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Everything posted by Dumanios

  1. Raina walked up and placed her goods. Several new outfits were nice, though unfortunately they didn't have anything quite like her unique outfit. A bag to carry it all as well.
  2. 'Well that's early,' Raina thought. The shrinemaiden got into line with Penny and Melina, waiting for the younger girl's own purchase to be done.
  3. Raina's eyes seem to light up at the site of the bags. Oh this would be so great right now. Counting up her several outfits and the bag, she had enough money thanks to the prize money from earlier. She'd got the outfits she wanted and a bag to help carry all the spare clothes, it was about time to pay.
  4. "Heh, let's take it easy," Raina responded, a smile beginning to form. Raina could already see several outfits she liked. Hopefully the money from winning back in the arena would cover everything she was wanting.
  5. "Hey there." Raina had gone back up to the room to ensure nothing was left behind. Never hurt to be sure, after all. Now that Raina was back, things could get moving.
  6. Candor City Slums Sasuke Uchiha left the alleyway he'd arrived in. The streets reminded the Last Uchiha of Amegakure, with how technologically advanced things were. Though it wasn't as advanced as Amegakure or the newer development back in Konoha, it still clearly beat the older buildings back home. He could clearly see one building in particular, one that reached the skies and stuck out like a sore thumb. Though it seemed important, it'd be better to ask around and gather information. Sasuke entered into a nearby tavern to get some information... A lot of the people present were tough guys who'd give a normal person trouble. Some song that Sasuke suspected Killer Bee might like played faintly in the background, adding to the noise that was already present. "Well, who might you be?" a shady-looking man asked the last Uchiha. "I'm from out of town. I'd like some information on what's going on," Sasuke asked. Two thugs had appeared to flank the shady-looking man, both heavily tattooed. "This punk givin' you trouble?" "There's no need," the shady-looking man replied, before turning back towards Sasuke, "it's unusual for someone from out of town to come to the slums. People tend to stick to the shinier parts of the city." "There's some circumstances surrounding my arrival here," Sasuke responded. "I understand... though you may be disappointed. Whoever you were meeting might have been dealt with," the slick-haired man stated, his words assuming Sasuke to be some crimelord. When Sasuke didn't respond, he continued. "It used to be that in this part of the city the police didn't do much. Crime was rampant and whatever crime was stopped was done by vigilantes. That's changed recently, there's been a new group around here. They call themselves the Knights of the Forsaken." The black-haired man expected Sasuke to react, only to be disappointed, so he continued, "those guys have caused trouble for just about every gang in the slums. No common thugs or riffraff can stand up to them." "I see," Sasuke said, "what's their goal?" Sasuke had a bad feeling about this group. "The Knights wish to bring peace to the streets of Candor's slums, peace that the royalty hadn't been able to bring before. And I'd say they've done a good job of it." "Are they opposed to the royalty as well?" Sasuke pressed. "No, they aren't. Not officially anyway. Technically, they're working for the King and Queen. But if you ask me though, the writing on the wall is clear. 'We're the ones protecting you, not them', it's only a matter of time before they make it official," the greasy-haired man stated. Akatsuki was once an organization dedicated to peace as well, before becoming the villains they were. It seemed these Knights might make the same transformation into tyranny. "I see," Sasuke decided to change the course of the conversation, "what's that building in the distance?" "You mean the Warrior's Hangout? That's where anyone strong enough goes. If you're tough, try your luck there," the shady-looking man suggested, a smirk on his face. "Thanks," Sasuke said. Hopefully the Warrior's Hangout would have some more information for him. "I must warn you, it will cost money to join them," the man added. "I'll take that into consideration," Sasuke responded, before leaving the area. He'd gotten what he'd needed from this place. The black-haired man Sasuke talked to opened his phone and called someone. "Another outsider has appeared," the shady man said into it, "he's going to the Warrior's Hangout. He may be of interest to us." "Good, keep track of him," a smooth voice said from over the phone. "Understood."
  7. "Well, I didn't bring much stuff, so packing won't be hard." "I guess though I should explain a bit about me..."
  8. "Sealed away then..." Lilith had already expressed her concerns, Raina would simply be echoing what she'd said. Back in Fantasia, inexperienced seals could become undone by the very beings they're meant to imprison. It seemed that Lightflare's seal was handled well, though, but still... it may be something to watch out for.
  9. Lucent hadn't seemed on edge or bothered when Raina had talked to him last night, but... no, she recalled the slight discontent he'd held when Lightflare and Melina had arrived. She remembered how Anwalt had said that Lucent didn't do "fighting for fun", only "fighting for survival". Lightflare's dark aura had worried even her when he'd first unveiled it... It seemed that while Raina had concluded that Lightflare had it under control, Lucent reached a different conclusion. At least, that's what Raina's thoughts were. A man who fought for the sake of fighting, with an untamed dark side that could take power at any moment... was that Lucent's view on the Martial Artist? With food on the mind, she'd wait to weigh in on this discussion.
  10. "Guess we're right on time," Raina responded. With the amount of food that was there... Raina would have a hard time picking what to eat.
  11. "Well, not everyone has powers, but it's kinda common. My abilities were inherited from my mother, actually. It runs in the family." Raina wondered how things were going at home. Her presence was a big deal back in Fantasia - with her missing just about everyone would be hard at work searching... perhaps fruitlessly. No, Raina would be able to return home once this was over. It was just a matter of finding the culprit. Fortunately, Raina and Hyde were almost at the cafeteria, the smell of freshly-cooked food helping to serve as a distraction.
