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Palette Guru
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Everything posted by FarHarborButcher

  1. Upload an image to photobucket or something, open it in a new window, then on here click the image icon and post it's link.
  2. Nice, It's very good, Better then the other in my opinion although he seems a little bit too strong, But nothing lowering his attack and defence a few notches won't fix i don't think, Not too overpowered. This is for sure my new deadpool on my roster.
  3. Nice, Hope it really is better then the other one.
  4. Hmm..it Doesn't seem to work when i try to put in videos like yours, it appears fine but when i post it it is blank, So i guess i'll post it like this with the link for now.
  5. This is a download for the stage apparently it's called Degeneration X, It's where i found the picture. I haven't downloaded it though. http://marthbelmonth.webs.com/stages.htm
  6. So basically what the title says, Post a video you are watching or one you like or whatever, You can also say what movie or TV show you are watching. I found this pretty funny.
  7. I see, At first i thought it was the full mugen game you downloaded of it or something, Now i see why it's not in help.
  8. Interesting, Why was it forbidden anyway?
  9. Well on the main page there's an option that says mugen help. If you haven't found it already, http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/forum/31-mugen-help/
  10. Oh sorry, it looks like your avatar is yelling at me as i read your post o.o. Cute thread bro, I dunno what's wrong with it but you could try downloading it from somewhere else? gl and sorry i can't be of any more help, Also i'm not sure but it looks like you might get more help in the help section for this.
  11. Another character already, Nice job.
  12. How come you keep thumbing up your own comments? Lol
  13. Think i like her already lol, But seriously i like the collections, Especially the DC one.
  14. What can it do that Mugen 1.0 can't?
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