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Everything posted by Risotto

  1. Hello folks, i have trouble with my code, when i crouch with my char he can walk forward or backward but then the crouching animation freeze on the first frame. The crouching animation get back to normal after one attack but it freeze when i walk forward while crouching, here my code : After some test its seems the problem is in the first part of the code the walk forward crouch animation, however I've failed to find the culprit in the code, can you see what I've done wrong ?
  2. You just have to modify values in states files, some super moves are in the main cns,bwhen you have multiple cns files try to find the one with the moves inside. So open your char in fighter factory then go for the states files then use alt+f and search for the super move by typing the correct animation number then you will find the values you have to modify, usually the "damage" ones.
  3. Hello folks, just wanted if you know any method to put a specific animation for a character's last round defeat rather than one ko animation for all rounds. I mean, for example, putting a "crouch down" animation for any ko and a "lie down" animation for the last round if defeated.
  4. Hello people, sorry to bother you but I really, really need help about making a voice pack for a production of mine => some days ago I saved an anime as a mp4 file, then converted it to wav format. I aim to extract all voices from the file but i have trouble since background music stick to voices and effect. So i tried many tricks with Audacity to remove the music but any attempt failed, I tried : -To separate channels with stereo split, but right or left, mono or stereo the music is always here -To remove the music with noise reduction (which reduce the music volume but unfortunately the voices too) -To edit the wav file with effects from music free editor, music still here Dunno how to, definitely. If somebody managed to successfully separate voices and effects from music from a wav file I would really appreciate some tips.
  5. Good idea, nice try but bad execution, no work on sprites as usual with Heal the world, sadly. A good prealpha start thought.
  6. https://mega.nz/#!V1dXCCzZ!Wbj1PFbBsMy3tfxQqM_Ia2TzjxZ-8ERVfLEJqVk3178
  7. No problemo ! By the way, i should publish a vid about my WIP toward the end of december, yet the char isnt ready for a beta release, far too soon. I know Amarimono work on an asb Jonathan and others guys on a Weather Report, Pucci with C-Moon and Sale (from part V).
  8. You can find this char in the mega link, with the others.
  9. Thanks you very much, I will do that !
  10. In each char folder you have to find the following lines in the CNS file => xscale = yscale = Modify the value to obtain the size you want, y for height, x for lenght. Easy as kissing.
  11. Hey people, Can I ask your help about teleportation skill in mugen ? I seek a code which would allow to determine the issue of a teleportation move by pressing buttons. For exemple you do the move, the char disappears, he stay in this state and cannot attack or cannot be attacked until the player push the good button to reappear somewhere in the stage (two locations so two actions possible). Thats the first part of the move, second would be to include attacks. I mean, you do the move the char disappears, you press a button he appears to attack at some spot and return in the "disappearance" state once the move is done (at a power cost, for sure), he could do this move as long as he has power, then the player should have to push the button to reappear. To resume, this is how I would to code the "teleportation" skill of my WIP char : a skill to disappear, attack with power cost, and reappear at player choice locations. I think this code shouldnt be too difficult to do but it would save time to me if someone has something like that to share here or at last indications. Regards.
  12. Very good stage, Comiket'sensations in mugen
  13. i asked myself "If Heaven Ascension Dio from EOH was done, what kind of stage could be his ?" then I discovered your stage, all my thanks.
  14. Done. To resume : -He has a good amount of assist chars (kakyoin, avdol for range attacks, josuke, jolyne for close range ect) -He can stop time and use Star Platinum -Sounds come from the ASB franchise I guess, good quality With the exception of the "Giorno's Gold Experience Requiem super" move which can OK a char if hit. this is an overall pretty good char which surprised me knowing heal_the_world past productions.
  15. Unfortunately this is the only video I found about this char. Will post pics later this day.
  16. Here the vid : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27449990 Here the pics: Very interesting character, thought not in the capcom style, a must have for collectors with a solid gameplay. DL : https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=72E038BB10B52804&id=72e038bb10b52804!108
  17. Hi, Why a separate link ? You can pick it up in the pack, the folder's name is "terunosuke voice", its included !
  18. Amarimono's Joanathan will be the best. By the way, seems some guy try to make a Sale (from part V) too, and a Pucci with C-MOON is in production by the same author who released the previous Pucci (with White Snake). For now i'm stucked with Illuso until completion, will be long but I like this character so I dont care. And after that (next year) maybe I will try to do a screenpack, or another part V ennemy (Secco, why not), but for now i cannot guarantee anything except i'm working on Illuso, thanks for your support !
  19. DL link as written, all the previous edits + terunosuke (compare awful previously original and mine with manga colors) + midler (anime stand colors) + mista (white boots) : https://mega.nz/#!JhsWVYaA!GxlkeaZmLNM08t8Q1z7gPB4uKwPC5gy97QX5hz3BGSM Enjoy.
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