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Everything posted by Shinzaki

  1. *proceeds to talk shit about Cory in the House*
  2. Did we get your panties in a bunch or something?
  3. Ah, so he still does things, I see. Well, let's see what we got.
  4. I completely forgot that you said you also made a Spirazzi in DarkRuler's thread. I'll check this out later.
  5. -Never really thought about it. Probably Lancer? As for Master...hmmm....no idea. -Caster probably. Tamamo no Mae/Caster Extra made me like it.
  6. -Mostly from the games I play. -UH....Well there's Aty from Summon Night 3, Nozomi from Love Live, aaaaaaaand......I want to say Homura from Senran Kagura, but I'm not really sure for that series yet.
  7. -Since April, but my first sprites were really bad and I don't want to remember them. -Other people's sprites and designs that I like -As of right now the DBFC/UNIEL style -(Some) people's creativity. -Ryoucchi, for being one of the best friends I could have. -Not sure actually, I mean I'd rather make sure the place is safe first before I actually want to go there. -Why not all of them? -Doesn't mean you're right -Lancer Alter huehuehuehue -I feel like it would end in a draw -They are killed
  8. [Preview] 1.0: 1.1 [Info] Our first stage of 2016. Previous WIP from 2015. 1.0 version is made to look simpler than the 1.1 version. Thanks to Margatroid for improving the original design. This is (loosely) based off of the Ryougi boss fight from Fate/Extra. [Download] http://www.mediafire.com/download/q6cir3f5ncfp6v6/TAR_-Moon_Cell-.zip
  9. Yes, let's not start this again. We get that he's not a great creator, but we need to stay on topic about the character and not how bad the creator is. We don't want this to be like that Elsa thread, now do we?
  10. Bleh, screw this headache.

    1. Galvatron


      The best thing i can tell you to do is try to sleep on it.

  11. As of right now, probably Phantom World All-time favorite. Hmmm...Wish I knew. Kiritsugu Emiya (for the obvious reasons) I don't really play bad games often. I mostly just watch other people play bad games. Yes, I do like pizza.
  12.  I just have a headache right now and the only thing I can think of is quoting JonTron for no reason

    Well I'm gonna go get a glass of bootleg milk.

  13. -Probably Saiki from KOFXIII (I suck at KOF) -Not sure really. -Not sure about this one either since there are so many awesome stages. -As of the Saber Wars event, Nikola Tesla. -Scathach (whenever they bring her back), Okita Souji/Sakura Saber (whenever they bring her back), Karna (when Chapter 5 is released), Mysterious Heroine X (If I can get her by the time this event ends), Sakata Kintoki (when they bring him back), Vlad III, Jack the Ripper, Nero Claudius (because she has a good revival skill), Saber Alter (I need more gold Sabers) are some I can think of off the top of my head. -Probably UNIEL's Steam release -Tamamo no Mae because she's cute and.....well I dunno about which master
  14. All of them Maybe uhh...Karen? Not sure actually. I'm not good at gifts. Maybe games I own?
  15. You'll never get the succ.

  16. Oh no, someone disliked my video. I'm gonna go cry about it in a thread and hope people care about that topic.

    Don't fucking make me laugh.

    1. Vauntellion


      Nice joke, made me laugh a little.

      Oh wait, you're being serious?

      Now I'm dying of laughter, please send help.

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