time = 0 time = -1 attr = SCA, AA, AT, AP, NA, SA, HA, NT, ST, HT, NP, SP, HP slot = 0 stateno = 2008 [state 2006, 2] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = time = 0 value = 1, 8 [state 2006, 3] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = time = 0 value = 11, 19 [state 2006, 7] type = gravity trigger1 = 1 [state 2006, 8] type = hitdef trigger1 = vel Y > 0 attr = A,HA damage = 0 animtype = Hard guardflag = MA pausetime = 0,4 sparkxy = -10,-65 hitsound = S1,11 guardsound = S6,0 ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 0 ground.hittime = 80 ground.velocity = 0, 0 air.velocity = -4 p2facing = 1 p1stateno = 2007 p2stateno = 2011 [state 2003, 6] type = ChangeState trigger1 = MoveGuarded value = 2008 [state 2001, 1] type = turn trigger1 = MoveContact [state 2001, 1] type = turn trigger1 = P2Dist X < 0 && MoveGuarded [state 2003, 6] type = ChangeState trigger1 = vel y >= 9 value = 2009 ;B.I.G Grasp (punch and tail) [statedef 2007] type = S movetype = A physics = S velset = 0,0 anim = 2007 sprpriority = 3 ctrl = 0 [state 2007, 1] type = TargetBind trigger1 = Time = 0 pos = 15, 0 time = 66 [state 220, 1] type = PlayerPush trigger1 = time >=0 value = 1 [state 2007,2] type = PosAdd trigger1 = Time = 0 x = 26 y = -1 [state 2007, 3] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = AnimElem = 4 trigger2 = AnimElem = 7 trigger3 = AnimElem = 10 value = 1,4 [state 2007, 4] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = AnimElem = 10 value = 1,18 [state 2007, 5] type = TargetLifeAdd trigger1 = AnimElem = 4 trigger2 = AnimElem = 7 trigger3 = AnimElem = 10 value = -35 [state 801, 3] type = TargetVelSet trigger1 = Time = 82 x = -6 y = -5 [state 801, 4] type = TargetState trigger1 = Time = 82 value = 803 [state 801, 4] type = TargetState trigger1 = AnimElem = 12 value = 803 [state 2003, 6] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimElem = 12 value = 2008 ;B.I.G Grasp (backflip) [statedef 2008] type = S movetype= I physics = N anim = 2009 [state 220, 1] type = PlayerPush trigger1 = time >=0 value = 1 [state 2001, 1] type = PosSet trigger1 = time = 0 y = -14 [state 2001, 1] type = HitOverride trigger1 = time = 0 time = -1 attr = SCA, AA, AT, AP, NA, SA, HA, NT, ST, HT, NP, SP, HP slot = 0 stateno = 2008 [state 2003, 6] type = VelSet trigger1 = Time = 0 x = -2.5 y = -10 [state 2220, 120] type = VelAdd trigger1 = Time >= 0 y = 0.45 [state 2003, 6] type = VelSet trigger1 = Pos Y >= 0 x = 0 y = 0 [state 2003, 6] type = ChangeState trigger1 = Pos Y >= 0 value = 2009 [statedef 2009] type = S movetype= A physics = S velset = 0,0 anim = 2010 [state 220, 1] type = PlayerPush trigger1 = time >=0 value = 1 [state 3009, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = time = 0 value = 1, 9 [state 2001, 1] type = HitOverride trigger1 = time = 0 time = -1 attr = SCA, AA, AT, AP, NA, SA, HA, NT, ST, HT, NP, SP, HP slot = 0 stateno = 5050 [state 2003, 6] type = PosSet trigger1 = Time = 0 y = 0 [state 2003, 6] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 [statedef 2011] type = A movetype = H physics = N ctrl = 0 velset = 0, 0 [state 2011, 1] type = NotHitBy trigger1 = 1 value = SCA [state 2011, 1] type = PlayerPush trigger1 = 1 value = 0 [state 2011, 2] type = posset trigger1 = 1 y= 0 [state 2011, selfstate] type = changestate trigger1 = time = 220 value = 11556 [state 11556, die] type = SelfState triggerall = life <= 0 trigger1 = 1 value = 5050 ctrl = 14 [state 802, 1] type = ChangeAnim2 trigger1 = time = 0 value = 2011 [statedef 803] type = A movetype = H physics = A ctrl = 0 [state 803, 2] type = NotHitBy trigger1 = 1 value2 = SCA time = 3 [state 803, 3] type = SelfState trigger1 = Pos Y >= -3 value = 5100 [state 803, 3] type = SelfState trigger1 = vel Y >= 9 value = 5100 By the way if i want to add sparks for the hit (punchs hit during the throw) were must i add the values in the code ? Sorry pals, my questions can seems ubernoobs ones, but i'm not a coder and i dont like ask help, but i have tried many unsuccessful manipulations...
  12. Hi guys, long time no see ! I come with a good news for JJBA fans. ==>At the end of this month, august 2014, I will release part V "Notorious B.I.G" as my very first custom char for mugen. Expect an average char with 3 supers, one or two special moves and custom stats (like slow regeneration or wall cilmbing), not cheap, just what we need.
  13. Very good looking char, 1 endorsement for you ! Keep it up !
  14. Oh my. Didnt know about this "david bell" char. Seems like a cheap edit after all, however the sprite of the car is still worthy, even if Z.Z is just a copy from dio upper body, it needs tweaks and personnality at last its better than nothing.
  15. Part 3 character Z.Z and his stand "Wheel of the fortune" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35jSsqKDQB8 The password is ZZ (dont forget capital letter). EDIT : "David bell" char edit apparently. Thiys guy should give credit to original creator at last. If you dont know who is Z.Z just wait until next JJBA episode in english come out (PartIII). It just after the "Empress" episode. This char color is based on his first apparition in "Heritage for the future", green car. Otherwise see : http://jojo.wikia.com/wiki/Wheel_of_Fortune
  16. Not bad at all. ASB sensations are fully reproduced, however this char needs some tweaks (his standing projectile not matching the gun position, his speed must be improved).
  17. Some japanese guys added ASB Fugo voice to my edit, furthermore increase ASB sensation, there the link : https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=820CB030B6B42E04&id=820CB030B6B42E04!105
  18. Glad to see you edit Khan, its a good work. If you dont mind about, Tower of Gray is actually the worst jojo char ever in mugen universe, no accurate from his in game counterpart which is rather simple yet. A good edit from it should be awesome.
  19. Niiiiice ! I found it yesteday morning, he is more close to his manga counter part than his ASB version on ps3 from my point of view. Maybe author will make him again but with his "C-Moon" and "Stairway to Heaven" stands. Currently he use "Whitesnake" which can seal opponents memories (in muge one of his super seal opponent stand ability for a short time). Others jojos chars are actually WIP, Annasui by Chiyuri for example. Anyway will you release your delightful lifebars one day ?
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