  12. "Monsters that can appear anywhere... that must be difficult to deal with," Raina responded. Fighting bad guys was hard enough as is, she couldn't imagine if they could just appear wherever they wanted... like a certain gap demon... No, that possibility would have to wait. "So you only gained your powers after being bitten, huh," Raina asked. Though reminiscent of vampires and werewolves, it was quite clear that Hyde was neither, "that must've been pretty difficult." From everything Raina had heard, it wasn't easy gaining new powers.
  13. "Hey there Hyde! Yeah, food sounds good." While on the way to their destination, Raina felt it a good idea to ask a question. "Say, Hyde, what was life like back at your home?"
  14. 'Doesn't look like she's getting up soon...' Raina concluded. It'd probably be best to get breakfast now. Still, it'd be a good idea to leave a note somewhere for Penelope. Once Raina had wrote a brief note, she went on her way, keycard in hand. The next goal was to find food. Somewhere in Candor City, around the same time A black portal opened, a black-haired man stepping out. He wore a dark grey shirt and pants with a light gray vest. Most of this outfit however was covered by a black coat that reached just below his knees. His relatively pale skin was accompanied by long hair that extended past his ears, and also covered one of his eyes. The one thing that would've made him stand out in the city was the sword sheath on his side... The man who was once the Last Uchiha observed the surroundings. It was clear that this wasn't any of Kaguya's six dimensions, nor was it anywhere he recognized in the Elemental Nations. Perhaps this was somewhere outside the areas explored by ninja, or perhaps another dimension aside from his home dimension or Kaguya's... "Tch," he uttered. For some reason, the space-time technique he used to travel dimensions wasn't working. Was it too chakra intensive now? No, he'd been able to travel to this world just fine, and yet now he wasn't able to leave? Something was preventing the use of such techniques - finding out what would be his top goal.
  15. Raina got up, examining the room. Nothing had changed, it was still the same hotel room that it was earlier. The time on the clock indicated it was morning - not too early in the morning, but not late either. Penelope was still sound asleep, in a position on the chair that had to be uncomfortable... Raina figured it'd be a good idea to clean up and get ready for the day ahead. A morning shower and all that... annoyingly, Raina didn't have any extra clothes... she'd have to buy some with the prize money she got from earlier when she got the chance. While she could use some magic to remove the grime of the day from her clothes, she didn't like to do that all the time.. it'd have to suffice for now. With the morning preparations done, breakfast would be a good idea. The only choice before that though... wake up Penelope now or wait till she wakes up on her own?
  16. 'Huh, she's already out... guess it's been a long day for her too...' Well, with how long a day it's been, Raina figured it'd be a good time to go to sleep. Hopefully she'd be out soon. Maybe tomorrow she'd talk to Penelope or Hyde a bit more, since they both seemed to be in the same situation as her.
  17. "Thanks," Raina responded. Once Raina got to the right room, she swiped the card and got into the room. A very nice room it was, although... "Do you want the bed?"
  18. Raina turned. Having been defeated by the door, she had realized it required a key, keys hat Anwalt currently held. Seemed Raina still had a lot to learn about the outside world. ”713 sound alright to you, Penelope?” Raina asked. @A person
  19. "Alright! Let's go ahead to our room," Raina exclaimed. Penelope was a nice kid, probably about five years younger than Raina. She reminded the shrinemaiden of Kana back home, the little spirit who constantly tried to prove her strength. While Penelope's drive manifested in different ways, there were some similarities, and they'd probably get along. Her thoughts turned to the rest of the people she'd met. Hyde... she'd barely interacted with him. He seemed to mostly keep to himself, all things considered. Maybe she should try and talk with him later? Lilith (and wasn't that a coincidence?) was... rather similar to the Lilith she knew. Although they looked and fought nothing alike, they were both very serious individuals that focused on fighting. It seemed though that this Lilith fought for fun, while Lilith Ohtonkah only fought when necessary - something that made her not exactly fit with the rest of Fantasia... Lilith's quest to find this 'Darkflare' was now what motivated the party, it seemed. Hopefully Darkflare would tell them some important information. Anwalt and Lucent both seemed like decent people. Anwalt was someone who could fight well and did it for fun - he'd probably get along really with Nanye. From what Raina had heard of Lucent, he only fought out of necessity, with a past life that lead to a dislike for it. Raina had fought a guy like that once, motivated by anger and loss and desperation, with a desire to wipe out all monsters in Fantasia. With a guy like Anwalt around though, he wouldn't ever become like that guy. And Lightflare... a strong man with a welcoming aura and personality, but a hidden dark power within him. He'd be a powerful ally... or a grave foe, should that darkness take over. From what Raina could tell, he had that dark power under control. And why was something in the back of her mind saying he was familiar, anyway? "Ah, here we are."
  20. "A mage, huh? That does make more sense than a full transformation." With Melina's announcement that the kids would have to share a room with someone, Raina figured that she might be a good candidate for Penelope. "Hey Penelope, would you mind sharing a room with me?" Hopefully Penelope would have a response.
  21. Raina turned to check in as well. Truth be told, she was considering joining Melina by the pool, though she didn’t bring anything appropriate for that occasion. Maybe the hotel had their own swimsuits? Raina listened and heard Anwalt call the new stranger his sibling. Lucent transformed? Was he a Thunderbird? “Lucent, right? I didn’t expect to meet someone who could transform.”
  22. Raina hadn't been sure what to expect of the Hotel, but it was way larger than she expected. It was a lot larger than any building she'd seen in Fantasia, save perhaps Gertrude's home and Andrealphu's lair, which both had their own weird circumstances... Lucent said they'd be staying there for a bit. It's... what would Raina do with all the space she'd have?
  23. Raina turned to watch the fight going on. Lilith was facing off against a blonde woman Raina didn't know. While Raina was interested to see what sort of style the other girl - Melina she believed the name was - was using, Lilith's style held several similarities to Lightflare's... interesting..
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